Sentences with phrase «to spank one's kids»

Controlled discipline in the eyes of this author of I Don't Like Spanking My Kids, But I Do It Anyway is physical punishment.
Take a blog post from some crazy mofo over on noted crazy mofo endtimes bunker Townhall, entitled If You Don't Spank Your Kids, Jesus Certainly Will.
I am by no means a perfect parent (if such a thing even exists) and I've definitely felt the urge to spank my kids on occasion.
The mothers and fathers still spank their kids down there.»
«When I was about 20 years old, I met an old pastor's wife who told me that when she was young and had her first child, she didn't believe in striking children, although spanking kids with a switch pulled from a tree was standard punishment at the time.
When I was about 20 years old, I met an old pastor's wife who told me that when she was young and had her first child, she didn't believe in striking children, although spanking kids with a switch pulled from a tree was standard punishment at that time.
While occasionally spanking your kids when they really mess up probably isn't going to do any lasting harm, routine spanking isn't a very good idea.
If you even talk about spanking your kid, let alone do it in public, there's a reasonable chance that social services will be knocking on your door.
So no, Steve Bannon — the solution to mental illness isn't to spank your kids more.
Does that mean spanked kids * never * go to jail?
CNN posted Spanking Kids Leads to Long - Term Bad Behavior more than 10 years ago.
I try not to judge others because we all have our own parenting challenges, but my kneejerk reaction when I hear about someone spanking their kids (which I still do hear often) is to wince.
I'll be honest, the idea of Jesus spanking a kid, even metaphorically, grates on me big time.
So, it's not so easy to tell parents to stop spanking their kids or to stop having their babies cry - it - out or to be mindful of what childcare provider they choose or any other parenting behavior that does not closely align with Attachment Parenting.
Before you ever consider spanking kids, consider going through these steps first.
Their post sounds like the Pastor at a church that told my mother - in - law to spank her kids everyday no matter what because you don't know what sins they committed that day... Rubbish!
The child welfare system is more likely to intervene in households in «less neighborly» neighborhoods and in which parents spank their kids, a new study shows.
Not that I recommend parents ought to spank their kids either.
The study found that spanked kids tended to have higher odds of being violent toward their dating partners, researchers said.
Some will speculate this is nonsense since Jeff Daniels character hit him with the gavel, but i think this is more like spanking your kid kinda thing..
While there is some kind of justice in calling out and ridiculing bullies, that's a lot like spanking kids for hitting, or sending lifelong criminals back to jail.
I am a staunch believer that a babysitter should never spank a kid.
The Science Of Spanking: What Happens To Spanked Kids When They Grow Up?
As to the I Don't Like Spanking My Kids, But I Do It Anyway author's contention that «We are raising a generation of children who are over-sensitive because they eventually find out that they aren't as good at baseball or ballet as some other kid and their parents promised them that everyone is equal.
If I spank my kids, I'll be called abusive.
How parents gave me permission to spank their kids if I needed to when I babysat, how other parents promised to come straight home from their prescribed weekly date night and spank their kids if they gave me any trouble.
Here's my point — I can't spank the kids I work with.
(Spank your Kids) Don't be another Friend Dare to Discipline.
Leave the decision to spank or not up to the children's parents, as opposed to allowing another parent to spank your kids.
While most pediatricians and parenting experts don't recommend spanking, the vast majority of parents around the world admit to spanking their kids.
While most people (at least publicly) decry the use of spanking as a form of child discipline, more people do spank their kids than they let on.
I am a amazing parent and I spank my kids on occasion.
You don't have to spank your kids to discipline them.
Spanking kids has many bad consequences including mood disorders, substance abuse / dependence, and personality disorders.
It made me laugh to think of you trying to spank your kids!
If you spank your kids and / or you believe in spanking as a form of discipline let me say this before you read any further: 1) If we knew each other in real life, I'm guessing we'd have more in common than we wouldn't.
Rather, they suggest that spanking kids may be less harmful in certain cultural settings.
So I do respect that you totally do not like spanking your kids but I just did not quite agree with you but I do totally repect your opinion.
Am I the only one spanking my kid still??? It worked for me!
I never hit or spank my kids.
According to a recent study, moms who were going through intense financial stress were more likely to yell at their kids and spank their kids.
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