Sentences with phrase «to squander the money»

"To squander the money" means to waste or spend money carelessly and without thought, often on unnecessary or frivolous things. Full definition
While millennials are often accused of squandering their money on frivolous spending (Australian millionaire, Tim Gurner's controversial «Avocado» article a prime example of this kind of attack), in reality, the «stop spending and start saving» model just doesn't work in today's new world economy.
Victor Smith, the NDC's parliamentary candidate for Abuakwa North in the 2016 polls, has also been accused of squandering monies meant for campaign activities in the constituency ahead of the 2016 elections by Alhaji Dan Baba, a leading member of the NDC in that constituency.
Mayor LaGuardia may have condemned with harsh words the «boob» who squandered his money on the slots, but he also was looking out for him.
But even if you are in good health and end up dying early because of some fluke of fate, that doesn't mean you've squandered your money by buying an annuity any more than people who pay homeowners and auto insurance premiums are wasting their dough if their house doesn't burn down or they don't have a horrific car accident.
This had unfortunate results, as some stayed over in Belize City squandering their money in bars, nightclubs and brothels, bringing very little back to the village.
He has squandered money when given it to spend, has made bad choices in the market and bad choices on the field in terms of tactics.
Just look how Liverpool & Spurs squandered the money they got for Suarez & Bale respectively.
In theory the sale of one to enable the signing of a few could leave Tottenham in with a better shot at securing a Champions League return, however the way in which Andre Villas - Boas invested funds from Bale's sale, and the manner in which Brendan Rodgers squandered money from Luis Suarez's sale to Barcelona, prove that such a sale can set a club back a number of seasons.
But speaking to the issue on Saturday's edition of Radio Gold, Felix Kwakye Ofosu said «it is not true that anybody squandered that money».
In other words, the Hon. Minister has squandered the money without fulfilling his part of the agreement.
«(Cox) squandered money at the convention encouraged primaries and division... And then there was that silly bus and the commercial about the bus.
Again, they've watched the state squander money that could go to fund infrastructure, education, or make the state more affordable.
Do not use your military title, nor buy carpets with your company logo on, and on no account squander your money on expensive cars, company yachts and aeroplanes.
On the off chance that you read their assurances most decline to discount any cash on the off chance that you are not fulfilled so you wind up doing simply squandering your money.
I guess you can inherit money... but unless you have that entrepreneurial drive and SKILL (that's just as important as having drive), you will squander your money away.
There is an undeniable and indescribable excitement in acquisitions that brings to mind the doctor who squandered money funded to secure children's heart surgeries in order to buy the latest contemporary art; before he went to prison for embezzlement.
Over time, I discovered I was squandering money by buying stuff I didn't need.
And we've protected the burden so that there's no risk that we're squandering the money in the meantime.
The Executive Director of CHCR while speaking with DAILY POST on Thursday accused the governor of squandering the money he collected from the Federal Government in April this year.
Throw in the fact that editors in most big houses are squandering their money on whatever social justice fad there is, and the end result is a huge number of readers who feel either ripped off by high prices, unsatisfied by the available content, or both.
Instead of enforcing the criminal laws against our nation's biggest criminals, he squanders money persecuting impoverished welfare recipients for alleged welfare fraud and allows the bankers who steal billions of dollars to get off scot - free.
She knew how he squandered money, and she felt that this was the only way to make sure he'd always have a roof over his head.
The 80's wrestling star who squandered his money and opportunities because he didn't have the capacity to handle his fame.
Lisa's biggest fear is that she'll squander the money — not by overspending, but by making bad financial decisions.
The point is not to squander the money, but to cash in on outsized returns that don't come around every day.
Fans act surprised by how they squandered their money.
Maybe they squandered their money.
They are forced upon us by multimillion pound advertising and we end up squandering our money on things rather than creating memories.
if you don't want to squander your money.
The petitioners, members of the Committee to Save Cooper Union, accuse the New York City college's administrators and trustees of squandering money and missing opportunities to avoid charging tuition.
«The present global financial crisis should be inducing politicians not to squander money on non-solutions to non-problems.
I am just careful about expenditures and I don't care to squander money.
In other words, these builders invested in the parts of a house that last for 100 years or more, rather than squandering money on fixtures that are typically replaced every 10 to 20 years.
I tend to think it is, believing that the level of consumption currently afflicting North America is disastrous, in the way it drains resources, generates waste, and squanders money; however, it is unrealistic to expect people not to buy anything anything.
It's not surprising why: the Rules of Civil Procedure result in an incredible amount of lost time, wasted effort and squandered money.
The trap isn't to squander money on crazes and ROI - negative tactics like standard mail, so you have more money to put resources into the correct ones.
No matter the form your organization takes, you need to show potential money lenders that you have your act together and will not squander their money.
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