Sentences with phrase «to spend more time with one's children»

Fathers who spend more time with their children report having more confidence as parents.
In joint custody arrangements, both parents still have equal decision - making rights, even if one parent spends more time with the children.
The study found that fathers spend more time with their children when their wives work and that couples spend more time together in child care when both parents work.
Generally, mothers have been the major focus; after all, most mothers spend more time with their children than do fathers and many have very close emotional ties.
Children experience greater wellbeing when their fathers are involved with their lives, and dads who spend more time with their children report feeling more confidence in their role as a parent.
The fact of the matter is, parents need to spend more time with their children when they reach adolescence, not less.
If it's a timing issue, consider whether changing your parenting time routine might help your ex spend more time with the children instead of leaving them in the care of others.
If it's a timing issue, consider whether changing your parenting time routine might help your ex spend more time with the children instead of leaving them in the care of others.
Never forget that you will STILL spend more time with your child than the daycare providers.
Often, divorced fathers spend more time with their children after the divorce than they ever did while the marriage was still intact.
A lot of parents get old and think they should have spent more time with their children before.
Mothers working outside the home today spend more time with their children than at - home mothers did in the 1960s.
For example, a parent awarded primary physical custody spends more time with the child than a parent awarded visitation time.
Although men spend more time with their children than previous generations - around three hours on a weekend day - they tend to spend much more time on sporting activities than mothers do.
Parents should give themselves permission to relax, remembering that it is okay to say no, especially if saying no means spending more time with their children.
Physical custody often goes to the parent who spends more time with the children, while the parent without physical custody is awarded visitation per a regular schedule.
She is standing down to spend more time with her children after serving the seat since 1997.
This raises the question of whether fathers tend to spend more time with children when the mother works, and develop a better relationship with them.
Fairfax, VA (Law Firm Newswire) December 22, 2015 — Noncustodial parents may soon be able to spend more time with their children in light of recent consideration, on the part of almost two dozen states, of a reform of child custody law that would involve shared custody of children following divorce or separation.
Men who take time off after the birth spend more time with their children later on and this contributes positively to their development, according to research reviewed in an EOC report published in January 2005, Shared caring: bringing fathers into the frame (Margaret O'Brien).
«The father's education is a more powerful predictor of a child's learning prospects even than the education level attained by the mother who is probably spending more time with the child,» explains Ms Burgess.
Saturdads was set up three months ago by Batley SureStart and it already has a regular attendance from keen dads wanting to spend more time with their children away from home, just like mums at «mothers and toddlers» groups.
For example, Ohio's child support calculations call for reduced child support obligations when the parent paying support spends more time with the child.
The other parent is only spending more time with the child (ren) so they can pay less child support.
Despite this busy schedule, Anthony, who is a single father, now also spends more time with his children, getting together weekly for bowling or playing basketball.
They may feel a range of emotions — jealousy for parents spending more time with the child with the disability, guilt for complaining about the strains that the child with the disability puts on the family, or joy when their brother or sister accomplishes something new for the first time.
In many cases, a judge will review information such as which parent had historically spent more time with the child prior to the divorce, which parent has a better plan for child care and transportation needs, and where any siblings live.
Sometimes people reprioritize what's important to them, maybe spending more time with their children or volunteering.
During his time as education secretary, Johnson brought in new ideas and proposals, including encouraging parents to spend more time with their children in a bid to help them progress with their literacy and numeracy skills.
The study suggests that the reason why children's sleep is more closely related to mothers» sleep than to fathers» sleep is that, on average, mothers still spend more time with their children than fathers — and therefore, a stronger mutual influence is likely.
Mothers» time with children has also increased, and today's mothers spend more time with their children than mothers did in the 1960s.
The teacher can not spend more time with this child than with the rest of the class — and if statistics are to be trusted, we should expect at least three easily distractible children in every classroom.
When a custody dispute comes up, courts have to decide how to divide the two types of custody: physical and legal.Physical custody (meaning, where the children will live) often goes to the parent who spends more time with the children and provides them with most of their daily care.
However, there are moments when I am able to help a parent spend more time with their children or help a spouse receive the financial support they need to get back on their feet, which makes this job rewarding.
Joint custody does not even result in the father spending any more time with his children
The time spent on paperwork also impedes the ability for case workers to spend more time with the children and families they serve, Benitez said.
In theory, you can run a successful business out of your home and have the flexibility to be there for your family, spending more time with your children or arranging your work schedule around your family's needs.
Yeah, but it would be kinda creepy if the defrocked priest said he was stepping down to «spend more time with children» I'm just sayin...
If you have made a resolution to spend more time with your children, this one will help that time be more beneficial and will help you raise your children in a Godly way.
People following Jesus would by contrast make the plain pottery that an economy of moderation would demand and spend more time with their children.
Now I can spend more time with children and grandchildren.
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