Sentences with phrase «to spay one's dog»

Please don't spay your dog before you read Chapter 10.
Since, spaying blocks the release of primary sexual hormones, the growth of spayed dogs may become slower.
The main reason for spaying dogs is that it reduces the pet population.
While most vets prefer to perform the surgery in dogs not currently in heat, most surgeons will still spay a dog when in heat.
As mentioned, female spayed dogs tend to develop more bladder infections.
We do not spay dogs when they are in the bleeding stage of heat.
You have probably heard people talking about spaying dogs.
Similarly, if a dog is only spayed to prevent unwanted litters, such as in a shelter, most have a policy to spay dogs at age of 8 - 12 weeks.
Most spayed dogs do not display symptoms of false pregnancy.
You may be reading this article without even knowing exactly what spaying dogs is.
However, it is very possible to keep neutered and spayed dogs very fit simply with portion control and a regular exercise program.
This prevents accidental mating that would have dire consequences in a recently spayed dog.
We usually spay a dog when it is around 6 months of age.
The best age to spay a dog depends upon the indication / reason for which a dog is spayed.
In rural communities, veterinarians did not frequently spay dogs and cats until the late 1940s.
The short answer to this question is that you should not neuter or spay your dog before he or she is one year old.
In female spayed dogs, approximately 10 % of dog bladder problems occur within 1 year of being spayed.
It would be ideal to spay your dog when her heat cycle is over.
The UC Davis study fails to mention or compare the protective effect preventing mammary cancer by spaying dogs before their first heat.
It is often reported that after spaying your dog, her metabolism slows, so for adults this may require lower calorie food or a special diet.
Vets are neutering and spaying dogs as early as 8 weeks now, some as early as 6 weeks.
People who wait to spay their dogs until after their second heat greatly increase the risk of mammary tumors in their pets.
Spayed dogs no longer go into heat and so do not experience estrus - related behavioral fluctuations.
For example, a more recent study from the University of Georgia shows that neutered and spayed dogs live 14 % and 23 % longer, respectively, than intact dogs.
Yes, I know spaying my dog prevents mammary gland cancer and unwanted puppies.
Why do people suggest spaying my dog even though I watch her when in heat so she does not get mated?
«UTIs are also more likely to affect older, spayed dogs who experience incontinence,» says Dr. Pam Epperson, AAHA member and owner of the Animal Care Center in West Bountiful, Utah.
Since we can prevent Mammary Cancer by early spaying, consider spaying dogs with a family history of Mammary Cancer prior to their first heat.
Actually, I prefer that over the Proin because spayed dogs are estrogen deficient anyway, leading to the incontinence, so I do nt feel that low dose estrogen would be that harmful tapered to lowest effective dose.
When To Spay Your Puppy Spaying dogs is part of responsible dog ownership.
Senior citizens, age 65 years and older, can purchase a $ 5.00 dog license for neutered / spayed dogs only.
Spayed dogs tend to live longer and healthier lives.
There is a higher risk if the pet is in heat or pregnant because of the increased blood flow and fluid volume, although many clinics routinely safely spay dogs and cats when they are in heat or pregnant.
Spaying your dog reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the risk of breast cancer.
There are many health benefits from spaying your dog and you will be reducing the amount of unwanted litters as well.
Your veterinarian may not be comfortable spaying your dog when she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy, so please contact them as soon as possible after the accidental breeding.
You may be wondering if the new safer methods of spaying dogs really accomplishes all the same benefits as the old way.
Since spaying dogs has so many benefits which we have demonstrated.
Spaying a dog once she is an adult is acceptable as well, although there's a slightly higher risk of postoperative complications in older dogs, as well as in dogs that are overweight or that have existing health problems.
Many shelters insist on spaying all dogs before placement so spaying may be done as early as six to eight weeks of age.
In fact, there is no such advantage, and waiting to spay your dog actually puts her at a disadvantage because she is at a much higher risk of developing mammary cancers later in life.
Question: Can spaying a dog cause a higher risk for certain cancers?
Among the most common problems occurring in the recently - spayed dog concerns loose sutures or stitches.
Not spaying your dog brings huge benefits to her overall health but it also comes with the responsibility of being a diligent guardian to your dog.
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