Sentences with phrase «to soften someone up»

They simply never softened up for me, no matter how long I let them soak.
As your children grow older and begin to understand the need for companionship, they may just soften up with regard to your decision to take a second shot at life.
Once you get the stains out to your liking, toss the diapers in the dryer with a few wool dryer balls to help soften them up if you prefer!
The orange slices are boiled in a sugar syrup first to soften them up so they are perfect for this cake.
If that's the kind you have, you'll need to soften them up in some hot water before adding them to this recipe.
When ready to serve, leave the ice cream out a few minutes to soften up before serving.
Since this jacket is such a statement piece, I wanted to soften it up by pairing it with a feminine floral dress.
It has softened up after washing and drapes beautifully.
No bad taste and soften up quickly, but still hold well in a pocket.
When you're ready to dip the cookie dough balls, remove just a few from the freezer at a time so they don't soften up too much.
Just microwave it with some water in a bowl with a plate on top to steam it and really soften it up.
If they're not completely crispy, the moisture inside will soften them up over time.
Then pop them in the fridge to keep them cold so they don't get soften up too much.
It's softened up nicely, but still looks beautiful.
Steam the apples and blueberries to soften them up then puree with fresh spinach!
Fresh lemon juice and pure maple syrup soften up this angry bunch.
It takes about 45 minutes for the split peas to soften up when simmering in hot broth or water.
Make these to soften up camp 3 (give them the whole pan full).
You can soften up harsh edges if you use the same corner cushions that are used on coffee tables.
Like anything else, it tends to soften up slightly after several uses.
Note: The leather may feel dry and crispy right out of the oven — it will soften up within an hour of sitting out.
It is the perfect softened up green for any area of the home.
The leather used is thick and durable, if taken care of it should last a really long time and soften up with prolonged use.
It wasn't a magic pill or anything, but it definitely helped soften up his skin some, and he was very happy.
Left them in the fridge too long then had to leave them out for about an hour to soften up so I could roll them.
Hopefully storing in an airtight container will soften them up for you.
I roasted it (in bacon fat, salt and pepper) for awhile to soften it up before the magic happened.
It will soften it up enough so can easily cut it in half.
If your dog steps in something gooey, soften it up by rubbing the foot with margarine, peanut butter, or shortening; then work it off.
Cotton also tends to be rough at first use, but they will soften up over time, after being washed a few times.
If you soak cashews overnight AND boil them in hot water for 1 - 2 minutes, it really does soften them up a lot.
I wouldn't suggest it, steel cut oats won't soften up as much as regular or quick oats will for this recipe.
All we've heard from the government here, however, is a bit of softening up of public opinion for massive budget cuts.
Lol, I live in Texas and never has my coconut oil even softened up.
If the nipple and areola are swollen, don't try to nurse without softening them up first.
These statements, paired with comments last year in which she argued that the preponderance of too - big - to - fail banks is still a problem, should allay any concerns that the nation's most powerful financial regulator has softened up on Wall Street.
This means that the flavor gets infused right into the apple, which softens up during the baking process.
The carpenter from the Mineral Games, Gotz is a bit gruff, but softens up once you befriend him.
Stir in the asparagus with another pinch or two of salt, cover with a lid for a minute or two to steam - just until the asparagus brightens and softens up just a bit.
Skull Face is also softened up between games with much of his vitriol and downright diabolical personality toned down.
On beans not cooking through, hard water can also prevent beans from softening up, particularly water with lots of calcium in it.
With whole cipollini, this isn't possible; they're simply too thick to soften up properly using this method — at least, if you want to keep them intact.
And I could feel the leather softening up more as I walked.
The dainty baby lima beans soften up in about an hour without any pre-soaking or fuss.
4) Let all your vegetables soften up for about 15 minutes in the water.
A fluffy flokati rug softens up the heavy furniture and adds cushion to the hardwood floors for playing.
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