Sentences with phrase «to stalk one's prey»

Unlike a stealth game, however, you don't have the luxury of stalking your prey from the shadows.
The notion of tracking with a computer may seem at odds with the primal image of stalking prey in the bush.
Fans loved the competitive modes of past iterations where death matches were strategic operations of stalking prey and fleeing hunters.
He is like a hunter stalking his prey, hanging the trophies on the wall.
You should think about your trading like you are a lion in the wild, stalking your prey slowly but with sure steps.
Just think of yourself as a Primal huntsman stalking his prey with a skull - crushing rock, and you'll be fine.
Like a well - camouflaged hunter of some sort that is silently stalking its prey through a jungle, director Shane Black's Predator reboot is still shrouded in secrecy.
In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career — the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long - term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.
This new title would appear to be a prequel to Absolution, as it features the return of Agent 47's long - time handler: «In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career — the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long - term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.»
«I'm shopping for women,» says Spindel, who stalks her prey like a big game hunter.
The Good: + Silently stalking my prey like the badass I am.
VERTICAL pupils aren't just for night vision, they also help snakes stalk prey without being seen.
It turns out they may also help snakes stalk prey without being seen.
In its wake, it has left many dead bodies and frightening, nameless, and sightless creatures who stalk prey through sound.
Most horror directors rely heavily on darkness descending before revealing the spectre but Halloween's creepiest moments actually come during the daytime — Myers is seen stalking his prey while driving around schools, lurking by a hedge on a packed suburban neighbourhood or, most eerily, looking on from laundry hanging in the backyard.
While the racist fur trader John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy), no lover of Native Americans, puts his weapon where his mouth is and kills Glass's son, the stage is set for the big chase, as Glass stalks his prey using the silly rifles which, in addition to arrows and knives served about all the weapons of mild destruction at the time.
You see, I spent a lot of my early time with Monster Hunter World as a sort of novice zoologist, stealthily stalking my prey and observing them in their natural habitat.
This pack allows you to go from stalking to shooting in just seconds, allowing you to easily stalk your prey.
The predator slips invisibly into homes, quietly stalks its prey and bites before a victim knows what happened.
The slim, vertical pupil probably helps ambush hunters stalk prey at night by making objects at a distance from the snake's hideout appear sharper, says Brischoux.
In a smoky bar, dimly lit in the twilight hours, a cougar stalks her prey.
The Assassin stalks its prey in this multiplayer gameplay for PlayStation 3 from San Diego Comic - Con 2010.
As would be expected considering Showalter's resume (he co-wrote the great Wet Hot American Summer), the film is exceptionally funny; watching awkward Doris stalk her prey is adorable and awkward and hilarious.
Here, we're presented with a curse passed from victim to victim through sexual encounter, a nameless evil that stalks its prey appearing as a random member of a crowd or perhaps a loved one.
Refusing to provide the type of puzzle - box solutions viewers have been trained to look for, Garland leaves us with psychedelic images: grotesque animal hybrids stalking their prey, quizzical humans transforming into flowers, and shiny doubles performing interpretative dance moves.
Nearly a decade later, The Man in Mask, Dollface and Pin - Up Girl are again stalking their prey, seemingly at random.
Being an objective trader is different from being a fearful trader, objective traders know what they are looking for and when they see it they pounce on it like a tiger stalking its prey, fearful traders can not act even when they see what they are looking for in the market.
No surprise they're now stalking their prey through Facebook and other social media.
In the wild, they hide from predators, covertly stalk their prey and retreat back to their safe place.
He writes that hiding in confined spaces allows a cat to simultaneously stalk prey while hiding from predators.
Some speculate that it has something to do with frustration as it is often observed in pets who are indoors stalking prey outdoors.
A Border Collie herding goats closely resembles a wolf stalking its prey.
This trait enabled falconers and hunters with nets to get closer to the birds when stalking their prey.
«All cats regardless of their size stalk their prey which takes a lot of energy and they are crepuscular which means they are most active at dawn and dusk,» she explained.
Large flutemouths stalk their prey and giant triggerfish patrol the area as if guarding their territory.
One of the best Bunaken dive sites that we visited was Sachiko's Point, where we saw tuna, 3 types of trevally (giant, bigeye and bluefin), 2 great barracuda stalking their prey, a couple of sharks, some huge Napoleon wrasse, and thousands upon thousands of redtooth triggerfish.
Worse, lag cropped up across multiple servers, and choppy action makes stalking prey and fighting with other players difficult.
The rub of fabric and the squeak of my shoes was exaggerated, and was rivaled only by the «thump, thump, thump» of the alien stalking its prey (me).
Once I played it, however, I grew to admire developer Klei's creative use of shadow and «visual audio» cues to convey a ninja stalking their prey.
Run, hide, and fight to survive in the darkness as the player designated as the Slasher stalks their prey with a Shotgun.
When controlling the Night Hunter, I've had far more success stalking my prey and waiting for human players to become isolated for an easy kill, as opposed to charging in head - on.
Seeing Nathan Drake bullwhip - swing around a rocky cliff, drop on top of an enemy, simultaneously struggle to disarm said enemy and shoot the guy across the brush gunning for him, backslide down a steep cliff with guns blazing, sneak through the environment stalking his prey, climb mountainsides, and pull enemies over the edge of a cliff brought a tear to my eye.
One person gets to be the villain stalking their prey, while four survivors must escape the semi-large arena they're placed in.
Use impressive vampire skills and powerful melee attacks to eliminate your foes from the cover of darkness — go invisible, stalk your prey unnoticed and devastate them with up - close attacks
In this oil painting lesson, he'll walk you through the elements of a majestic black panther stalking its prey.
Instead of meandering aimlessly like sheep in a pasture, your resume should provide the razor - sharp focus of a lion stalking its prey.
It's these Predator areas that capture the power fantasy of being Batman so perfectly, allowing you to stalk your prey from the shadows using a variety of takedown moves to thin the herd, striking from around corners, grabbing enemies through windows, laying traps using explosive gel and stringing thugs up from the rafters.
Look at the way big cats stalk their prey or the way certain predators wait at the bottom of the ocean, perfectly still waiting for prey.
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