Sentences with phrase «to speak with authority»

I don't deal with boost much, so I can't really speak with authority on those matters.
He also speaks with authority about the impact of global warming on poorer countries.
In fact, men in the study chose to go on second dates with women who spoke with authority.
If you are the authority, then speak with authority, and have folks discuss and question during coffee hour.
Recently I have listened to many people with little knowledge of the Pit Bull speak with authority on the breed as if they have been around them for their whole life.
This person speaks with authority, both formal (by virtue of his or her role) and informal (by virtue of his or her personality and past conduct).
Also, I appologize that I can't speak with the authority of a «mechanical engineer and television personality best known for his program, «Bill Nye the Science Guy».
Personally I think you are full of it, but I also believe everyone has the right to voice their opinion; but as my grandmother once said, don't speak with authority when you don't have the facts to support it.
Jesus spoke with an authority uniquely related to that of God because Jesus» existence was uniquely related to God's.
Yes, Brigitte, reversing one of your questions: «I have often wondered how those that are believers and straight can speak with authority for those that are believers and LGBT?»
For only here, we believe, God speaks with the authority that has transforming power.
You said, «That is why I and many Christian speak with authority..
Although speaking with authority gives you notoriety, don't talk «above» your audience.
But as I made absolutely clear to the writer, I have no firsthand experience or observation of the topic, so I can not speak with any authority beyond articles I have read and films I have seen.
Hence it is drawn into the conflicts of human life to such a degree that it can no longer speak with that authority or objectivity which ought to be expected of those who believe in God.
In his evolutionary perspective, the growing differentiation of modern culture has placed religion in competition with reason, the natural sciences, and most recently the social sciences, all of which have taken over many of the topics on which religion traditionally spoke with authority.
If so, it is not because the Church has a superior plan for reconstruction; or because its clergy speak with authority upon political or economic questions; or because its members are exceptionally virtuous or intelligent.
The Special One is already receiving rave reviews as the new man in charge at Old Trafford after speaking with authority, confidence and conviction at his first official meeting with the media.
He stressed that one should not lose the fact that Asante speaks with authority and if there's a law that no animal should not hunt the other, that does not mean one animal can use one's mouth as a playing ground.
«You go into his office and you see the pictures and you say, «Okay, this is a person who speaks with authority at many different levels.»»
While actors always say nice things about each other when they have movies to plug, Brolin speaks with authority here.
The Chartered College will be an organisation that stands above party politics, speaking with authority based on evidence about professional issues related to inclusive pedagogy, curriculum and assessment.
Smith — a veteran fighter pilot — speaks with authority born of personal experience as he puts us in the cockpit of an F - 16 with Roper.
Global warming believers across the board trust that the «industry - corrupted skeptic climate scientists» accusation has evidence to back it up, trusting in the notion that their leaders speak with authority about it being exposed by a «Pulitzer Prize - winning investigative journalist.»
In 1990 he wrote a Master's thesis on the bureaucratic efforts to undermine the Commons Special Committee on Indian Self - Government, and later wrote a doctoral dissertation on the testimony of First Nations lea ders before a succession of joint Senate - Commons Committees on the Constitution during the decade before patriation, part of which was published in 2006 under the title Speaking with Authority: The Emergence of the Vocabulary of First Nations Self - Government (Routledge).
The lecturers spoke with authority but I felt uncomfortable because the way they spoke about us didn't reflect my reality or experience.
These stories are really no different from the kind Driscoll tells, but the fashion nowadays is to put on our lab coats and speak with the authority of science, even when there is little actual science to back our claims.
The writer eyed with deep distrust the movement's assumption that it could speak with authority for all women, including black women.
After even a moderate familiarity with these brief and sometimes almost naïvely simple documents, it becomes impossible to dissociate Jesus the ethical teacher from Jesus who claimed to reveal the Character of God, who quite naturally forgave sins and who spoke with authority about human life, death and the world beyond death.
Here are ten of the most common myths about home educating which you can find spoken with authority... Read More
SSO was set up by survivors, for survivors, to speak with authority on issues of torture including those that impact their lives here in the UK.
It was noted that Jesus spoke with authority and not like the teachers of the Law (Matt.
I can't speak with authority about self - publishing being a deterrent to receiving residencies — but I would speculate that to qualify for those it's the merit of the work that would be the foremost determining factor.
Urban planners find themselves doing a ton of research: analyzing data on factors affecting land use, speaking with authorities and stakeholders, and evaluating proposals.
«I will speak with authority: There is certainly not a decline in new businesses in technology here,» says Troy Henikoff, managing director of Techstars» Chicago branch.
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