Sentences with phrase «to spend one's energy»

Why not spend your energy on something that can get you closer to building a readership — submitting for publication, or publishing on your own if that's what you want to do?
Why not spend your energy on something that can get you closer to building a readership — submitting for publication, or publishing on your own?
Proof comes upon death and for those that spend energy trying to convince people otherwise are showing their insecurity to the truth.
Thus, instead of spending energy to «not to be yourself» in order to attract women, start doing so, to become a better person, such you can be.
I know, it's still a confusing subject no matter how you try to digest it, but it's not worth spending your energy worrying about it.
Cats need to spend their energy playing, running, jumping and chasing.
If you've been injured in an accident, you need to spend your energy focusing on your recovery, not on trying to navigate the complex world of insurance dispute resolution.
The lightning will go off while you are still choking them and they will take damage from both while you'll only spend the energy required for one.
Something that I am learning myself is not spending my energy wishing I can change my figure.
Eat fruits before the lunch, because body has time to spend energy from carbs until the night.
Plus, much like to - do lists, rushing to do whatever is in front of you can mean spending your energies on what's visible or urgent rather than what's important.
When it came to his financial focus, my rich dad spent his energy building his cash - flowing assets, building his income through those investments and then paying his expenses.
It's important that you find time away from work to spend energy toward those hobbies you're passionate about.
If you face them, work on getting your feelings out, and spend some energy grieving, you may be able to recharge your batteries to once again be helpful.
With reasonable technical abilities, the new media director should be able to set realistic timeline on projects and avoid spending energy implement technologies would be in play still end of the campaign.
If i was you, I would rather spend my energy and resources on making my life what I want it to be.
It also confirms a well - known fact in the sports community: runners who vary their speed spend their energy better and thus run longer.
I know there have been times in my life I have spent energy over who didn't appear rather than enjoy the company of who was.
I wouldn't want to spend the energy just telling a story.
To write one, you have to pay a hefty price regarding spent energy, effort and time spent researching sources and doing practical work.
But personally, I choose not to spend my energy chasing these deals.
All of the right things involve spending energy more than money, and can take time away from writing.
The credit score bottom line: Spend your energy learning and incorporating into your life behaviors that will optimize your credit score.
If we are not going to spend our energies wondering where the market is going, then how can we succeed in the stock market?
He / she will like it, and he / she will be spending energy at the same time.
I'll spend my energy showing you how to get much more significant returns.
You could be spending this energy selling your work directly to interested buyers.
If you can be persuaded to spend energy claiming «own goal» they will cheer you on as you do their work for them.
Most lawyers spend their energy is spent trying to change their client's lives for the better.
Instead, spend your energy studying the interview questions and techniques you'll come up against, keeping in mind that most interviewers will use a combination of interview styles.
It's easy to feel like a victim and spend your energy blaming the other parent.
If children don't have to spend their energy defending one parent from the other, they have the space to honestly discern the good and the bad in both parents.
To spend your energy distributing flags gives a false sense of accomplishment, and no money.
In fact, it won't be long before you are spending your energy trying to get your baby back to sleep!
This year I still plan to work hard, but my goal is to spend that energy on getting myself in better shape.
This balancing act of spending energy versus earning it adds another layer of strategy to the battles, making things more interesting.
Does it really make sense to spend our energy worrying about a single drop of blood?
This will only spend the energy you will need for the weight training and inhibit the potential to elicit muscle gains.
It's so easy to spend our energy wishing we had more of what we think we need.
Because it costs energy to breakdown food the theory behind eating 6 meals per day is eating frequently increases our metabolism, because the body is constantly spending energy to breakdown food.
When babies aren't spending their energy on crying and seeking attention, they can use that energy to grow and thrive.
RIM's half - year delay between announcing and shipping the tablet also tarnished its reputation, since the company spent all its energy attacking the original iPad but, because of the interval, ended up competing against a larger, faster iPad 2.
By spending that energy on applying correct onboarding, we can help recruits through those first few days, keep them happier, more engaged, more productive, and with fewer plans to quit.
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