Sentences with phrase «to speak in tongues»

It is profitable to observe the uses of rhetoric made by scholars from the different fields, although each does speak in a tongue perhaps best understood by members of the same scholarly community.
Then I read scripture and the scripture says that even the demons believe and they shudder, and the scripture says that we can have faith to move mountains and speak in the tongues of men and angels, but if we don't have love then it's still empty.
I once had a Pentecostal tell me that if you didn't speak in tongues then you couldn't be saved.
Other topics likely to be raised at the upcoming meeting include the decision to allow candidates who speak in tongues as possible missionaries.
In the context of Hellenistic religiosity I find the positive significance of speaking in tongues in its ability to answer to the feeling of estrangement from God so characteristic of Hellenistic culture.
Luke's presentation of speaking in tongues as speaking real foreign languages confirmed the missionary thrust of life in the Spirit.
As sociologist of religion Hilario Wynarzcyk explains, the sociological profile of these churches includes leadership by charismatic pastors and a system of practices that stresses divine healing, personal prosperity, spiritual warfare, ecstatic trances accompanied by speaking in tongues, laughing and fainting and liberation from evil spirits.
On the one hand, there is some talk about speaking in tongues in the New Testament, but it seems like people were translating, and at least in Acts it seemed like people were hearing their own languages, not some strange spirit - talk.
Katy Perry sang about kissing girls, and now she's talking tongues: In the new issue of Rolling Stone, Perry reveals that her Christian minister parents spoke in tongues when she was growing up.
A former IMB trustee, who helped put in a place a ban on speaking in tongues more than a decade ago, questioned the new policy, saying it «implies a «ya'll come,» lowering - of - the - bar openness.»
Megan Fox has revealed to Esquire magazine that she began speaking in tongues around the age of 8, while attending a Pentecostal church in Tennessee.
For all these reasons, in a congregation famous for speaking in tongues, Paul had to rate Corinthian Christians as being highly immature, rank beginners, men and women «of the flesh,» «babes in Christ,» «children in their thinking» (I Cor.
You have a second exhibition at the Hotel Metropole (8 May - 2 July), how does the work you are presenting tie in with Speaking in Tongues?
Episcopal Bishop Francis Bloy of Los Angeles quickly forbade group meetings «under any semblance of parish auspices to be held where speaking in tongues is encouraged or actually engaged in.»
There are some churches out there that have times in their weekly services where they engage in practices like speaking in tongues, prophetic utterances, and miraculous healing.
Naming the Money (2004) which also appeared as part of the V&A exhibition, Uncomfortable Truths (2007), Swallow Hard: The Lancaster Dinner Service (2007) and Talking on Corners Speaking in Tongues (2007) were all central to the cultural events surrounding the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in Britain
Currently, sometimes I verbalize, I also continue to believe in speaking in tongues which I often use in prayer.
But whens someone spoke in tongues, they understood completely.
Well, I think that would be one way to put it, but charisms as described by Paul in First Corinthians, which is really the foundational text, can involve a whole range of things, from speaking in tongues, to prophesying, to being given gifts of wisdom, and so on.
Again, it encourages speaking in tongues as the chief expression and even as the only evidence of the baptism of the Spirit.
The word glossolalia, which means speaking in tongues, makes this point succinctly.
so you can't speak in tongues while to masturbate or ejaculate... the bible says those who call upon the name of the Lord shall depart from iniquity...
Even the apostles they came out in the morning speaking in tongues and the people thought they were drunk you would have no idea the proper way to act so Merry Christmas even to you.
It's true, the whole obsessive belief with rapture only started in late 1800s, whereas the whole speaking in tongues really took rise early 2000s.
«Tongues» can be divisive, as in «the spiritual speak in tongues and everyone else doesn't get the gift».
They mislead, however, when they make speaking in tongues the unmistakable mark of this transition.
A Corinthian - like experience of speaking in tongues no more guarantees a maturing life of faith than did the response of the four fishermen to Jesus» call to discipleship.
I really tried, but I did not believe the people flaping on the ground speaking in tongues, or the faith healers laying on hands, etc
Very few Southern Baptists engage in public speaking in tongues or other Pentecostal practices.
Just to mention, I know of a number of people (Christians) that went to Pentecostal worship services and became ex-Christians after the rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues frenzy.
As apostles travelled through the Mediterranean and near - east they would have presented their account of Jesus to communities including people who had been pilgrims to Jerusalem at the Passover when Jesus was crucified, and «Pentecost» where the disciples spoke in tongues.
I finally understand when they say xtians speak in tongues.
He rescues O'Connor from the myth of «Miz Flannery»: the Southern Gothic, brooding on peacocks from her sickbed and writing with the fury of a tent revivalist speaking in tongues.
Pentecostals wrestled with the conundrums presented by alcohol - imbibing, dancing, «worldly» Lutherans and Catholics speaking in tongues and being slain in the Spirit.
One popular recommendation of getting to know Jesus is through speaking in tongues.
So «Yabadado» Real speaking in tongues is speaking different languages, such as english, spanish, itaiian, etc
The Azusa Street Revival, led by William Seymour from 1906 to 1915, propelled this movement and included speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy.
Now for the actual facts: According to Newsweek, this is a place that takes Catholicism seriously, but to the author of the Salon piece, the closest we get is a reference to, «We rocked out to Christian music with our hands in the air, watched people convulse in spiritual conversions as they were «saved» or «born again» and heard priests speak in tongues
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