Sentences with phrase «to spread up»

Think of it as an inverted triangle, the plant life at the bottom spreads up through all life forms from the smallest to the largest and most energetic at the top.
There is no room and that poop now spreads up baby's back.
Each loop of our patented double - loop design spreads up to 24 inches to meet the correct positioning and support needs of your baby.
In a test, the jet dryer spread up to 190 times viral particles than the other two methods.
So she ended up in the ER, where the redness quickly spread up her leg.
Day by day and year by year the waters spread up the valleys and drove mankind before them.
-LSB-...] see those two spreads up there?
Or would hitting the ask push the current bid - offer spread up virtually the same percentage no matter what?
When cast this skill spreads up to 25 stacks of all conditions on the target to 5 nearby enemies within 600 range of the target enemy.
Some homes spread up to 500 square metres underground.
Putting aside for the moment just how the bacterium came to Puglia, a far more pressing issue is how to keep it from spreading up the Italian boot and into Europe.
It is then taken up by smaller sea life such as plankton and then spread up through the food chain as larger fish eat smaller ones.
Introduced in the southeast to help control weeds and parasites in aquaculture operations, these fish soon spread up the Mississippi River system where they have been crowding out native fish populations not used to competing with such aggressive invaders.
This detail is about the same as we achieve here at Jodrell Bank with our e-MERLIN array of telescopes working at centimetre wavelengths but with telescopes spread up to about 200 km apart.
These dogs may carry either a black or brown mask or sometimes no mask at all, but the mask should be limited to the muzzle and eye areas and not spread up into the head.
The descendants of the Marjoribanks retrievers spread up and down the coast, some of them reaching Alaska, but unfortunately neither the British nor Canadian Kennel Clubs had recognized the breed at the time and specific identity is lost.
Range: Although their range spreads up to northern Alaska, the southernmost continually - returning natural population of endangered coho is found in Redwood Creek, and is recognized as a reproductively isolated and distinct population.
Just past the entrance to Maureen Paley, posters bearing the slogans of pro-EU lobby groups spread up the walls.
This effect spreads up through the fog and the fog dissipates.
The mass loss started spreading up the northwest margin a few years ago.
Some glaciers» thinning spreads up to three times faster than on neighbouring tributaries, and was offset by decades.
The past few years the village has seen a huge spike in devolopment and constructions now spread up the hills inland from the coast.
They spread up to 190 times more of a noninfectious test virus used in the study than the other methods.
Deistic literature was printed and spread up and down the coast, while men and women united in a common faith in reason or common sense.
So I just left the bittersweet layer alone, and wasn't able to spread it up the edges of the crust.
So looking at the Gluten Free Brownie Crust — do you spread it up the sides, the way the picture looks, or is it just for the bottom of the pan??
Remove from heat and fill tart shell (s) with a thin layer of white chocolate, spreading it up the sides of the tart shell (this will prevent the cranberry filling from making the tart shell soggy).
Take the cake out of the fridge and add the cherry buttercream to the bottom 1/4, spreading it up to create a slight ombre effect.
Just stretch it out and spread it up the sides a bit.
Books won't adjust their spread if one offensive lineman is ruled out (even an All - Pro caliber player like Joe Thomas), but they will adjust the spread up to 2 points if three or more lineman are forced to sit.
Arizona then throttled St. Louis while Minnesota got crushed at home to Seattle and this may have swayed oddsmakers to push the spread up to -7.5 where they opened.
Adjust the fabric of the sling so that it is behind your toddler's knees and spread up his or her back.
Crews saw flames on the outside front door and went to work fighting them as they spread up the side of the house and into the roof, the statement said.
One bowel movement can spread up their back and down their legs, causing an immediate need for a bath.
At Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Amur corktree was found to have spread up to two miles from the point of introduction, and over 800 trees were located and measured.
Over the last decade, a handful of small experiments has indicated that a minuscule amount of pollen from engineered crops can spread up to a few hundred meters.
Lone star tick bites are likely the cause of thousands of cases of severe red meat allergies that are plaguing patients in Southeastern states including Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia and spreading up the Eastern Seaboard along with the deer population.
To make this image, the telescopes were spread up to 15 km apart.
Lone star tick bites are likely the cause of thousands of cases of severe red meat allergies that are plaguing patients in Southeastern states including Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia and spreading up the Eastern Seaboard along with the deer population.
Scoop about a teaspoon (or two) of cream cheese onto the ends covering the bulbs and spreading it up a little.
So, of course, her angel wings are going to take up the sky, spread up and out in spectacle.
Without purfling, cracks can spread up or down the top or back.
It will be easier to spread up - to - date news on the movie and book deals through twitter.
(If spreads had risen, I would have argued that we move the spreads up as a conservative gesture.)
This dog had a non-healing wound on her toe, which turned out to be a melanoma that spread up her leg, causing swelling and pain.
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