Sentences with phrase «to sort the issue»

"To sort the issue" means to resolve or fix a problem or difficulty. Full definition
Both state and federal laws help sort these issues out.
If you have any issues please contact me and I will sort the issue promptly.
If the effort means coordinating with other departments to help the customer sort the issue out, they must willingly coordinate will all concerned departments.
The review and the measures taken by the club did appear to start having a positive effect as the season wore on and we had fewer and fewer stars in the treatment room, but have we really sorted the issue out once and for all?
Try a non-standard way of sorting all issues with your academic writing.
For example, the Legislative Map tab of the Government Affairs page sorts all Issue Updates and all critical legislation tracked by PIJAC — both active and inactive / enacted — by state.
EA: As we go through the testing for the game, it becomes apparent that a large issue with working with more of the playable area in the game is that there are several sorting issues we always have to vigorously test for.
We're just sorting an issue out for the game not showing up for Kickstarter backers - it should be fixed very shortly!
Until Microsoft sorts this issue out, though, there is one workaround that you can use in the meantime: Cortana.
The phone also never heated up to a troubling degree, something else that was an issue with the Xperia Z5 — that phone got hot whenever we put the processor through a tough workout, so it's good to see Sony has sorted the issue for its latest release.
It is probably for this reason that the Zclassic community was really keen on sorting the issue out.
The only challenge I found was that my wifi signal didn't reach the breaker box, but a $ 20 wifi range extender soon sorted that issue out too.
The only way I can see for SEGA to really sort this issue out would be to effectively redevelop most of the game, to really iron out all the bugs, which would cost too much.
When I finally settled into my hotel and sorted my issue with the tickets to Machu Picchu, (read all about the horror of this on my blog about getting tickets to Machu Picchu) it was already late.
«Party leaders were so keen to win the support of newspapers that we turned a blind eye to the need to sort this issue.
In order to sort these issues out, it will be necessary for me to show how the three conceptions can be found within Process and Reality.
In this instance it seems that the practice was the ideal time, to sort the issue out before there was a problem at the actual ceremony.
Second - place finisher Keselowski was especially displeased with NASCAR's decision not to stop the race and sort the issue out.
what make you believe if he was still here we would have sorted the issues we are currently experienced?
They sorted the issue and got him out onto the circuit but he was two laps down and just had to get stuck in, using it as a test session and hoping for a miracle.
As a result drivers were more - or-less left to just get on with it and sort issues out between themselves.
Until we sort these issues the EPL will remain out of reach.
Sorting your issues out will take time, and all the expert advice in the world will not sort it out for you.
Don't use all your energy trying to «fix» it: Driving yourself mad trying a million different things in the vain hope it will sort the issue.
Government and parliament should sort these issues out, but they clearly lack the nerve to do this and taxpayers are dependent on Mr Shawcross to come up with sensible answers.
The market and human nature are best to sort these issues out.
Sorting these issues out beforehand means everyone can sit back and enjoy the World Cup, without the risk of getting fined and making sure jobs still get done in the workplace.
«I was gratified by the sophistication of the discussion and the determination to sort issues out thoroughly before any research is undertaken.»
â $ œI was gratified by the sophistication of the discussion and the determination to sort issues out thoroughly before any research is undertaken.â $
œI was gratified by the sophistication of the discussion and the determination to sort issues out thoroughly before any research is undertaken.
We expect the engineers from quattro GmbH will have sorted those issues to a degree, let's hope it hasn't come at the expense of general comfort.
Hopefully Renault's reworking of the car will have sorted these issues.
While the freezing / random reboot issue currently affecting some Jelly Bean 4.2.1 users does admittedly take a little bit of the gloss off what is otherwise a super-slick and richly featured operating system, we fully expect Google to sort the issue out with a forthcoming software update.
I just think it will take time to sort these issues out with the appropriate contract terms and negotiable items to be better defined.
But that's why your renters insurance company has lawyers, to sort those issues out so that you don't have to.
Daily walks / jogs, puppy play dates, and even agility or obedience training can sort this issue out.
Holiday extras were excellent in sorting the issue out.
This update makes Hidden Folks compatible with iPhone X, adds a sneak preview of the next areas to the area select screen, makes the game run a little better on older devices, allows you to zoom in just a little bit more on phones, fixes some sorting issues, has a new settings screen (in both the area select screen and in the game!)
Despite it being an ISP issue, the ISP offered us # 50 to sort the issue out ourselves.
The most expensive divorces are the ones where the parties can not come to an agreement on who should get custody or the conditions upon which parenting time are based because trials are required to sort these issues out.
I am a resource to be used proactively and not as a last resort to sort issues and limit damage after the event.
In other cases, you and your spouse might realize that the relationship is salvageable and decide to sort your issues out.
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