Sentences with phrase «to sponsor the legislation»

"To sponsor the legislation" means to support and take responsibility for proposing a new law or bill in a legislative body like a parliament or congress. The person or group sponsoring the legislation is advocating for its passage and is usually involved in drafting and promoting the proposed law. Full definition
It can also help highlight any pay - to - play schemes involving lawmakers sponsoring legislation in return for campaign contributions.
They are also sponsoring legislation that would eliminate the requirement that midwives need a formal agreement to practice.
Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat who sponsored the legislation in the Assembly, called it the «Beagle Freedom Bill,» beagles are popular dogs in many research facilities.
Mr. Wright came under fire in 2013 for sponsoring legislation with Mr. Golden that allowed several luxury developers to receive the controversial 421a tax exemption.
«The issue is that basically unclaimed bodies are being released without any sort of consideration of the person's possible religious or personal beliefs on whether or not they want to be used for such practices,» said Queens Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz, who sponsored the legislation with state Sen. Simcha Felder (D - Brooklyn).
«This is a very important issue that I have sponsored legislation on in Albany, along with my colleagues in the Western New York Delegation; we will push to make this a statewide initiative.»
Americans for Prosperity - Florida sent out mailers today to Floridians in six legislative districts to say thank you to state House and Senate members who sponsored legislation aimed at health care reform and eliminating government overreach.
Rep. Chris Collins today will unveil sponsored legislation, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act, or «SAGA,» that if passed would limit the authority of states and localities to regulate conduct, or impose penalties or taxes, in relation to rifles or shotguns.
Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat sponsoring legislation to require Airbnb to publicly report the addresses of the units it advertises online, said the new ad makes «you wonder what they are hiding.»
Advocacy groups had said Collins sponsored legislation that could potentially benefit the company.
Krueger has sponsored legislation since 2010 that would require committees to send their money to charities, the state, or back to donors within four years of a candidate's last campaign or a year of their death.
I fully support our Second Amendment and, in the County Legislature, I even sponsored legislation opposing the SAFE Act.
State Sen. Daniel Squadron sponsored legislation last year that created a state - city panel to address the loophole.
Bey sponsored legislation establishing residency requirements on city contracts.
I'm proud of sponsoring this legislation because it will help keep our innocent friends from being killed needlessly and senselessly.»
SAM members have banded together, over 350 of them, to bring SEL into the forefront of educational discussion and will be sponsoring legislation next year to make SEL training a requirement for all new teachers.
The bill was introduced quietly into the Senate Rules Committee and does not have an actual lawmaker sponsoring the legislation.
Senator Paula Sandoval sponsored the legislation, which passed the Health & Human Services Committee by a vote of 8 - 0.
«Senator Griffo and his colleagues sponsoring this legislation understand the impact term limits would have on reducing corruption in government,» said Reform Party Chairman Bill Merrell.
You also see GOP legislators sponsoring legislation then voting against their own bills once Obama is on record as willing, you see the unprecedented 1 year + Supreme Court vacancy.
Sen. Terrence Murphy sponsored legislation passed by the state Senate this month that would toughen New York's sexual harassment laws.
On December 13, 2010, National Assembly representatives from the Fidesz - Christian Democratic People's Party governing alliance approved the government - sponsored legislation compelling employees in Hungary to retain either their private pension - fund savings or their eligibility for state pensions.
Assemblyman Tedisco introduces resolution calling on New York's Congressional delegation to sponsor legislation calling for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine
Democrat Ellen Jaffee sponsored the legislation in the Assembly and participated in a meeting Tuesday with Elia, Szberla and others.
Disgraced former Assemblyman Eric Stevenson was convicted of taking $ 20,000 to sponsor legislation giving his confederates a monopoly in adult day care services.
Farley sponsored legislation that created the Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority, which he described as a catalyst for growth.
Outgoing Nassau legislator Fran Becker said he will sponsor legislation Monday to raise county lawmakers» salaries, which have been held at $ 39,500 for the past 20 years.
Sen. John DeFrancisco and Assemblyman William Magnarelli sponsored the legislation.
Likewise Vis, Senator Morahan sponsored legislation that I wrote as a private citizen.
While in the Assembly, Shelley sponsored legislation that makes naloxone, a life - saving drug that stops opioid overdoses, more easily available.
In New York State, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Senator Tom O'Mara sponsored legislation that created New York's pilot program.
Senator Squadron and Assembly Member Kavanaugh sponsored legislation to close the LLC loophole, and they have been vigorously backed by Senators Liz Krueger, Brad Hoylman and Jose M. Serrano.
State Senator Catharine Young, a Republican from the Southern Tier who has previously sponsored legislation that deals with rape, said she's personally «fully supportive» of Cuomo's proposal, including the affirmative consent component, but she said she couldn't speak on behalf of her conference because she hadn't yet discussed it with her colleagues.
Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick sponsored legislation in the County Legislature that supports Senator Chris Jacobs» proposal to share 10 percent of the revenue from the Grand Island tollbooths with the communities of Grand Island, Town of Tonawanda and Niagara Falls.
NEW YORK CITY — Mayor Bill de Blasio said he would veto legislation that would make the use of chokeholds by police illegal, but the Queens councilman sponsoring the legislation said he may have enough votes to override the mayor's objection.
If he does sponsor the legislation, Rubio may earn back some of the goodwill he lost with some of the conservatives who were irked by his star turn in spearheading the landmark immigration bill to legalize the country's 11 million undocumented immigrants.
Gillibrand sponsored the legislation in the Senate that called for the Working Group.
The change in the law, as well as an extension of the CPF from 2030 to 2050, was signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo after state Sen. Ken LaValle (R - Port Jefferson) and Assemblymen Fred Thiele (I — Sag Harbor) sponsored the legislation earlier this year.
Successfully sponsored legislation to increase funding for the Arts in Ulster County by 10 % and help spur our local economy.
And the newspaper says Clark sponsored legislation that would allow the Indian Cultural Community Center to purchase even more property on the site.
State Assemblyman Dan Quart, who has been working with the community to try to clean up the mess, recently sponsored legislation that would give Department of Sanitation officers more authority to issue tickets to businesses that break the rules.
Udall and other Democrats in Colorado's congressional delegation proceeded to sponsor legislation similar to Ritter's plan.
Coming from Washington State, which is highly dependent on large hydroelectric dams for its electricity, McMorris Rodgers is a vocal supporter of hydropower and nuclear energy and has sponsored legislation expanding the development of small hydroelectric dams nationwide — a valuable source of renewable energy.
Although both Democrats and Republicans sponsored the legislation, it had drawn a veto threat from the White House because it didn't provide a way to offset the $ 156 billion that the tax break is expected to cost over the next decade.
Sen. Al Franken, D - Minn., is sponsoring legislation affecting online dating services.
Because of that, in 2009, Rep John Benson, a former Edina teacher union leader along with strong support from Mpls district union leaders Louise Sundin and Lynn Nordgren sponsored legislation that enabled districts to access the same flexibility and autonomy provisions of chartering without actually chartering a school.
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