Sentences with phrase «to stand up for one's beliefs»

Agree with the message or not, the act of standing up for your beliefs in a reasonable manner is what this country is about.
I don't mind someone standing up for their beliefs if they are being reasonable about their reasons for doing so.
I think she just stood up for her beliefs when the opportunity presented.
This is an exciting story about standing up for your beliefs and challenging those you love most.
Apparently, the students and parents think that standing up for their beliefs worth it.
She has inspired me to stand up for my beliefs in equality and social justice.
I will stand up for my beliefs if someone tries to tear them down or convince me otherwise.
Both artists are known for their work about the political potential of images — Rosler, for her collage - like explorations of feminism; Bowers, for her work in various mediums about people standing up for their beliefs.
Stand up for our beliefs not what these groups pressure us to do!
Franklin Graham wrote on his Facebook page: «I appreciate the fact that Cathy Miller stood up for her beliefs...
These «left wing enviormental wackos» are just citizens standing up for their beliefs that there is no greater loss than that of the irreplacible beauty of mother nature.
For Ferris, joining the march is a chance to stand up for her beliefs while setting an example for her family.
Most Africans do not have a problem standing up for their beliefs and causes, and are often ambitious when it comes to obtaining specific goals.
Nour's background in technology and public policy not only makes her uniquely qualified to speak on these questions, but she was also on the street as the revolt happened, risking the consequences of standing up for her beliefs and the rights of her people.
De Blasio called Hochul a progressive who is not afraid to stand up for her beliefs as a Buffalo congresswoman.
You can twist it all you want but you are willing to stand up for your belief just as ANY other religious group would do.
If we aren't in the room advocating for global health as a top priority, if we aren't there standing up for our belief in diversity and inclusion, or if we fail to speak out when the situation demands it, then we have abdicated our Credo responsibility.
some people really stand up for their beliefs and do not want to do these things.
I bet when other religious groups start standing up for their beliefs, you are going to wet your pants,
It is rare today to see someone so young stand up for his beliefs, whether you agree with them or not, they are not beliefs that incite hate or fear, it seemed to me he merely believed in respecting the young lady.
If he had this much issue with military ceremonies and his right to freedom of speech, then why did he not have the balls to reveal his name and stand up for his beliefs during his BCT graduation?
However, I am appealing to Bill O'Reilly to invite this private onto The Factor to reveal himself and truly stand up for his beliefs instead of being a chicken $ % # ^ coward who I do not want to share a foxhole with my son or husband.
The name «Bircher» comes from a man named Maximilian Oskar Bircher Benny, he invented the original Bircher recipe back in 1879 and was a pioneer nutritionist standing up for his beliefs on raw foods and spreading self - healing message.
I was happily raised this way (and unlike my family we did live almost full - time in the West)-- I was raised to be confident in how our family stood up for our beliefs (My mother posed publicly breastfeeding to raise awareness) and how it was something to be proud of.
Both are issues where the Tories are standing up for their beliefs against the Liberal Democrats; the questions reinforce, rather than undermine, the party leader.
Whether you agree or disagree with him, Diaz stands up for his beliefs and values.
«He was an indomitable figure who always stood up for his beliefs and whether people agreed with him or not they admired his character and his steadfastness.
Louise Slaughter, who was born in Kentucky, was remembered by her daughter Amy as a «coal miner's daughter,» who despite her humble upbringing stood up for her beliefs.
While dishonesty and disrespect flourish in civil society, ask students to find examples of how individuals stood up for their beliefs and values in ways that made a difference for themselves or for the world.
So, despite knowing he was going to enter dangerous territory, he'd rather stand up for his beliefs than avoid controversy, no matter how damning it might be.
However his willingness to stand up for his beliefs made him invaluable to Tate.
I applaud Hobby Lobby for standing up for their beliefs if in fact that's what their decision is based on.
its easy to stand up for your beliefs when they don't affect your benefits, get them obama!!
Last year, the international evangelist Franklin Graham expressed his support for Cathy Miller, saying: «I appreciate the fact that Cathy Miller stood up for her beliefs...»
``... citizens standing up for their beliefs that there is no greater loss than that of the irreplacible beauty of mother nature.»
Most Africans do not have a problem standing up for their beliefs and causes, and are often ambitious when it comes to obtaining specific g...
Congrats to the courage of the author and if more people stood up for their beliefs, whatever they are, talked openly about them without fear of judgment and criticism, and accepted others» beliefs without judging them, the world would be a much better place.
More parents and students are standing up for their beliefs in the education system and are refusing to settle for less.
If you're going to pursue your goals, you've got to be able to stand up for your beliefs.
These counterforces force you to stand up for your beliefs.
@grist how many times has the world pushed their stuff on christians saying we cant pray in school saying we cant you persecute us all the time you take GOD's name in vein right in our faces all the time and we come out and stand up for our beliefs and we are the bad guy i'm sorry sir but you are extrtemly wrong funny everything us christians do is wrong telling us what to preach and what not to preach and you say we are pushing our beliefs on people
Thank you so much for having the guts to stand up for your beliefs and not to cower to public opinion.
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