Sentences with phrase «to stand for the leadership»

So I'm pleased today to be announcing that I will be standing for the leadership of the party.
Left to his own devices, as he makes clear in his diary entry for 12 October 1980, he would have stood for the leadership in October that year when Callaghan resigned in a deliberate attempt to pre-empt the decision of Labour's party conference to have the wider franchise for electing the Leader that all major parties now take for granted.
Former cabinet minister says he will never stand for leadership of party and that «Ed Miliband is entitled to expect our loyalty»
«For me, the mystery remains: why is the Right Hon. and learned Member for Camberwell and Peckham not standing for the leadership of the Labour Party?
If Jeremy has to stand for another leadership election, I will chair his campaign and I think the Labour party members will elect him again — but I think that's unnecessary.
Gove may not stand for the leadership if his friend, David Cameron, vacates it.
Mr Batten, who did not rule out standing for the leadership on a permanent basis, said: «I feel optimistic that Ukip can and will grow stronger and more successful because ordinary patriotic people want, need and deserve a party that represents their interests.
«And of course no Liberal Democrat could possibly stand for the leadership without stressing the importance of freedom - not just of course from oppression, a bossy and intrusive state, but also....
Party president Simon Hughes, who has stood for the leadership twice before, ruled himself out of this contest earlier this week.
Asked whether he would consider standing for the leadership again, Mr Kennedy told Question Time last night: «Who knows?
We have now an opportunity for change for the better: an intellectual, far superior to the reptilian Osborne and far, far superior to the obsequious and self serving other candidates standing for leadership of the Labour party.
[20] After months of speculation, Key stood for leadership of the party and was elected unopposed.
Ed Miliband's wife, Justine Thornton, is said to have been deeply hurt by the frosty stance reportedly adopted by her sister - in - law Louise Miliband since his surprise decision to stand for the leadership last year.
The relationship between Hugh Gaitskell and Harold Wilson, respectively leader and shadow chancellor in the late 50s, was such that Wilson even stood for the leadership against Gaitskell in 1960.
Mr Field said Mr Afriyie would only stand for the leadership if Mr Cameron lost the next Election and resigned as Conservative leader.
His comments come after Mr Clegg, the home affairs spokesman, last night told an Observer fringe event that he would stand for the leadership whenever Sir Menzies stepped down.
When Cameron stood for the leadership, Bercow hardly ingratiated himself by drawing attention to characteristics the rising star did not want to highlight — his Eton education and traditional Tory views, including support for foxhunting.
Former Labour Cabinet minister Jim Murphy has confirmed he will stand for the leadership in Scotland, but the prominent Blairite may struggle to pick up union support and is expected to face a stiff challenge from Left - wingers.
Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk, has announced that he will not stand for the leadership of his party, saying it risks becoming out of touch with the public over Brexit and leaving Vince Cable the only declared candidate so far.
If Jeremy has to stand for another leadership election, I will chair his campaign and I think the Labour party members will elect him again — but I think that's unnecessary,» he told the BBC.
He said: «I will never stand for leadership of the Labour party.
Come forth and make a stand for leadership in this country to change it for the better.
He has claimed that he stood for the leadership because it was «his turn» to be the left's traditional also - ran.
Vince Cable is 72 this May and thought himself too old to stand for the leadership eight years ago.
Five years ago, Ed Miliband decided to stand for the leadership of the Labour Party because he felt the global financial crisis had opened the way to a centre - left moment.
Ken Macintosh who has serves as the MSP here since 1999 stood for leadership of the party against Kezia Dugdale, urging the party to be more positive about its aims and ideals.
[6] She declared that she desired her suspension lifted so that she could stand for the leadership.
Paul Nuttall announced on 9 July 2016 that he would not stand for the leadership and that he would step down as Deputy Leader of the party.
McDonnell tried to stand for the leadership in 2007 when he was a backbencher but was thwarted by a lack of nominations from parliamentary colleagues.
He stood for the leadership in 2010 but lost out to Ed Miliband, going on to hold the shadow health brief under Mr Miliband's leadership.
Oliver Letwin tried to persuade him to stand for the leadership in 2005.
The website LabourList also reported that he had told the Doncaster North CLP: «I am telling you first that I am standing for the leadership.
«I have never stood for the leadership of my party — and for the avoidance of doubt, regardless of the circumstances, I never will.»
She also appeared to take a parting shot at Jeremy Corbyn when asked whether she should have stood for the leadership herself.
Soon afterwards, he said he would not be standing for the leadership.
«Shortly before the election campaign, I made the decision, in the event that Labour was defeated and a new Leader was to be elected, to stand for the leadership of the party if there was a desire in the party for me to do so.
Ms Leadsom said: «The best interests of our country inspired me to stand for the leadership.
«The best interests of our country inspired me to stand for the leadership.
Tristram Hunt, one of three Labour modernisers hoping to stand for the leadership, has written in the Guardian about Labour's need to regain the trust of the working class.
A month later, he changed his mind and stood for the leadership, later becoming the First Minister of Scotland.
Asked what policies she would introduce as prime minister, Eagle said: «Today, I'm announcing my decision to stand for the leadership of the Labour party.
«The day before the NEC met, Angela Eagle, who for months had been planning to stand for the leadership, formally launched her challenge.»
Following the resignation of Jim Wallace in May 2005 as leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, Nicol announced his intention to stand for the leadership.
Central Office announced that he would not be standing for the leadership.
Chuka Umunna I'm going to stand for leadership of the Labour party... Actually, scrub that.
Margaret Beckett had been the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, and following Smith's death was serving as acting leader; she was the only female Labour MP ever to stand for the leadership of the party (and remained so until Diane Abbott announced her candidacy on 20 May 2010).
He gurgled instead of answering, having been caught completely off - guard by her surprise announcement to the Radio 4 audience that she would be standing for leadership of the Labour Party.
«With Jeremy in charge of this party this party will split and be destroyed, and that is why I felt I had no choice but to put my name forward and to stand for the leadership,» he said.
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