Sentences with phrase «to speak multiple languages»

Job seekers who speak multiple languages should make a point to highlight these skills; they are a big plus to cruise lines.
She studies the lasting cognitive consequences of speaking multiple languages.
This candidate may also speak multiple languages, which could help you foster relationships with clients from other countries.
Thanks to the technology that powers them, virtual assistants can communicate in natural language and even speak multiple languages, sometimes without the recipient even realizing it.
Adding agents to your team who speak multiple languages can help set your brokerage apart.
She has emphasized the advantages of speaking multiple languages.
He also speaks multiple languages including English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.
Cech because he is an intelligent guy from what I have read and he has great authority in his box, he can speak multiple languages so communication to old and new players will be easy for him, he is also a winner and knows what it takes to get the job done.
If you need to work with a Korean speaking futures broker, perhaps a German Speaking commodity broker or maybe you prefer to communicate about futures and commodities in Hebrew or Spanish — Our staff speaks multiple languages and will be happy to accommodate your needs.
The LoweBot speaks multiple languages, and will be deployed to 11 stores to help guide home improvers to find items in store.
Jesus was not illiterate, He was well versed with Torah and the scriptures, he most likely spoke multiple languages and was commonly referred to as a Rabbi.
Arteta speaks multiple languages (5 i think) and is a very mature and well respected figure in the dressing room, probably our best captain off the field in a very long time, honestly i can see why hes captain.
Also, Dr D and some other staff members speak multiple languages, including French.
The scholars and directors interviewed here speak of a certain savviness with regard to her image, and various clips show Mansfield speaking multiple languages, playing violin and espousing liberal philosophies in her charming voice.
To ensure clear and transparent communication, many of our sales consultants speak multiple languages, including Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, and German.
Our brokers speak multiple language such as German, Spanish, Korean, and Hebrew to assist clients on a global scale.
Our in - house full time Course Director speaks multiple languages and has experience in the dive industry in many different dive locations around the world
Nolan at one point noted that Farina is the «first bilingual chancellor» for city schools, a point Arroyo argued, saying there had been six chancellors who spoke multiple languages.
It turns out that there are many ways to be bilingual, according to HGSE Associate Professor Gigi Luk, who studies the lasting cognitive consequences of speaking multiple languages.
I always thought it was funny how some people who only know their own language (usually English) do slate a foreigner who is speaking multiple languages, always seemed a bit ignorant to me.
She speaks multiple languages including: English, Dari, Persian, Urdu, Hindi and is currently learning Spanish.
He speaks multiple languages, is a 2011 graduate of Chicago's Payton High School and plans to major in international relations at Michigan State.
Our new survey, done in collaboration with language learning app Babbel, has discovered that speaking multiple languages can make you seem more attractive.
She is a brilliant fighter, speaks multiple languages, yet unfortunate enough to fall for Stallone (guessing that was his contribution to the script).
How amazing is it that many of our students can speak multiple languages?
Typically developing students, gifted students, students who are impacted by poverty, children who speak multiple languages or have a home language that is different than the classroom language, and students with identified or potential developmental or learning disabilities are all covered within this highly practical, easy - to - use guide to UDL in the early years.
Leverage the Native Language How amazing is it that many of our students can speak multiple languages?
After researching all of the beneficial aspects of bilingualism, it has become increasingly clear that speaking multiple languages can have positive consequences for everyone, not simply those who speak the languages.
Language: I speak multiple languages, sort of, and the acquirement and exposure to these languages has led me to an interest in linguistics.
The young Bond is an orphan who doesn't follow the crowd and is more than comfortable spending time alone, but equally he knows a good friend when he sees one and sticks by the ones he makes; he's an exceptional athlete in some areas and speaks multiple languages, but has never thought of these as talents to be proud of.
Karoline taught me even though diving is a recreational activity, as a Divemaster, we need to prepare everything perfectly, think about all the details, take control of each dive, and as a Divemaster it is absolutely a big plus point, if you can speak multiple languages.
Every member of staff if absolutely fantastic, speak multiple languages and very happy to help with any enquiries.
In short We are two enthusiastic, bright, social experienced young guys that speak multiple languages and are looking to add one more.
They speak multiple languages to serve the customer better.
So if you speak multiple languages, for instance, then search engines can show results in each of those languages.
Google states that Android Go will be targeted at users who have limited data connectivity and speak multiple languages, and whose phones don't support conducting tasks that would require lots of resources.
And although your business might be conducted in English, being able to speak multiple languages is not just a plus for socializing by the coffee machine.
It helps if you speak multiple languages or can easily pick up a foreign language.
Advanced IT skills can help, as can the ability to speak multiple languages.
If you speak multiple languages, include that information here.
Communication: The ability to speak multiple languages, especially Spanish will help you significantly.
Maybe you want to practice your ability to speak multiple languages.
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