Sentences with phrase «to spread one's fingers»

How - to: Begin with knees bent, palms flat on the floor about shoulder - distance apart and about 12 inches in front of feet; spread fingers wide.
Open your hand and spread your fingers as far apart as possible for at least 5 seconds.
Now, spread your fingers apart, as far as you can go.
Next, without spreading your fingers too far apart, push straight back into your chest wall.
(spread your fingers widely and point the middle finger to the front of the room).
Instead of spreading the fingers on the floor, curl them slightly.
Place your thumbs near your dog's spine behind its shoulders and then spread your fingers out over the dog's ribs.
Spread your fingers wide, relax your shoulders and engage your belly.
Holding the lattice on your palm and spread fingers of one hand, parchment paper side up, peel parchment paper from bottom and turn lattice over onto pie.
«You immediately starts playing with the sounds to hear, for example, what tonal effect spreading your fingers apart or changing the position of your hand has,» says Ungerechts.
Spread the fingers flat, facing forward, and actively press the knuckles down while lifting your sitz bones up.
Gently spread your fingers apart, grounding all four corners of your palms.
(Sorry, but you can't spread your fingers to automatically enlarge or shrink e-book text.)
She looked with revulsion at the blood on her arms and hands, spreading her fingers wide as if stretching the skin taut would keep the blood from sinking in.
On the other hand, I spread my fingers and grip along the seams.
From a squatting position, place both palms on the ground and spread your fingers wide for more stability.
To increase the stretch to the back of your body, press your heels down to the ground while you continue to press into your hands and spread your fingers.
Reach your heels toward the ground and spread your fingers, so your bodyweight gets distributed evenly through the hands and feet.
Spread your fingers to engage your arms and feel grounded through the soles of your feet.
Spread your fingers and rise high on your toes.
Lying on the stomach, spread the fingers wide and place them directly under the shoulders.
Keeping your arms wide, lift them up about 6 inches, turn your palms to face forward, and spread your fingers.
Begin on your hands and knees with your hands directly underneath your shoulders (spreading your fingers).
Spread the fingers wide.
Spread the fingers out on the floor with palms flat and contract the abs to bring the head, neck and back in alignment.
Spread your fingers and bring your wrist crease parallel to the front of your mat.
Stack your wrists under your shoulders and spread your fingers wide.
Lock your fingers out and spread your fingers.
Some people find the stretch goes a little deeper if they bend at the elbow and spread the fingers.
Spread your fingers wide and align your wrist crease to the front of the mat.
Keep your hands on the floor and spread the fingers.
The best way is to spread your fingers wide and press the heels of the palms into the mat.
If your top arm is lifted, spread the fingers, reach through the knuckles, and lift the arm high, creating more freedom as you extend.
Finally, make your hands broad and deep: Spread your fingers as wide as they can go, covering as much of the table's surface area as possible, and push down purposefully into the table.
Spread your fingers wide.
Make sure your left middle finger is pointed forward and spread your fingers to have more surface area.
Steps: Paint hand and fingers white except the thumb, when pressing down spread fingers to make the ears, dip one finger in pink paint and go over the ears then paint on the face accents with a brush.
She held up her large hand and spread the fingers, let the wind trace itself through.
You can specify what page turn effect you want, the page turn duration, change font sizes by pinching and spreading your fingers, and also choose what the left screen tap and right sreen tap do.
Once you open an issue, you can spread your fingers to zoom in and pinch to zoom out.
Michelle Doll, in her well over life - size Couple, AJB3, portrays two lovers sleeping in cool, night light, communicating private intimacy in the woman's damp hair and a beautiful gesture of stay - with - me in her spread fingers.
The exhibition includes a brick sculpture built on site by father - daughter team, bricklayer Brian Watts and artist Demelza Watts; a tense video by Nelmarie Du Preez of a robotic arm, programmed by the artist to repeatedly stab a knife between her spread fingers; and the surreal altered photographs of Eva Stenram.
The display includes a fully functioning fish counter in the galleries by multi - media artist and fishmonger Sam Curtis; a brick sculpture built on site by father - daughter team bricklayer Brian Watts and artist Demelza Watts; a tense video work by Nelmarie Du Preez of a robotic arm, programmed by the artist to repeatedly stab a knife between her spread fingers; and wall - paintings by Lothar Götz.
Also on show is a sculpture by Ben Woodeson made up of precariously balanced panes of glass and a tense video work by Nelmarie Du Preez of a robotic arm programmed to repeatedly stab a knife between her spread fingers.
Microsoft has just announced that Cortana will be spreading her fingers to more pies by jumping to Android and iOS devices.
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