Sentences with phrase «to spend with the dog»

The amount of time spent with the dog by the owner should also be decreased to a level where the dog can become less dependent on the owner for stimulation.
A day spent with my dog is a day well spent.
After a really bad day at the office or school or fighting with the kids, an evening spent with your dog or cat just makes you feel better.
And the more time people spend with their dogs, the stronger the bond between them grows — a bond that provides tremendous benefits for everyone involved.
Medical researchers reveal that pet parents are likely to suffer from cardiac issues due to the healthy lifestyle spend with their dogs.
- You have a quiet household and time to spend with your dog for nail grinding, teeth cleaning, toilet training, walking on leash, playing and interacting with your pet.
Seems like we generally have more time in the winter to spend with our dogs while the cold weather keeps us indoors more often than not.
The success rate depends greatly on your follow up actions, not the few minutes your dog trainer spent with your dog.
Training within the shelter is highly unlikely, since staff have limited time to spend with each dog in their facility.
Most dog lovers also have more time to spend with their dogs at this time of year.
I don't mean in terms of time spent with the dog.
For all those moments we can't spend with our dogs, they are going to be... [Read more...]
Whether you decide to tackle a few of the 60,000 + miles of trails in the National Trail System or simply take a long walk through your local park, the hours spent with your dog will do your heart, and soul, good.
If you return to work after vacationing for an extended period of time that was mostly spent with your dog, it will very likely yearn for your company and be upset about your sudden absence.
«The consistent trend we're seeing is that consumers are looking for products that make time spent with their dog not only safe but fun,» says John Hatcher, president of EzyDog, which makes a line of rugged, functional outdoor lifestyle products for dogs and their owners.
«I've found I return from walks much calmer and with a quieter mind and usually a happier disposition,» she says, «and I've appreciated the time spent with my dog and watching him interact with the world.
The more time you spend with your dog, the more you will be able to understand and appreciate him.
We need to be conscious of how much attention and time we spend with our dog.
It again depend on the time you are willing to spend with your dog.
The smile I got when I said his name reminded me that we get more from the time we spend with these dogs than we could ever hope to give back to them.
The more time we spend with our dogs, the more we learn about what they love to do and what brings them enjoyment.»
The more time you spend with your dog, the easier it will be to spot fear - based reactions.
We want to start off by being conscious of how much attention and time we spend with our dog.
Kathy has no animals of her own due to pet allergies in the family, so she treasures the time she gets to spend with dogs and cats at work.
But if you have not enough time to spend with your dog and then you can arrange crate training system to get rescue form its abusive behavior.
Time spent with your dog isn't exclusively limited to time outdoors.
recommended to have plenty avice from other dobie owners and at least a year or two to spend with your dog.
The value of a dog is not related to the amount of money an owner spends for the dog but is directly related to the amount of time he spends with his dog.
All you need are some good treats, always at hand, and enough time to spend with your dog.
How active are you and how much time do you have to spend with the dog?
According to a recent AKC Rescue Network survey, rescue volunteers said the top three reasons cited by owners for surrendering their dog are change of lifestyle, not the right breed for them, and lack of time to spend with the dog.
Scent work is a perfect type of fun activity to give your dog's mind a new challenge, and you'll love the personal time you get to spend with your dog.
Knowing the symptoms to look out for and having the opportunity to develop a care plan with your veterinarian can help maximize the number of healthy years you can spend with your dog, and minimize any suffering if disease strikes.
They also are great pets for older, active retired people who have lots of time to spend with their dog.
Additionally, the time you spend with your dog will create a close bond between the two of you.
Since they need room to run and plenty of exercise, they are great choices for families that have plenty of time to spend with the dogs, ensuring they get the exercise they need.
Apartment dwellers need to consider how much time they will be able to spend with their dogs and whether hiring a walker or sending their pets to doggy day - care will be needed.
Be sure that you will have quality time to spend with the dog.
The less time spent with a dog, the worse off it is and the greater chance for behavioral issues starting.
He said the five or six hours he spends with the dogs on those mornings is not only a cathartic experience for the dogs, but for him as well.
We're working more hours, and that means less time spent with our dogs.
If you don't have time to spend with your dog and / or train the dog, DON» T GET A DOG.
If you have a lot of time to spend with a dog, then a Pitbull Chihuahua Mix is the best choice for you.
Once your dog is sleeping comfortably through the night with his crate near you, you can begin to gradually move it to the location you prefer, although time spent with your dog, even sleep time, is a chance to strengthen the bond between you and your pet.
At the time I thought the cost was very reasonable for all the visits and time spent with my dog and me, not to mention, cremation and her ashes.
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