Sentences with phrase «to sound daunting»

Making the granola crust sounded daunting at first but your instructions were easy to follow.
I mean, 29 means one more year until 30 and that kind of sounds daunting to me.
It might sound daunting now, but with the right skills and knowledge, it is doable.
If the thought of peeling a bunch of carrots sounds daunting, then don't.
Although their stories often sounded daunting, they assured me it could be done.
Cooking, like many tasks with toddlers sounds daunting, but it doesn't have to be.
Going straight into big boy underwear sounds daunting, but well worth it.
Sitting down to write a play sounds a daunting prospect, to me at least.
The idea of «managing» a group of 30 + students in a classroom sounds daunting to outsiders.
While this no doubt sounds daunting, it's not all dismal news.
Having to balance the pros and cons of every activity may sound daunting until you face a harsh truth: you simply can not do everything the first time around.
For many in the electric power industry, talk of even deeper carbon cuts sounds daunting.
While giving your resume a makeover sounds a daunting task, these resume tips in 2017 will surely give you a glimpse on how employers would want to see your application.
There is so much information out there that becoming an expert sounds daunting, but I have no intention on just jumping in blind.
But even the prospect of an assessment sounds daunting and potentially expensive.
While all of the above sounds daunting and expensive, if you're limited in your time and budget you can do it piece by piece.
This all might sound daunting for a new parent, who could still be tempted to overdo the focus on the infant and how the connection is going — potentially leading to the same kinds of stress and guilt that the attachment parenting movement creates.
It does sound daunting, but then again, BioWare's been proven to be a viable MMO developer already.
The challenge sounds daunting: Use artificial intelligence «to address humanity's Grand Challenges.»
Get more: If the idea of 30 minutes of cardio sounds daunting, McCall recommends circuit training — performing a number of exercises in a row before rest.
# 5 Mis Adventures Of a Home Steadin Mama / / NY Style Bagels Make At Home The idea of making bagels sounds daunting, but not with these easy instructions
Although the longer school day initially sounded daunting to Giovanni, he says that he soon became accustomed to it.
«Digital Rights» — Writers of the Future XXVI, 2010 (First Place (3rd Quarter)-RRB- Read: Print Smashwords Kindle / iPhone / iPod Anthology Builder Nook Kobo Sony Reader Knowles writes with a fresh outlook on sci - fi and has created a strange new world that sounds daunting even if it is far away.
The technical names sound daunting or even scary (inorganic acids, polysaccharide polymers and sulfonated alcohol, for instance), but these CleanStream chemicals (Halliburton's terminology) are found in cheese and beer, canned fish and dairy desserts, and marshmallows and shampoo, respectively.
The idea of gathering, signing, and processing legal paperwork sounds daunting but once you get rid of the mystery surrounding legal documents, you'll soon realize that they're simply a piece of record that is put in place to protect you and your business.
Setting up a media server sounds daunting, but Plex makes it super simple — and dare we say, enjoyable.
This may all sound daunting scary if you are fresh out of University or new to the job market, but there is minimal cause for concern as this company has just won Best Graduate Recruitment Strategy Award and prides themselves on their unique intensive training scheme.
Counting your calories might sound daunting at first.
Gosh, the whole recommendation letter process sounds daunting.
The idea of working on something by yourself for nearly three years may sound daunting for some devs, but for Tarsoly, it was a blissful situation.
If that challenge sounds daunting, don't worry; the «Pricing» unit walks you through the steps to help you nail your price point.
Great idea — but sounds daunting.
It may sound daunting, but hopefully it will make you realise that protecting yourself is vitally important at work.
The phrase «you're having twins» may sound daunting to parents, but having multiples can be a blessing in disguise.
Writing a business plan may sound daunting, but it doesn't have to be.
While about a book a week might sound daunting, it's probably doable by even the busiest of people.
Due diligence might sound daunting, but it's really just an in - depth common - sense risk analysis before closing a business deal.
Building a chatbot can sound daunting, but it's totally doable.
If this all sounds daunting, don't despair.
If that sounds daunting, your goal could be to learn about your repayment options.
If it sounds daunting, that's because it is.
Overall, while roasting a pig (head) may sound daunting, it could not be easier.
Making Red Velvet Cheesecake Bars may sound daunting to some, but they were actually the easiest recipe I made.
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