Sentences with phrase «to spread through the body»

Spread through body fluids, such as blood and saliva.
You can see the relaxation spread through their bodies like a wave and it's amazing to be able to provide that for an animal.
We had him on medication to try to keep any infection from spreading through his body and continued with the medications for his heart and for the fluid surrounding it.
I always get a little feeling of delight spread through my body when I find a tasty raw recipe.
I can almost imagine the nursing mothers feeling its nourishment spread through their bodies, almost hear the guests who've come to celebrate a wedding.
It an actually spread through his body to result in a diaper rash!
As the muscles of your face and eyes become relaxed, feel a wave of relaxation spreading through your body.
Malignant cancers may spread through the body by invading the lymph transport system and then seeding in bones, brain and other organs.
«But mounting evidence confirming angiotropism and EVMM has revolutionized the knowledge of how cancer spreads through the body to the point that other scientists have confirmed the process in other solid tumor cell types such as pancreatic cancer.»
A new study by scientists at the Gladstone Institutes shows that infection sites could affect the immune system's response to a virus and the way the virus spreads through the body.
Bacteria are spreading through the body via the bloodstream and may damage vital organ systems.
Plato says somewhere that you want to be very careful about letting a beautiful young thing whom might you love kiss you, comparing the kiss to a spider bite, and the love it will stir to a poison spreading through your body.
A thrush may develop on your nipples when naturally - occurring organisms spread through your body uncontrollably.
Cancers missing LKB1 are often aggressive, rapidly spreading through the body.
Loaded with signaling molecules, exosomes spread through the body «like messages in a bottle,» says R. Douglas Fields, a neurobiologist at the National Institutes of Health.
After arthritis spread through her body, her sisters (who were also pharmacists and getting into nutrition and alternative methods) suggested that the deeper issue could be caused by a leaky gut.
The powerful ingredients spread through your body, increasing your levels of free testosterone
Emergency rooms and hospitals only have so much space, so when beds are full it can mean you're forced to wait for medical care — and that wait time can sometimes be the difference between life and death, or the loss of limbs, as happened to Malyia Jeffers, a baby who waited five hours for medical care while flesh - eating bacteria spread through her body.
It is spread through all body secretions and is highly contagious and usually fatal.
Dental disease doesn't only mean possible toothaches for your pet, accompanying infection can spread through the body affecting vital organs and functioning of the heart, kidney, and liver.
FIV is a lentivirus, meaning it is a virus that slowly spreads through the body, attacking the immune system.
Fipronil spreads through the body's oil glands underneath the skin.
The virus will spread through the body in lymphocytes and monocytes (white blood cells involved in immune responses) and within a few weeks will spread to the bone marrow.
The smell of wind and dust lingers in my nostrils, a contented ache spreading through my body and drawing me into peaceful revery.
Canine Leptospirosis: Canine leptospirosis is an infection of bacterial spirochetes which dogs acquire when subspecies of the leptospirosis bacteria penetrate the skin and spread through the body by way of the bloodstream.
Once breast cancer spreads through the body, it can degrade a patient's healthy bones, causing numerous problems.
The time needed for breast cancer metastases (secondary lesions caused by cells that have escaped from the original tumour) to develop varies between patients, and little is known about the mechanisms that govern latency (the dormant state of cells that have already spread through the body).
The researchers wanted to find out whether these drugs could be used earlier — in those patients who had just had surgery — to stop the disease from spreading through the body or coming back.
«Good oral hygiene can help prevent diseases or secondary infections, such as liver, heart, kidney and joint disease from bacteria originating in the mouth and spreading through the body via the bloodstream.
Some infections are spread through body fluids like semen (cum), vaginal fluids, and blood.
Shomyseh Sanjabi and her team show that different routes of sexual transmission affect how a virus spreads through the body.
One important complication here is that other body organs such as the heart also generate electrical potentials that spread through the body and summate with the potentials from the brain.
There were times I thought I could not move another muscle or stay awake another minute... and then I would nurse the baby... and that feeling would spread through my body.
Some breast cancer tumors may follow that strategy to spread through the body.
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Some cancers keep to themselves as compact tumors while others aren't content until they've spread through the body.
When released from infected cells, the virus can spread through the body and between people.
Hemagglutinin, which plays a role in how the virus binds to host cells, has 18 known types; neuraminidase, which helps the virus detach from the cell so it can spread through the body, has 11.
Invertebrates» neurons are often collected into many ganglia, little knots that are spread through the body and connected to one another.
They found that depletion of macrophages in the liver and spleen had the biggest effect on allowing the virus to continue to spread through the body.
The subtle mechanics of densely packed cells may help explain why some cancerous tumors stay put while others break off and spread through the body.
They'd be able to study how tumor cells migrate: how they look, how they interact with the blood system to find nourishment to grow and spread through the body.
If untreated it can spread through the body and is potentially fatal.
I read an article recently which said something along the lines of scientists have known since the 1920s that cancer NEEDS acid to grow and spread through the body, so too much acid in our system is bad in that it can contribute to this terrible disease, and by consuming foods that can affect the alkaline balance in our bodies we can help to prevent it.
If dental problems are not treated, your pet could end up with mouth pain, tooth loss, jaw fractures, and even problems with organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver from dental infections that spread through the body.
The very rare, multiple, malignant form of pilomatricoma is usually recognized very early as it spreads through the body and causes clinical illness.
If a lump is cancerous, it's important to get it removed before the cancer spreads through the body.
Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer at the tumor site, as well as the cancer that may have spread through the body.
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