Sentences with phrase «to start blogging»

She first started blogging in order to help herself and document her journey of losing 30 pounds.
I have just started blogging about few weeks ago, still learning everything.
Back when I first started blogging in the dark ages of the internet, we would play a little game of observation.
I had just started blogging when I found the announcement on the blog party.
I just recently starting blogging as a totally personal creative outlet and come to find out that I so love it!
If you don't think you can blog regularly and often, you may want to think about whether you should start blogging at all.
A lot of people start blogging on a whim and have no formal training.
I just recently started blogging so I've been loving reading blogs like yours!
I didn't start blogging for any reason in particular.
On reflection, I probably was able to start blogging because with the pump put away in storage, I suddenly had a lot more free time.
We've had an amazing summer as a family of 3.5 and I can't wait to start blogging again after a relaxing break.
She has been so supportive of me since I first started my blogging journey and I am honored to be part of her wonderful milestone.
When I first started blogging back in 2009, I researched keywords manually with a set of free tools.
Obviously I recently started blogging so I can't say that I miss the old days of blogging per se.
Many of you remember my first post with this navy lace dress when I first starting blogging last summer.
If you do start blogging (or commenting on blogs) regularly, you will probably just pick it up gradually as you go along.
Her blog is geared toward writers, but she gives some great advice here about getting started blogging that just about anyone with a blog could find helpful.
I did not start blogging in order to start a media career, but sometimes the media finds its way to my door.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I've only started my blogging journey almost 2 years ago so it's nice to learn from someone who's been on the journey!
I really want to start blogging more so I need something to inspire me.
Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing I've just starting blogging with the best of them.
In fact, you can even start blogging as part of your writer's craft.
I was able to quit my job in the corporate world two summers ago to start blogging full - time.
Connecting with other bloggers has been such a nice benefit of starting this blogging journey!
One of the first baking recipes that I posted on this blog when I first started blogging over a year ago was strawberry bread.
I've just started blogging too and it's awesome to see so many people making gorgeous food like this.
But now, I feel ready: I updated the blog's theme and am going to start blogging regularly again!
When I got started blogging there wasn't much reliable information on self - publishing online.
(wink) Just started this blogging thing, but am having fun with it!
Can't tell that you have only just started your blogging career.
Or perhaps you've already started blogging, and you're looking for more advanced tips and ideas.
It's several significant moments in my life that led me in the direction to finally start blogging.
You can also start blogging about the field you're trying to find work in — which can also help you land a gig.
Start blogging through online forums and relevant blogs in your industry or area of expertise; choose topics that you're passionate about and are consistent with your leadership brand.
When I first started blogging seriously, one of the hardest things to get used to was that I had no one to talk to.
Other teachers might become inspired and start blogs of their own, or have their students start blogging.
I wouldn't be where I'm at today had I never started blogging back in 2011.
When a journal starts blogging, it has added what is, in essence, a second publication to its stable.
I've obviously started blogging again, but it's been a very slow, dipping of my toe in the proverbial water.
It's always interesting to hear why other women started blogging.
I just started this blogging endeavor two months ago, and I can't believe what an adventure it has been.
Let me know if you decide to follow, It would be my please to start a blogging friendship.
More members started blogging, sharing their thoughts and feelings.
I personally started blogging and it seems like I'll start generating side income through that soon.
When I fist starting blogging a decade ago, I just posted new cartoons.
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