Sentences with phrase «to squeeze the glutes»

"To squeeze the glutes" means to tighten or contract the muscles located in your buttocks, also known as your gluteal muscles. Full definition
Personal Trainer tips: Really focus on squeezing the glutes at the top of the motion and move in a slow and controlled manner.
Raise your hips toward the ceiling focusing on squeezing your glutes while drawing your belly button in.
Drive your knees out, then drive your hips up into extension by squeezing your glutes hard.
Keep your arms extended out to the side, then engage your abs and squeeze your glutes while slowly pressing your hips up toward the ceiling.
Keep the heel of your left foot lifted and squeeze your glutes when returning to the starting position.
To really work the butt and glutes, pause at the top and focus on squeezing the glutes for 2 - 5 seconds before lowering.
For best results, avoid rounding your back all throughout the exercise and make sure to squeeze your glutes hard at the top of the movement.
Drive your heels through the ground and squeeze your glutes together at the top.
You're going to power it on up, squeeze the glutes up top.
Keep your back flat during a push - up, squeeze your glutes in a plank — and don't forget to roll your shoulders down before performing a bodyweight squat.
Push your chest away from the ground and squeeze your glutes tight in the transition point at the top of your push - up.
From there, alternate lifting your feet off the ground and squeeze your glutes before you lift each leg to emphasize the correct movement pattern.
As soon as the weight leaves the ground, think about squeezing your glutes and driving your hips forward, not moving the weight up.
At the last rep, hold position A and pulse up for 10 more reps, really squeezing your glutes at the top.
If you feel this in your lower back or hamstrings go back down and squeeze the glutes again.
Rest the bottom of your shoulder blades on the side of a bench, drop the hips and now drive them back up whilst squeezing the glutes.
-- When you return to a standing position, squeeze your glutes into the full hip extension.
Keeping your hands at your sides and your core tight, squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips off the floor as high as you can.
When the bar gets to your knees, drive your hips forward by squeezing your glutes.
Don't forget to squeeze your glutes when you return to standing for a bonus burn!
Hold at the top and squeeze glutes for 2 seconds.
Drive your heels into the ground, keeping your chest up and squeeze your glutes together at the top.
You then want to drive the hips forward and return to the starting position, squeezing the glutes while standing up tall.
Raise your hips toward the ceiling focusing on squeezing your glutes and drawing your belly button in.
Then lift your butt up squeezing glutes at the top.
Drive your hips up as high as possible, squeezing the glutes hard.
Stand tall and squeeze your glutes in this position before returning the kettlebell to the starting point.
Upon rising, push through the heel and squeeze your glute muscle for two seconds before lowering back down.
Thrust hips up by squeezing glutes until your body is a straight line from shoulders to knees (b).
Focus on squeezing your glutes with each rep. Do 20 - 25 reps or until your glutes are burning.
Really concentrate on squeezing the glute of the acting leg, controlling the exercise throughout.
Grabbing your back foot with the same arm squeeze the glute increasing the stretch on your Hip Flexors.
What areas are you compensating for by squeezing the glutes instead?
Many people mistake squeezing the glutes as a hyper extension.
Drive with the legs and squeeze the glutes during the concentric phase.
There, I settle in keeping my chest up with hip sinking low and breathe while alternating between squeezing my glute and relaxing it.
Weak abs, not bending at the hips, and not squeezing my glutes seem to be the biggest sticking points for me.
This is the point where you activate your core with full body tension squeezing your glutes, transverse abdominus, obliques, lower back, etc..
Basically, just squeeze those glutes wherever you can, every day — turn it into a mini-workout through the day: 3 sets, 15 reps — you get the picture.
Knees are going wide, and I begin to compress squeezing in and down on the dome with the 4th and 5th metatarsals squeezing the glutes, and I pull myself down matching the angle of my spines with my shins.
Rolling the hips will put the hips into neutral, increases anterior core tension, and squeezing the glutes locks everything in place.
The key to this movement is slowly squeezing the glutes as you thrust the leg back.
Pause, then shoot your hips forward, squeezing your glutes tightly to return to the starting position.
b. Keeping your back straight, push your hips back until the kettlebell is between and behind your legs then squeeze your glutes and drive your hips forward, swinging the weight overhead with straight elbows until your arms brush your ears.
Regardless of which plank variation you choose, make sure to always brace your abs in and squeeze your glute muscles.
COACHING KEYS: Push your chest away from the ground and squeeze your glutes tight in the transition point at the top of your push - up.
Glute squeeze: Squeeze glutes together as you push off with your back foot to shape and firm your butt.
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