Sentences with phrase «to sponsor schools»

Of the 32 grammar - sponsored schools in the country, 14 are still awaiting a grade.
Often these company sponsored schools sign up several students for orientation and they thin the masses as time goes on.
They also get a financial break, because they don't have to give as much money to sponsoring school districts for annual administrative costs.
With a voucher system, every group has full freedom to sponsor a school grounded in its own moral and religious beliefs.
With most of these major brands sponsoring schools and a few of them previously sponsoring coaches, this was bound to happen.
He announced plans to double the number of city academies - privately - sponsored schools with the freedom to run their own affairs - to 400.
As a side note to this, I think there is huge potential for trusts made up in this way to sponsor schools beyond their immediate geographical boundary.
There is basically three options; do it on your own, go to a company sponsored school or attend a public / private school.
It is believed the DfE did not publish figures for sponsor academies at the time because the pool of sponsored schools was too small.
KIA sponsors the school by supplying the cars the teens drive during training.
Fresh Choice, a family - restaurant chain with locations in California, Washington, and Texas, sponsors school fund - raisers that double as new - store promotions.
Governors and state superintendents should use their own funding leverage in the way Louisiana is doing, sponsoring school projects that serve the entire public - school portfolio and deciding further down the road which kind of schools will occupy which facilities.
Private schools and universities will be pushed into sponsoring schools to haul up standards in the state sector, despite an analysis of their current involvement revealing a chequered...
The Commission's vote to sponsor these schools marks a major milestone for the parents and community members in Midtown Kansas City who conceived of the idea for a new school in their community two years ago.
* Raise Your Hand Texas sponsors school leaders for training at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Principals» Center.
The National Association of School Psychologists sponsors our School Psychologist Professional Liability Insurance Program.
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(1) School prayer: Despite the over-whelming weight of constitutional scholarship opposing state - sponsored school prayer, President Reagan has made known his wish to «get prayer back in the schools» (though in point of fact it has never been expelled).
The Michigan State Spartans and many other Nike sponsored schools including Ohio State, LSU, Stanford and Navy, unveiled their pro-combat uniforms...
Shoe companies do sponsor schools, 7v7 leagues, and 7 - on - 7 teams.
Although government - sponsored school lunches are available to nearly all children, many parents object to the often fatty and overcooked foods typically served, and would rather choose what their children eat.
She works with Oregon schools and other programs sponsoring the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, and other federal meal programs for children.
This is the company that sponsors school sports in various countries — but links its sponsorship to high sugar drinks, such as Milo.
James Tedisco (R - Schenectady), who sponsored the school safety measure, ripped Dems as «hypocrites.»
The result was a trip to Washington, D.C., where the heads of Fordham - sponsored schools spent time in a high - performing Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) school and the excellent charter boarding school called SEED Academy.
Gov. James E. Doyle of Wisconsin has signed legislation that will raise the cap on the number of students who can take part in Milwaukee's state - sponsored school voucher program.
Our refusal to sell services to sponsored schools proved prescient in the long run, as became obvious when another sponsor's school, Harte Crossroads School in Columbus, blew up in 2007, revealing deep financial maladies.
Families could also learn about schools at a new «school quality fair» organized by the Alliance and its partners, which showcased fifty K — 8 and preschool programs selected because of their high performance and school district - sponsored school fairs.
A dozen different government agencies sponsor schools without any coordination, resulting in a mess for parents: no one is working on transportation, no one is taking responsibility for closing low - performing schools, no one is making sure that students with special needs are well served.
She explained: «That's why we now have businesses sponsoring schools, becoming governors and offering work experience.
New Jersey lawmakers are hammering out a plan that could result in one of the most expensive state - sponsored school construction efforts ever.
The Trust sponsors schools across East Anglia and brings to the table a wide range of resources and expertise which make a vital impact on our students» progress.
A Department for Education spokesman said there was no legal framework for a council or council - run school to sponsor a school unless they opened a trust - and this would involve converting to academy status.
Ball State University, the authorizer of two of Indiana's Imagine charters, refused, based on poor performance, to continue to sponsor the schools when they came up for renewal.
In Omaha, Building Bright Futures sponsors school - based health centers and offers mentoring and enrichment services.
Jenny Bexon - Smith on sponsoring a school «you gain a lot more than actually what you give.
In January, Georgia Charter Schools Association and GeorgiaCAN sponsored a school choice town hall to discuss school choice implications for minority families in Georgia.
We want every student at an Aldridge sponsored school or college to be:
Martin North works with HRAP to promote their programming to our guests and to sponsor school groups to learn from HRAP guided experiences.
Mercedes Benz AMG Diving School and Xbox South Africa sponsored this
You could sponsor a school dance, put on a concert with a local band or DJ, have a green fashion show, or host a climate movie night.
I went to a CRST sponsored school and I am obligated to them for 8 months.
«X» could be anything from «management accounting» to «sponsors its school leavers through a software development HND».
The trust was given the green light to sponsor schools by the Department for Education (DfE) in January 2017, the same month another trust school, Hillcrest School and Community College, was itself rated «inadequate» by inspectors.
In addition, funders sponsor school districts and charter networks to participate in YouthTruth.
Should you wish to contribute to the local people you are more than welcome to contribute to our village fund that assists locals with medical issues, sponsoring the school project and providing sanitary infrastructure for the well being of the whole village community.
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