Sentences with phrase «to sponsor someone»

Government data has revealed that half of academies sponsored by grammar schools are rated as requiring improvement or inadequate.
The treatment of issuers with different credit ratings has always been problematic for sponsors of bond indices.
As my traffic and social following grows, I'm able to charge more for sponsored posts which makes it so that I don't have to take on as many.
And one main way to do that is by writing sponsored posts.
You will still be required to withdraw funds from plans sponsored by previous employers and from any IRAs you have.
The ruling and settlement appear to open the door to further legal action by plan sponsors in a similar arrangement with other providers.
This post wasn't sponsored at all, I just love the idea behind this company!
Quick note: We are not sponsored by Blue Host in any way, shape or form.
We generally compete with sponsors of public and private investment funds across all of our segments.
When public school teachers recently gathered in large groups at events sponsored by their teacher unions, legislators started to take notice.
But, the choices and their salaries drew fire from some board members not happy with some choices, with some salaries and with some other board members perceived as sponsors for some candidates.
It is also offering advertisers more options for where they can place their ads, from sponsored posts to mobile - specific ads.
They also start getting exclusive deals on few specified company products, such as auto, life and home insurance, discount tickets on company sponsored programs and others.
Gold sponsors will benefit from high - level exposure throughout the conference.
As a platinum sponsor, you had to fulfill some obligations.
Members can also sponsor events to drive visibility with executive - level decision makers.
Corporate sponsors who automatically enroll employees in 401 (k) plans typically set low contribution levels.
One of the disadvantages of employer sponsored retirement plans is the selection of investments.
A decent size of our retirement is tied up in company sponsored retirement plans.
Our research sponsors include government agencies, foundations, and private - sector organizations.
The team also announced a bunch of new sponsors, which is good news.
The following table lists bills sponsored by this legislator.
Many companies offer employer sponsored health plans and will provide the information necessary to select a plan that is best tailored to your needs.
Project sponsors also hope to encourage investment in more renewable energy and energy storage, and make new business models possible.
Do you represent a company who want to guest post with sponsored content?
In collaboration with sponsoring organizations, we make every effort to ensure that lawyers in their first five years of practice are matched with mentors.
At this early point in the discussion many economists believe mortgage rates would be one half of a percentage point higher without the government sponsored enterprises.
Financial disclosure note: My travel costs were covered by conference sponsors because I was a presenter (on the media and climate; more on that soon).
About twenty years ago he founded two institutions, one for consulting and another for doing sponsored research work; today both are known for excellence.
Many school sponsored health insurance plans are expensive but they allow you to buy a comparable student health insurance from a third party.
It is also important to save your certificates of completion from school sponsors in the event you need to show evidence of completion.
Out of 13 universities which have become lead sponsors of formerly struggling schools 2015 - 16, four are labelled «high - status» institutions.
For those concerned about the loss of the revenue from the scheme, there are other sponsors who would be eager to pick up the contract.
A number of states sponsor programs to help first - time homebuyers and low - to median - income homebuyers qualify for mortgages.
The scale - up grants are aimed at practices, strategies or programs in which sponsors can show strong evidence of having a statistically significant effect on improving student achievement or growth.
The charity would be the official sponsor on immigration papers, but the students would be the donors.
The department said work is underway «with an expectation that schools will become sponsored academies and join the hubs» throughout next year.
That could begin with a new title sponsor for the coming seasons.
Note: The airline is a major sponsor of the awards show.
I didn't quote you, I didn't say you said sponsors don't drop athletes, you need to read peoples posts before you respond dude.
The whole city and state is behind this and we're pretty far down the road with title and presenting sponsors.
In another recent study sponsored by the federal government, researchers looked at a program that included extensive coaching — an increasingly popular method of improving teachers.
Management fees are the amount retained by the fund sponsor for selecting the securities that make up the fund.
He's the main sponsor of five bills this session that range from road lane markings to campaign literature to long - term health care.
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