Sentences with phrase «to solve one's case»

We've got to solve the case of the broken air conditioner!
A crucial tool in solving these cases is keeping information about missing persons in the public eye.
The disease is the crime, the differential diagnosis list is the suspect list, and the data gained from the exam / testing / treatment are the clues that help solve the case!
One has the feeling of solving the case on his or her own.
You're not actually solving cases by collecting evidence or figuring out puzzles.
I also appreciate how the show doesn't keep playing games with the identity of the killer and even solves the case before the season is over.
Aside from this, you not need worry about attending traffic school as we will solve your case as soon as possible.
As such, he's just another dull, pretty detective who solves his cases too quickly.
«Technology alone won't solve cases, but it certainly helps,» he says.
The Raven is a point - and - click adventure game that offers minimal instructions and allows the player to diligently go about solving the case.
He begins in traffic and works his way up through the detective ranks while solving cases.
They can't tell you what's wrong so you have to be their detective and solve the case so they can sleep.
In the show, the characters decided to start solving cases and make the agency a profitable business.
After gathering all of the evidence necessary, the prompt to solve the case sometimes takes minutes to activate.
It's a little bigger than a regular amiibo figure and can help unlock content in - game to assist you in solving cases.
With the rapidly spreading virus and zombies approaching, will they be able to solve the case on time?
Such as solving a case study mystery, or using their skills to resolve conflicts.
So, even being proactive won't solve your cases 100 %.
Despairing at the lack of clues, Lorne receives help with solving the case from an unlikely source.
In turn, the player plays the part of Hastings guiding Poirot (as a game to let Hastings solve the case for himself as if he is Poirot) to solve the murder and complete other side quests.
This is a common way of solving cases involving car accidents in Riverside because it allows you to save time and money.
Marcus is given comfort as well as assistance in solving the case from an unexpected but welcomed quarter — Clorinda Ainsbury, who broke off their relationship when he asked her to marry him, is a private investigator.
If you're ready and waiting to join Detective Pikachu and Tim Goodman solve case after case later this month, you might want to take a look!
The mysteries you encounter never venture beyond standard territory in regards to using tried and tested whodunnit techniques, but the writers have ensured that solving them feels challenging and most importantly makes you feel like a detective actually solving a case using your wits.
A female criminologist and a retired military detective solve the case as romance sparks between them.
Limitations aside, each chapter gets larger and longer, but fundamentally Detective Pikachu can quickly get repetitive and a little frustrating, due to the fact older players could probably solve each case about 10 minutes sooner than you're allowed to, but are unable to speed things along, as you are compelled to follow a strict narrative, until it is the correct time for you to do what needs to be done.
Heck, there's even instances where Tim and Pikachu get everyone together in a room, so they can solve the case Death in Paradise.
The game however doesn't have this be a stopping point as you can still solve the case even if you don't get all the answers right.
Besides setting up the game's trophies for solving cases without a single mistake and fulfilling a design desire for the player to somehow «lose,» this does nothing but fuel a story twisting itself in knots to make sure the player has something to do.
The hidden object game asks players to help Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde solve cases by completing hidden object scenes.
The game however doesn't have this be a stopping point as you can still solve the case even if you don't get all the answers right.
For one thing, the movie begins in Jerusalem, with Poirot solving a case while standing in front of the Wailing Wall.
But couldn't Dreyfus have just solved the case without pointlessly hiring Clouseau as the press idiot?
It's served me in good stead trying to help police solve a case
An adaptation of the popular genome editor, SHERLOCK may solve cases other diagnostics can't crack
«The mobile policemen will be able to get in contact with remote experts and solve cases more easily together,» explains Dragos ¸ Datcu, a former Delft University of Technology researcher who now heads research for a Dutch AR company called Twnkls.
I think there's a huge connection between solving these cases and the research that we used to do.»
Undercover Heuristic Solves the Case Buses, mobile phones, football: we encounter integer optimization problems in situations where we least expect them.
Zhu Li solves the case of stealing and selling the government relief grains, and decides to finds evidence against Fusong.
In order to keep Trent out of harm's way and solve the case behind the killing that Trent saw, the two have no choice but to go undercover at an all - girls performing arts school, with Malcolm posing as the titular rotund old lady, Big Momma, and Trent dressing up as a heavy female student named Charmaine.
Suspicious of the police's halfhearted attitude towards solving the case, Hyun - tae decides to find the criminal himself and asks Min - soo and In - cheol for help.
Clouseau, leading an international «dream team» of inspectors, tries to bumble his way into solving the case.
The film begins with Poirot rapidly solving a case in Jerusalem, then taking on another in London.
Set in 1979, Mindhunter follows FBI Special Agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench (Jonathan Groff and Holt McCallany), a duo who interview imprisoned serial killers to get inside the minds of active murderers and solve cases currently ongoing.
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