Sentences with phrase «to spend level»

Our results show that private school competition, in addition to raising student achievement, substantially reduced the average spending level of the educational system.
So this is a cut in the suggested spending level for charters overall.
Even so, the average respondent's estimate was just 42 percent of actual spending levels in their district (see Figure 1).
The proposed $ 7 billion authorization level represents a 15 percent decrease from current spending levels on the existing programs.
As noted above, the public as a whole expresses strong support for increasing or at least maintaining current spending levels on public education.
But in recent years, some frequently cited studies have suggested that higher spending levels do not necessarily produce better results.
One candidate involves their understanding of per - pupil spending levels.
With spending levels already near historic lows, our air and water can not afford further cuts.
Comparing the value between the two cards is ultimately about the total amount of cash back you can earn at different spending levels.
It isn't always easy to take advantage of some of the better sign - up bonuses because the minimum spend level is high for some people.
Among respondents not told actual spending levels, only 53 percent support higher funding, down 10 percentage points from the 63 percent who were supportive a year ago.
Set as many different spending levels as you like.
At a $ 500 spending level per month, it would take nearly two years to break even, but that drops to just 4.5 months when spending $ 2,500 per month.
As it happens, that works out to holding government spending level, adjusting for population and inflation growth: not using 2000 as the benchmark, as I did before, but 2009.
You're forced to get creative and depending on your monthly spending level the savings can be HUGE.
Homeowners, who pay the property taxes that typically account for local spending on education, have a clear incentive to stay informed about spending levels.
The rate at which you earn points often depends on how much you spend, so we averaged the results from different spending levels into our calculations.
The output is a likelihood that your portfolio survives as long as you need it to at that expected spending level.
But if a candidate who refuses matching funds exceeds certain spending levels, the cap for those receiving the funds can be raised or lifted completely.
Customer spending levels were significantly less during the first half of 2010 compared to the first half of 2009.
To minimize the risk of default, banks review contribution and attendance trends and other revenue sources, formulate a discretionary spending level, and target churches with 300 or more regular members.
Thus, there are factors beyond spending levels that contribute to student performance.
On a per - capita basis, as shown above, towns have the lowest tax, debt, and spending levels among local governments.
By contrast, the successful schools approach uses observed spending levels in the highest - performing schools as models from which to calculate necessary spending in other, lower - performing schools.
It is hard to assess and project spending levels on an annual basis for 50 years, but that is in essence the task at hand for early retirees.
In fact he is against such an idea because it raises expectations which leads to higher spending levels which he is dead against.
Character progression is not as easy as spending level up points though.
Protecting those assets (and your desired spending levels) from unforeseen events in the financial markets.
In their report MPs also note the discrepancy between spending levels on nutrition aid and other international projects.
So, too, do respondents whose estimates of local and national spending levels differ by a larger amount.
Earlier in the day, lawmakers announced that «table targets» — essentially spending levels for budget conference committees — had been agreed to.
Areas with the lowest initial spending levels were also those for which increased spending had the most pronounced positive effect.
Under such a policy, a district with only a handful of bilingual education students might receive a vastly inflated spending level for each of them.
It overwhelmingly shows that, at given spending levels, an increase in resources does not generally raise educational performance.
The accumulated method pays better than «as you spend,» assuming the tier spending levels and percentages are the same.
It's also important to prioritize the order and magnitude of withdrawals by account and determine a sustainable spending level and target portfolio return to stay on track in the long - run.
We use our model families and their estimated spending levels to find the card with the greatest value.
Technology spending levels are fairly concentrated, with 60 % of responding firms saying they spend between 1 % and 3.99 % of revenues on tech.
Members can earn Gold and Platinum status by spending levels of $ 500 and $ 1,000 respectively.
That's up $ 320 million from current spending levels but down roughly $ 200 million from the president's 2011 and 2012 requests for those programs.
Below, a comparison reveals that the most affluent districts benefit from local tax revenue generous enough to cover relatively high per - pupil spending levels.
All we have is an overall framework, but spending levels for individual agencies and programs will need to be negotiated and the details released.
In other words, schools now have both very high spending levels and accountability.
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