Sentences with phrase «to snuggle up to»

So instead of running a bath for your kid tonight, snuggle up to read an extra story as a way of signaling sleep time.
One of the most enjoyable activities at Christmas is to simply snuggle up to watch a holiday movie with a steaming cup of Hot Cocoa!
Even though you are home and loving snuggling up to the new love of your life, you may also be itching to get out of the house and interact with other adults!
want very much to have a man in my life.I love to read, go to movies and just being at home snuggling up to someone
Unless someone gets uncomfortably close, they won't be able to tell whether baby is nursing or just snuggled up to mom.
For one, Ioan is now capable of nursing with many of those around me remaining completely unaware that he is doing any more than just snuggling up to his mother.
I am a very out going person I love being around lots of ppl I love going to the movies, camping and lots of different concerts rock concerts are my favorite I love going out to eat and I also like having quiet nights at home snuggling up to my love one and I love animals I come from kentucky so I...
While their favorite sleep bag may not take the place of snuggling up to mom or dad, you are offering them a routine and a piece of familiarity when you eventually have to say goodnight and leave the room.
The benefits are endless: you can wear baby through security, your hands are free and baby is soothed by being snuggled up to mama.
There's nothing like snuggling up to your woman as the two of you watch an old favourite.
If you're looking for something to really snuggle up to on sofa days and chilly nights in bed, these unique gifts are bound to warm your cockles.
Sure you would've liked a natural birth, a baby who slept so soundly you could dreamily relay what a fantastic night's sleep you got snuggled up to them, or a child who didn't have acid - reflux or car sickness in which a pacifier helped soothe those rough times.
The majority of these exoplanets have been found snuggled up to their host star completing an orbit (or year) in hours, days or weeks, while some have been found orbiting as far as Earth is to the sun, taking one - Earth - year to circle.
Just the sheer fact of my lack of physical autonomy — the fact that I sleep with tiny humans snuggled up to me (and all over me), that my body doesn't look the same as it once did, that I've only just now been able to spend a night away from my children — has been enough to highlight just how free my life must have felt before I had children.
Sexy house music is always bumping throughout the bar, and the low ceilings are perfect for snuggling up to someone attractive.
This image on the far right is the result of about 140 days snuggling up to soil micro-organisms.
They make sure the dogs are freshly washed because they even jump into beds and snuggle up to patients.
Find out why people everywhere are clamoring to snuggle up to cats with their daily cup of joe.
Far from being vicious cratures willing to suck a baby's breath, some have even saved abandoned babies» lives by snuggling up to infants that were at risk of hypothermia.
The perfect cozy bowl to snuggle up to in the middle of winter.
Misty likes to snuggle up to older cats and get groomed and nurtured by them.
Her personality slowly began to blossom as she felt more comfortable, especially when she got the chance to snuggle up to special friends like Volunteer Kate Haslbauer and Feline Enrichment Manager Dorit Shani.
There's a reason most HR experts and employment lawyers will emphatically advise against snuggling up to a subordinate.
It also doesn't help that we've taken a giant step back from politically incorrect Truth and snuggled up to media - friendly relativism, the land where everyone is happy and lovely and righteous.
Snuggle up to hand picked Pure Kona coffee beans that you just prepared to perfection, rich and smooth with notes of chocolate in every Pure Kona Coffee sip.
So the trainer snuggles up to the vet, asking him to inject a tad of the elixir to reduce the swelling.
No, I suppose yesterday was when his tiny little 6 year old body snuggled up to tell me about his dreams, with equal wide wonder and magic.
He now usually snuggles up to one of his Jellycat toys when he falls asleep which is so cute.
A blissful afternoon nap snuggled up to your firstborn like you did in the old days is the dream.
On the other hand, I miss snuggling up to the hubby too, and I know he sleeps a little less soundly wondering if he's in danger of rolling onto baby or not.
His favorite spot to fall asleep was on his breastfeeding pillow snuggled up to me.
A dear friend bought me a wrap sling, which meant that I could get out of the house and go for long walks with my baby snuggled up to me, or even breastfeed in the sling.
They will instantly snuggle up to you and recognize this as a safe place.
A cool room will promote better sleep, and if you get cold you can always snuggle up to that body pillow!
The habit I will have to break is that she loves to sleep snuggled up to me through the night (which I secretly love) and always has to have a handful of my hair!
I was puzzled by the following sentence in an article titled Turkey's snuggling up to Russia is likely to hurt it in the February 16th, 2017 print issue of The Economist: Russia needs Turkey to...
Michelle Trachtenberg snuggled up to John Mayer at Soho House in West Hollywood, where sources say she was «flirty» and he was «non-expressive.»
Their deaths would leave behind a pair of black holes snuggled up to one another.
But it shows that 5 billion years after its formation, a planet snuggled up to an M dwarf can retain an atmosphere.
In April, a team reported the discovery of another world snuggled up to a red sun, LHS 1140b, described by researchers at the European Southern Observatory as perhaps the best candidate in the search for signs of life.
Hydrogen and helium dominate the atmospheres of more typical white dwarfs, such as this one (lower left) snuggled up to Sirius (center), the brightest star in the night sky.
As soon as Europeans charted the shapes of the continents in the New World, they began to wonder if those land masses had once fit together, with South America snuggling up to Africa.
The little pink, yellow, and blue packets snuggle up to the salt and pepper shakers and keep you company when you're out to dinner.
People quickly snuggled up to the idea: More than 15,000 donors contributed to the Kickstarter campaign to help get the blanket to the market, where it's projected to sell for as much as $ 279.
Oh and I haven't forgotten to mention that little GIANT clutch from GiGi New York that I'm snuggling up to because I love it so.
With the cooler temps comes beautiful fall colors on the trees, chilly nights spent beside a fire snuggled up to the one you love and fantastic looking, fashionable boots and sweaters.
It's currently 7:45 am on Wednesday, and I am typing away in bed snuggled up to the pups.
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