Sentences with phrase «to spout out»

Jeff and I were especially entertained by the fountain pictured above that had water spouting out of unusual places.
we're not just spouting out random queries.
The bosses are massive, great big colourful things too that are just as challenging to beat as they are interesting to look at, while the dialogue spouted out by the various characters in the game is often entertaining and highly amusing.
Maybe you should read up on their doctrine before spouting out what you believe.
With no rhyme or reason the news outlets just start spouting out crap - nonsense which I think we can all agree is extremely accurate.
Once the ball crosses the line then a glittery explosion spouts out from the goal.
So, whoever portrays her on the big screen will need to convincingly embody all those traits, not just someone who spouts out random words hoping audiences will find the actress believable in the end.
But by far the worst offender in the audio department is the robotic co-driver, who spouts out their pacenotes with all the charisma of a supermarket self - service checkout.
The characters spout out streams of philosophical poetry that beg the audience to pay attention, while we're busy checking our watches to see how much longer we have to suffer.
Throughout the story, he simply spouts out dramatic and forgettable lines.
Each actor manages to make his or her character a living being, not merely someone spouting out snappy dialogue and standing as foil.
The fact that Climate Modelers spouted out about the results of their models before doing this shows
To spout out tired old meaningless phrases from an ancient book written by ignorant goatherds?
FFS we need less of these atheists spouting out their discontent blaming religion for the woes of the world.
But time and again you hear religious overtones spouting out of our leaders, The wall is crumbling.
I heard they have a new intolerance chicken sandwich on the menu and when you enter the door the chime spouts out gay slurs like the museum of tolerance.
David wrote once «what came first the thug or the theology» saying if someone is spouting out bad theology «please stop» and if bullying «stop now».
I'm sure his aim is to give a little balance to all the Anti- Wenger tripe that gets spouted out of a lot of miserable peoples mouths
So spouting out some quote out of context doesn't mean much.
Do not keep spouting out the same rubbish.Your very boring mate.
The difference between us and everything else is that we don't spout out advice and expect it to be the right advice for you.
This chemical mixture of water and H2 spouting out of Enceladus, in the words of Hunter Waite, team lead on the instrument that detected the H2, «shows the potential for the existence of life in this interior ocean.»
While some sociologists seem to perpetuate relationship stereotypes with their work (like the amount of trophy wife and sugar daddy pairings out there), spouting out scientific jargon and abstract theories, McClintock strives to change that.
In the film's funniest scene, Bruce takes over the new anchor's body and speech control on his first day of the job, causing him to spasm and spout out unintelligible blabber.
Nicholson is clearly having a nice time collecting a paycheck and making up words like «gooze - frabba» and spouting out silly one - liners that seem to only enrage Sandler's character.
The excess content was deleted for good reason: the serious scenes are redundant and spout out information covered elsewhere.
Shoeshine of course becomes Capitol City's beloved superhero Underdog, as he thwarts bad guys while spouting out rhyming couplets.
His counterparts are equally uninteresting, as the French captain is simply a pompous caricature and Professor Ivarsson's everyman resorts to nonchalant narration, monotonously spouting out his wisdom about ancient cultures without the tiniest bit of enthusiasm.
Fair enough if your actors are hacking it up like there's no tomorrow, but if your dialogue is as awkward, overdone, unfunny, and uninspiring as the dialogue the characters spout out here, then its no surprise the performances are so bad.
This is especially true for DJay (Terrence Howard, «Crash»), a two - bit pimp who spends his days tricking girls out the back of his Caddy, his nights selling weed, and any spare time spouting out philosophical strategies on life.
Instead of sitting slumped and silent, the Roots & Shoots kids spouted out all they had learned about the scourge of Styrofoam: which chemicals it contains, how much space it consumes in landfills.
No, this hatred and insults also comes spouting out of the mouths of some of the top bestsellers who have been beaten by a thousand clues over the years.
Your wallet doesn't spring open involuntarily spouting out cash, manufacturers don't surround you with magnetic wands to charge your credit card when you've said no.
Standing on a bluff in the cold, you can see gray spouts out at sea.
While you're sunbathing on the shore it won't be unusual to see humpback whales spouting out in the water.
The DRS and KERS systems never get explained and the player is never informed on how they actually work on track, nor is any of the lingo that your race engineer spouts out mid-race.
Wilson flies around spouting out lines about how great America is and tossing out references to real - life events in American politics.
Clara spouts out the same hammy one - liners in every mission, and it's obvious that Zoe is voiced by a different actress which is jarring for returning players.
Having walked my squad into a trap, the dramatic music suddenly pumps up, squad mates start spouting out foul mouthed curses, and a timer emphasises the fact I have to absolutely leg it down to the other end of the level.
This comment section btw is meant for open discussion between gamers, let's try to be informed and do some sort of research without spouting out nonsense due to what one thinks the other is and can only contest with insults.
The team wanted to empower players to have more control over these team - up attacks: when Ariel jumps into the sky, for example, she creates puddles around the playfield, and at the end of the attack water fountains spout out of them, so players can create their own in - game water show.
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