Sentences with phrase «to spend with one's pet»

You will have time to spend with the pet in your home before making a final decision to adopt.
Take that extra few minutes when you can to really spend it with your pets.
I wasn't sure about the time I'd get to spend with a pet when I got my 1st one.
«Retailers can be instrumental in educating customers about easy - to - use and innovative training tools that will help everyone enjoy time spent with their pets even more,» said EzyDog's Wood.
A major change in the owner's schedule or lack of time suddenly spent with the pet can trigger a recurrence of anxiety.
Brooklyn Museum: «Divine Felines: Cats of Ancient Egypt» (through December) If your dream of heaven is eternity spent with the pets you love, this show is for you.
«It's helpful for a retailer to provide a solution for their customer that will result in the most enjoyable experience for them with their dog, pointing them to a product that can make an immediate and positive impact in time spent with their pet,» he says.
Gradually cut back on the time you spend with your pet, so it won't be such a shock when the time comes.
It is unavoidable that with the addition of a baby to the family, you will have less time to spend with your pet.
Try tapering off time spent with your pet.
Reason 9: I work long hours, and don't have much time to spend with my pet.
The more time you spend with your pet, the more they are going to want to spend time with you.
Dr. Moore: One big benefit is the time spent with your pet: the more time you spend with them outside playing with them is time that is going to more strongly bond your pet to you.
«For a quick weekend trip in which you will be on the go the entire time and won't have much time to spend with your pet, the animal would probably be better off left at home with a pet sitter or a neighbor, or at a boarding facility,» she said.
Crawford said that no matter what time of the year, adoptive families should always consider how much time they will have to spend with pets.
They require a lot of mental stimulation and they like to stay busy, so an Illiger's Macaw is not for owners that don't have plenty of time to spend with their pets.
Problems develop when the amount of time you spend with the pet changes.
Because handling your bird requires personal, one - on - one time to be spent with your pet, and forces both of you to interact with each other more intimately.
The holidays are upon us, and not everyone will be spending them with their pets (* Sniff!).
This is a bird recommended for bird owners who have plenty of free time to spend with their pet.
Work up to long jogs and enjoy the time you spend with your pet!
While here, your cat will be cleaned and personal enrichment time will be spent with each pet each day.
It is our pleasure to design veterinary care that helps maximize the number of healthy, happy years you spend with your pets.
You can choose how much time you want the sitter to spend with your pet (our minimum is 30 minutes).
But, I want the time I spend with my pets to be enjoyable for both of us.
When your life is busy, it can be difficult enough to devote a half - hour to a work out, let alone find an extra hour to spend with your pet.
Try to set aside 10 - 15 minutes twice a day to spend with your pet, so that he doesn't need to resort to pica to get your attention.
When it is first taken off, be sure to have time to spend with your pet to make sure he / she doesn't lick excessively or chew at the incision.
We look forward to the time we spend with your pet!
And above all, carve out time to spend with your pets, whether it's playing, grooming or just veggin» on the couch — that togetherness time adds immeasurably to the quality of life for both humans and their furry companions.
They don't constantly have time or energy to spend with their pets.
If you have the time to spend with your pet, giving him ample amounts of play and exercise every day, you will fall in love with these beauties.
Days off work or school, and those owners working from home mean more free time to spend with your pets; also any excuse for a belly rub is always likely to be well - received with your animal companions — whatever the weather!
This helps the dog's blood circulation and provides some new sights and smells to stimulate them and it gives you quality time to spend with your pet.
7: I work long hours, and don't have much time to spend with my pet.
The more time you spend with your pet, the happier he or she will be!
«The reasons for surrenders are as varied as the pets themselves — owners are moving, they want to go on vacation, they don't have the time to spend with a pet.
Many owners have fallen prey to the misconception that the «I - just - saw - him - and - fell - head - over-heels-in-love» feeling will see them through the 15 odd years they will spend with their pets.
Even if your pet is at an ideal weight, the many features of SmartFeeder will help improve the quality of time you spend with your pet, by taking away the «work» associated with feeding, and leaving you more time to enjoy with your pet.
The special time that we spend with our pet builds our bond ever more.
Scheduling time out of your busy schedule to spend with your pet «one - on - one» to work on training, helps build a more trusting relationship between you and your pet.
I truly value the time I spend with each pet and their people.
Make some extra time in general to spend with your pets to make them feel safe and loved.
Let our wellness care and preventative medicine services extend the time you get to spend with your pet and make those years as happy and healthy as possible.
They don't constantly have time or energy to spend with their pets.
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