Sentences with phrase «to spread across the globe»

Three deep - space facilities are spread across the globe at 120 degrees apart, so that a signal can always be received.
It could be members from certain countries while they claim to have members spread across the globe.
No matter how far humans spread across the globe, we are constantly discovering new kinds of animals on the planet.
Once considered a very odd behavior, fish - catching by spiders occurs in eight families spread across the globe.
LMS software can be used by large businesses with hundreds of thousands of users spread across the globe.
This movement has spread across the globe because it offers many benefits relating to health, the environment and more.
Many have known each other for decades, their families growing up together at science meetings spread across the globe.
With a long atmospheric lifetime of about 6 months, mercury emissions spread across the globe.
They are definitely pioneers and I think, with the internet being what it is, this message will spread across the globe fairly quickly.
With wealthy family clients living in multiple jurisdictions who have their vast wealth spread across the globe, we are bound to have disputes worldwide.
The cryptocurrency market has become a happy hunting ground for millions of traders spread across the globe nowadays.
Currently, I manage complex multi-year programs with a multi-million dollar budget supervising resources spread across the globe and launch products on schedule and below budget.
Repressive police tactics against the peaceful protesters only swelled their numbers and four weeks later the movement has spread across the globe with over 1000 demonstrations taking place on 15th October.
Jefo Consumer Business St - Hyacinthe, QC Visit website» With offices spread across the globe, this firm designs, manufactures, stores and distributes animal feed additives.
Scientists at MIT and other institutions are using a method called VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) to link a group of radio telescopes spread across the globe into what is, in effect, a telescope the size of our planet.
Exceptional customer service: Aims to resolve all issues within 24 hours with a multilingual team spread across the globe Liquidity: Great liquidity for traders, thereby minimizing slippages in trade price executions.
As well as exploring its intimate connection with society and politics, it charts how the movement spread across the globe into Asia, the US and Latin America.
As Alpha in a Catholic context spreads across the globe, Nick J Drake wonders whether the elusive «fifth... More
Christianity spread across the globe by conquest and war, not peace and love.
Then they fed the CO2 data into two mathematical models: one that estimates how much carbon the oceans absorb and release, and another that gauges how CO2 is spread across the globe by wind currents.
With coverage of football now spread across the globe more than ever before, Rob Lyons looks at examples of sponsorship deteriorating the very identity of clubs.
«This crayfish is a serious pest,» adds Gerhard Scholtz, an evolutionary biologist at Humboldt University in Berlin, who has tracked its rapid spread across the globe, including Madagascar, where its success threatens the existence of the seven crayfish native to that island country.
To measure the mass and growth rate of these galaxies» active nuclei — the supermassive black holes at the galaxies» centers — the researchers used data from 12 different ground - based telescopes spread across the globe to complement the data from the Swift satellite.
In 2011, Sturmwind proved that Dreamcast was the phoenix of video game consoles when RedSpotGames revealed the game publicly on national television in Germany and it even earned a public endorsement from SEGA however the boys at Elysian Shadows have taken things to the next level with their border-less style of development with a team composed of members literally spread across the globe which has lead to global coverage.
While based in Vancouver, the collection is usually spread across the globe, on loan to institutions such as MoCA Los Angeles, the MET, Centre Pompidou and Tate Modern, among many others.
With families increasingly spread across the globe, lawyers and judges are faced with more complex legal issues, Toronto family lawyer Ryan McNeil writes in The Lawyer's Daily.
The large, swirling, cloud - like plumes grow and spread across the globe over an entire seasonal cycle, showing just how far C02 emissions can spread.
Criminals with malicious intent created several worms and ransomware that spread across the globe causing lots of financial damage and loss.
Cyber attackers have multiplied in numbers in the last ten years and spread across the globe attacking remotely.
If the entire StatCoin platform crashed all account holdings can be restored from any one of our database servers spread across the globe.
Thousands of people followed His teaching when He was alive, and even after His death over 2,000 years ago; Christianity is still spreading across the globe.
Along with the individual bodies of believers in different churches, we also need to remember that every church is part of the Body of Christ spread across the globe.
A beautiful pin with gorgeous, lip - smacking food photos, an amazing adjective to up your title a notch, a great description; it brings readers, it brings followers, it gets your brand and recipes spread across the globe much more easily than you doing it yourself.
What began in Helsinki four years ago, has since spread across the globe and become an international food event.
Tamed cats spread across the globe beginning almost 10,000 years ago, becoming the rodent - killing helpers of early farmers, mariners and Vikings.
Some scientists consider Argentine ants to be one giant super-colony spread across the globe.
You advised on the film Contagion, in which a lethal virus spreads across the globe within weeks.
By 7 a.m., the image was out on Instagram, and it began its inexorable spread across the globe.
«That's not to excuse the space agency and its curators, but with so many samples spread across the globe, some losses are probably to be expected.»
To understand how the disease spread across the globe, molecular microbiologist Stewart Cole of the Pasteur Institute in Paris and colleagues compared genomes among seven M. leprae strains culled from various countries.
That's actually the whole point of having three of these detectors spread across the globe, Saulson added.
Observations are also underway with a network of radio dishes spread across the globe that form a telescope with a diameter comparable to the size of the earth.
Originating in India over 4,000 years ago, mango cultivation has gradually spread across the globe and now Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Israel, and the U.S. are all among the key producers of the fruit.
The Paleolithic period covers 200,000 years and multiple homo species spreading across the globe.
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (CS: CZ), a tactical action game, challenges you to compete with and against cunning AI opponents in mission - based campaigns spread across the globe.
They were indirectly the cause of and have survived the fall of humankind after a simian flu spread across the globe.
She has posted 12 photos and videos, though her acting reel was promptly removed from Vimeo Tuesday morning as news of her casting spread across the globe.
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