Sentences with phrase «to spend hours»

People are living in smaller spaces due to affordability, they're not really interested in spending hours in traffic getting to work and there's a much stronger need for these outdoor experiences.
You can go anywhere for a few seconds instead of spending hours on the airplane or car.
Instead of spending hours of time on social media outreach every week, pick one platform to focus most of your attention on.
Keep in mind, after spending an hour with the breed you may even not notice a reaction right away.
If you're interested in attending this weekend I highly suggest being prepared ahead of time and plan on spending hours at the mall.
My question is how do I get the icon to appear so I don't spend an hour trying to find the downloaded books.
Do not spend hour upon hour doing abs exercises, it is a total waist of time.
It is not an absolute staple of my skincare routine, but I do use it during the warmer months of the year to cleanse after spending hours in the sun fishing.
Don't spend hours in bars and clubs meeting people when you can get to know people with a click of your mouse.
A home owner can literally spend hours doing research trying to find an insurance agency to write a policy to cover their home.
Instead of spending hours playing with accounting software, dreaming up potential expense and income categories, and creating fancy reports with no data, spend that time generating revenue.
These little scientists can spend a hours just looking at bugs.
But how do you find relevant reviewers without spending hours searching for the right information?
Author's note: I just spent hours researching equine physiology, biology and psychology on websites I never thought I'd ever visit.
You recall spending hours looking at your adorable baby, but they didn't do too much did they?
Keep in mind that people spend hours making and choosing the perfect picture for their online profile.
After reading this post, I went to your new website this morning and just spent an hour reading through all the wonderful posts that my «new neighbors» have made.
Is someone who spends hours on end watching sports on TV abusive?
Go for a few months, and you will have plenty of time to mark some things off your travel bucket list without spending hours in line.
We don't get stuck spending hours scrolling through profiles and wasting tons of time trying to figure out who would be a good match.
I just never really got into spending hours watching those shows.
And for all of the single female readers out there who spend hours getting ready for a date with a new guy, your hard work hasn't gone unnoticed!
This yoga posture is for people who spend hours working in a seated position.
Recruiters spend hours online trying to fill open positions.
I can easily spend hours browsing through, trying to decide where I think my book will fit.
I usually spend hours writing for posts, and have felt the need to always have something to say here in order to get a post up.
You've taken the first step, spent an hour answering questions about yourself, and purchased a subscription.
We often spend hours going over our resume and ensuring that it is perfect, however, we don't really give consideration to what it really says about us.
Don't feel like spending hours at the stove carefully watching your pot to make sure it doesn't boil over or burn?
So spend hours crawling Aurora bbw chat sites, message boards, or social networks and come up empty or use this free Aurora bbw dating service for fast and no cost results.
After spending hours creating valuable and unique content, you want to share that with as many people as possible.
Creative new moves are now needed when applying for a job so that you do not spend hours sitting by your cell phone and waiting for interview calls that never come.
If spending hours in the gym or generally on exercising doesn't appeal to you, you have to try high - intensity training regime.
After all, you don't want to then spend another hour on the road as a passenger just to retrieve your car.
Check with people you know and trust, before spending hours researching yourself.
Even though the advice is a century old, it can still be a good way to reduce debt and save for lean times without spending hours pouring over financial data.
More importantly it's a chance to see a story finished that many people spent hours upon hours involving themselves with.
There is a large number of battles to take part in and you could easily spend hours upon hours doing every single battle!
When spending hours beyond hours on the computer playing various games at least spare your body the harm of fast food and make yourself a quick, healthy meal instead.
There are groups of retired guys spending hours there talking and laughing.
Car crashes are more intense, you'll probably spend hours finding creative ways to wipe out with style.
A quick photo here and there is fine — just don't spend hours crafting the perfect shot.
Why spend hours searching the web and getting tossed around from opinion to conflicting opinion?
Try rotating nutritious lunch options for your 14 - month - old to give him a variety of flavors without spending hours preparing it.
Unless you love spending hours walking down the aisles of seemingly endless supermarkets, grocery shopping is something you want to get done ASAP.
Long summer days are perfect for spending hours outside, but did you know some pets may also be at risk of developing skin cancer?
After spending an hour exploring the exhibition with behind - the - scenes access, museum staff invited attendees to explore the museum's collection.
You and the car will spend your hours together, long trips or short, connected at the seat.

Phrases with «to spend hours»

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