Sentences with phrase «to speak in church»

But if they are they still can not speak in the churches.
Many of those who spoke in church were already leaders in the congregation, but it seemed that after giving testimony, they stepped up their leadership.
They were owned as property and punished or even killed for the most basic «infractions» (like speaking in church or getting rap * d).
And one day my parents said, you've got to go hear this guy speak in church.
According to the NT Paul was very clear about a woman's place both in the church and in the home, even going so far as to say it was shameful for them to even speak in church in His 2nd Epistle to Timothy.
I first heard J.John speak in a church in Oxford while I was at university.
Her campaign strategy includes speaking in churches and garnering pastor endorsements.
I rarely hear these terms spoken in my church or protestant Christian community.
So we must also come to understand, withrenewed wonder and gratitude, how the Magisterium of the Word made Flesh lives and speaks in the Church with divinely guaranteed infallibility in the essentials of belief and moral principle until the end of the world.
Time and again history has proven the point that if we do not listen to Christ's infallible voice speaking in his Church, then some fallible, culturally appointed cult figure will command our attention — and they always turn out to be false prophets.
When Dr. Earl Radmacher used to go speak in churches, he often would open in prayer before he began to preach with these words:
I remember thinking, «How can I justify speaking in a church when today I'm not sure I believe in God?
One of the leaders of this national outreach program spoke in our church one Sunday and his child had the wonderful testimony of becoming violent with other toddlers in the nursery, both morning and night services.
Unless of course you beat your children; stop your wife from speaking in church; don't eat pork; don't work on Sunday; etc etc etc..
For example... Jesus declared men and women equal, however Paul declared that it is shameful for a woman to even speak in church and that this practice was to be upheld in «all the churches».
Another person — who never speaks in church — revealed how bothered she is by her inability to influence people at her workplace toward making their lives more Christian.
As far as women speaking in the church, mayby there was some specific problems within the church he was addressing at that time, which were as a result of women speaking, Perhaps it isn't that they shouldn't today.
They can't speak in church, but have to ask their (smarter) husband at home.
(Matt 28:19, 20) Why are they content to speak in their church but not go to individual's homes, as Jesus did, to assist them to make changes in their personality that conforms to Jesus life pattern,» stripping off the old personality» and putting on the «new personality»?
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church
Some of the women wore head coverings and none of them spoke in church.
When I was a pastor, Dr. Earl Radmacher once came and spoke in my church.
I knew this was coming because this is something Dr. Radmacher often did when he spoke in churches, but it was still enjoyable to glance around at the people in the church and watch them open their eyes and blink in confusion at each other.
I may be going out on a limb here... but I suspect you agree with women's rights to vote and to speak in church?
The one I often heard was: women are too emotional to speak in church.
(I couldn't help but notice that it all began with a woman speaking in church!)
So Paul said that ONLY in cultures where women DOMINATED men, should they not be allowed to speak in church and have to ask their husbands.
These are just a few examples of the variety I have encountered as I spoke in churches around the country during the past few months.
We spend hours preaching and speaking in churches to educate parishioners and clergy about the new shape of higher education, helping them to see it as resource for, not just recipient of, mission.
Ok Sally, can you now explain why it is that you ignore the part of the bible that says you are not allowed to speak in Church, and why you do not ignore the part that says marriage is between a man and a woman?
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church» (1 Corinthians 14:34 - 35)
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