Sentences with phrase «to stand up for the truth»

My goal here is stand up for the truth of the gospel.
When things like this happen in our churches, we must expose them and stand up for the truth rather than sweep them under the carpet to protect those in power.
It's not standing up for truth; it's mean, and it's about being mean toward an easy target.
Thanks for standing up for the truth - as a long time criminal lawyer and social worker I know that prison is no fun.
Jesus understood that standing up for truth in a world deceived by lies wouldn't be easy.
A few believe standing up for truth demands they attack those who seek to distort the truth.
This information in a nutshell should help to educate not only the ignorant but also us Catholics to know the truth and stand up for the TRUTH when confronted with LIES AND VILIFICATION of the Catholic Church and the Crusaders who gave their lives for the preservation of not only the faith but also of civilization.
It is very easy when reading about the Martyrs to become focused on them as individuals; and though this is not improper the family is the domestic church, and particularly for those martyrs who did have families there must have been a great sacrifice on the part of both the fathers and mothers who stood up for the truths of the Church and those they left behind.
God is blessing them already with alot of wisdom and courage to stand up for the truth!!
Its about time someone had the guts to ignore science and stand up for the truths found in the flintstones show.
Both of these points, that early statements were based primarily on the narrative of Scripture and the behavior of believers, will become critical later in this chapter for understanding how we as twenty - first century followers of Jesus can stand up for the truth without the damaging and destructive statements of doctrine that have divided Christianity for so long.
I respect Bloomberg even more now with his remarks, he has balls to stand up for the truth despite media (FOX) propaganda!!
This film is easily one of the cornerstones for stories about the pure hero standing up for truth, justice, and the little guy, no matter how daunting the opposition and odds of success.
Why would any believer in Christ apologize for standing up for the truth?
Some, no doubt, believe they need to stand up for truth.
The Bible encourages believers to stand up for truth and justice.
(according to him) The Follower of the true God, stood and prayed to himself like this: Thank you God, that I stick to knowing the God in my bible and that I stand up for the truth of the gospel and that after that, I don't care — it's none of my business.
All that said, I think it's important to understand that just because people are upset with you doesn't mean you are standing up for truth.
If they stand up for the truth and as a result are hated and scorned, Jesus tells them to be happy and excited, because they will receive great reward in heaven.
However, they will stand up for the Truth and they can't be silent if the opportunity comes for them to share the dangers of choosing to live a life without God.
If you stood up for truth and justice it would get you killed back then.
Stand up for truth.
Stand up for truth and «Lo, I will be with you even till the end of the world.»»
And at that moment, as King would tell it, he seemed to hear «an inner voice... the voice of Jesus,» answering him: «Martin Luther, stand up for righteousness, stand up for justice, stand up for truth.
You have cast out the truth you knew long ago, replacing it with garbage you feed on, taking in whatever is given to you, because you have no backbone to stand up for truth and wind that's blowing against it!
I urge all Evangelicals to stand up for the truth, and not to be intimidated by the religious war of the hypocrites who likes to use the Word of God as a cloak of maliciousness against you during their lip service!
You don't «impose» your «personal beliefs» since you are a weak man who rather wishes his human brother hell than to stand up for the Truth.
As Congressman Lewis shares in a video, being on the right side of history and standing up for truth is essential, even in the face of evil.»
«What we need in this country is a leader who will stand up for the truth, who will stand up for credibility, who will stand up for what is important not for religion, not ethnicity.
I am especially eager to hear from Mann, Jones, and crew as they stand up for truth in climate science and «climate science communications.»
It is good though that you stood up for the truth, as journalism such as this found on a Current Affair and in Woman's Day is destructive to society.
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