Sentences with phrase «to stand for the truth»

And the sad part is, most choose not to stand for truth because they know they will be hated and criticized.
Romance stands for the truth that with courage, love and determination, we can do much better.
i totally agree with the comments directed towards cnn they will show your comment as long as it does nt offend anything.they have hosts like rick sanchez who claim to be a christian but he is realy a catholic cussing and swearing on nmational tv., and yet they ban everyone who stands for the truth amazing.GOOD JOB CNN
«Instead of crucifying people like Anenih, they should be commended for standing for the truth even in the face of obvious provocation, false allegations and deliberate attempt to soil his hard earned reputation,» the statement added.
Yes, you may have many members of differing thoughts who come to listen... how do you respect yourself if you do not get off the fence and stand for Truth in all things?
If you make apologies for predatory behavior because the predator is «one of us,» then you are not standing for truth, and you are potentially sacrificing countless other lives, no matter what you tell yourself.
In many Christian circles, as long as we «Stand for truth no matter what!»
to defend the truth and stand for the truth instead of hide in my closet scared to stand for what it good and true cause it may offend someone.
«Thank God our President stands for the truth, the unfortunate thing is that some people around him whom he has given trust are lying to him; this one I can attest to and I can give you instances, I can give you documentary evidence,» Maina said.
Stand for what is right — quit your job with the PUBS and start standing for truth.
TILA is an acronym which stands for Truth - in - Lending Act, and RESPA is an acronym which stands for Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.
With an appearance akin to neon signs, the logos stylish stand for truth, justice, hope, freedom, strength, and an unflappable determination to protect innocents from evil.
«I always stand for the truth and still stand by the claims that the Ghana parliament is full of bribery and corruption.
Today, this short article addresses how a Republican Senator could find the courage to stand for Truth even if it meant going against the Republican President.
If so, then The Moment of Truth is doing God's good work, exposing lies and standing for truth.
I stand for truth.
It's amazing how even as Christians, people who are called to walk in holiness and stand for truth and righteousness, we will turn a blind - eye to the actions of someone because they play for our favorite team.
In a society where every man is right in his own eyes and it is more important to be carefully nuanced and ask more and more questions without ever taking a stand on anything, it is inevitable that those who do want to take a stand for truth will upset many people.
As Christians, when we make a stand for truth and the result is personal attacks, insults, and persecution, we should remember the words of Jesus: «If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
«With all due respect, but particularly to our Caucasian brethren, they hide in their buildings, throw their hands in the air singing «I am a friend of God... I am a child of God» when it's time to speak up for Christianity and to stand for truth and oppose error and demonic entities that have been poured on the young and old,» he said.
Certainly, there is nothing wrong with being people of conviction — indeed, we are called to discern and stand for truth, most notably the truth of the Gospel.
It sucks the life out of Christians who believe they stand for the truth of Scripture and the Gospel.
Taking a stand for truth is always commendable.
Whenever it stood for truth, that is when it eventually flourished.
There will always be reprobates and the hostile, insolent and ugly — at least until Jesus Christ comes back and sends them all to Hell, which He will — but the church flourishes when it stands for truth nevertheless.
He explained that «truth ought to be spoken, and Presbyterian Church of Ghana, as a bible believing and practicing church, stands for the truth.
Often described as a controversial figure for his outspoken nature, Rev. Prof. Martey explained that «truth ought to be spoken, and Presbyterian Church of Ghana, as a bible believing and practicing church, stands for the truth.
According to the late legal legend, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, a legal practitioner must be prepared to stand for the truth, stand by the truth and stand on the truth even if he has to stand alone», Emodamori said.
We will remain here telling them truth, telling them the economy is not working, we stand them for the truth
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, We have now tuned our mind to one of these candidates, Dr Samuel Sarpong, after realizing that he stands for the truth, unity, development and youth empowerment for the constituency.
He noted that Ogunewe, who represented Ahiazu / Ezinhitte Federal Constituency of Imo State, from 2003 to 2011, was «a man of courage and stood for the truth always.»
Becky quickly joins forces with the handsome stranger and the kind woman, who decide to stand for truth.
This was a free - to - play game and I stand for Truth, Justice, and the Console way!
He never aligned with any political group, but would offer the full weight of his support to anyone he thought was standing for truth
This just gave my so much hope to see patriots from all walks of life coming together and standing for truth
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