Sentences with phrase «to sleep a lot»

Many babies sleep a lot better together with their mom during their first months of living.
Had you simply set up a monthly contribution to that same fund you would be sleeping a lot better at night.
For the first few months of his life, a newborn sleeps a lot.
I think it's partly because I'm so used to it and partly because this baby sleeps a lot more!
Since many dogs sleep a lot during the day, this important sign is easily missed.
As baby sleeps lots of time, the parent wants to make sure its sleeping environment is safe.
That's been... you know, you don't sleep a lot when you try to do that.
It often seems to us that our cats sleep a lot because they sleep during the day when we are awake!
Since puppies sleep a lot, we are hoping one of these retrieval times your puppy falls asleep inside its crate.
Even though you probably want more time to bond with them while they are awake, they will soon be mobile and sleeping a lot less.
My son is energetic, independent and fearless, he is a picky eater, and even as a young baby, he didn't sleep a lot.
I did nt feel I needed to sleep a lot as my body was packed with the best fuel it could have to function for the daily needs.
In addition, try to wean your baby from the swing gradually especially if you have noticed that your child likes to sleep a lot in the swing.
With my first baby, I thought about sleep a lot because I was worried.
Yes, infants sleep a lot - day and night.
Although newborn babies require a lot of care, they also sleep a lot.
Another interesting discovery is that young flies that are just a few days old sleep a lot more than older flies.
Luckily I had a newborn who slept a lot and time to learn.
It's very normal if your baby sleeps a lot through the day, he or she won't be sleepy at night.
Your baby may want to keep co sleeping a lot longer than you do, or you may want to keep up with these sleeping arrangements long after your child is no longer comfortable.
And babies can easily sleep a lot more than this and be perfectly healthy despite what some people somehow claim.
If your baby sleeps a lot rather than feeding every 2 — 3 hours, you may need to wake him to nurse.
And if your kids slept a lot when they were babies, have they kept on sleeping more than the average as they've grown?
Those who feel tired or sleep a lot suffer from this disorder.
I am completely addicted to my phone and I end up sleeping a lot later than I mean to.
Cats normally sleep a lot but sad or depressed cats sleep even more.
I'd been skipping sleep a lot so it was nice to actually get some, even if I missed some things.
Well, he or she would most likely continue the trend from the last few days, sleeping a lot during the day and waking up a lot during the night.
As we know, and as most parents hope, babies sleep a lot of the time.
I now own a portfolio of mainly ETFs and sleep a lot better at night because of it.
If the newborn sleeps a lot and still has normal weight, you do not need to worry too much.
Puppies sleep a lot and the reason for this is because they grow a lot.
If your dog is pacing back and forth repeatedly, difficulty getting comfortable, or is sleeping a lot less, there could be an underlying issue.
Your new dog may sleep a lot in those first few days (he probably didn't get a lot of sleep with that dog next to him barking all day and night).
The point is that a baby that sleeps a lot more will obviously be kicking less in the womb.
I did read that very intelligent babies do not sleep a lot.
If a healthy baby sleeps a lot at night, he will just «cluster nurse» during the day to make up for lost time.
It is good to know that if a cat sleeps a lot, this is normal behavior.
Now my kids have slept a lot on lots of flights, but mostly they are too excited and quite nosy, so sleep does not come for them whenever I think it might.
In the post-recession business landscape where good jobs continue to be hard to come by, more and more employees across all industries are working harder than ever, even if it means sleeping a lot less.
Newborns usually sleep a lot though they don't sleep for more than a couple of hours at a stretch because of their small tummies waking them up.
And, yes, dogs that stay outside all day are probably getting more exercise than their shut - in counterparts, but they're probably sleeping a lot of the day away, too.
Dogs sleep a lot — between 12 and 14 hours for every 24.
I know, I know, I talk about sleep a lot, and it's probably quite boring, and...
Don't be surprised if your daughter sleeps a lot and at the same time show tiredness sometimes.
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