Sentences with phrase «to start by saying»

Ok first lets start by saying, this sweater is amazing!
Let me first start by saying I think you hit the nail on the head with the comment about personal preference.
We'd just like to start by saying thanks for all of your support.
I'm going to start by saying something that I've never said about any vehicle ever: It doesn't need any more power.
Let's just start by saying there is NO word to describe how wonderful our trip was!
And do nt even get started by saying its just one bad game... And it happens..
Let me first of start by saying that this dress is extremely comfortable and flattering.
For someone who starts by saying you don't have all the answers you seem to think you have a lot of specific answers about the god you don't claim to know about.
The theory starts by saying life has evolved over time.
The first player starts by saying the name of something that would normally be found in a diaper bag.
Let me just start by saying that these pictures don't do this dish justice.
I just want to start by saying thank you to everyone who has left comments, emails, and messages on social media sharing their stories about adrenal fatigue.
Let me first start by saying that what works for me may not work for you.
Let me just start by saying how amazing are these vintage shorts??
Let me just start by saying what a whirlwind summer we had.
Let's just start by saying if you haven't seen Daredevil or Jessica Jones on Netflix...
Ill start by saying im 6» 5, im also outgoing, respectful, and I hear I am funny.
If you are not up for a good challenge, then I might as well start by saying the Insanity Max 30 Schedule is definitely not for you.
I would like to start by saying im a parent of two beautiful kids, they come first.
One person starts by saying, «I feel happy when (insert scenario here).»
Coming to the issue of defensive midfielder, I will start by saying in the last transfer window you wanted Arteta and Flamini sold, with Morgan brought in from Southampton.
Nye starts by saying that America is the leader in the world.
That boy started by saying, «Give me» — «Give me the share of property that falls to me» — but when he came back from the far country, humiliated and penitent, he had changed his tune.
Aaron Ramsey — Well I'll start by saying most people don't see how he works.
Though we should probably start by saying that it was also a very, very good goal, a leaping scissor volley of admirable technique and precision from a forward too often typecast as a big lump.
«Marcelo, I'm not going to get it for you until you show some common courtesy,» said Evans, who suggested that Rios start by saying «please» and «thank you.»
Pollack started by saying Michigan QB Wilton Speight isn't enough of a running threat to scare Alabama.
The pediatrician started by saying that «I know that breastfeeding is important to you, and it is the best thing for Peeper, so we definitely want her to do it, but...»
Maybe starting by saying something like, «I'm not sure how to have this conversation with you.
Lets start by saying rear facing is the absolute safest.
12:30 - Sir Bob Russell (Lib Dem, pomposity increasing daily) starts by saying ethnic cleansing is evil.
Coffey starts by saying the two have similar stats — Irish, outsider, etc..
Ball started by saying the state fair is the oldest state fair in the United States, having 175 years of history.
I just want start by saying, THANKS EVERYONE for all of the support and lovely comments everyone has extended to both Christen and I!
If you want to form a lasting relationship with someone then probably the best dating advice or tip is that you are not going to get off to a good start by saying things about yourself that aren't entirely true.
Hi i do nt really know how to start this, but i ll start by saying helloooooo, i am such a God fearing hearted person who love God so much and always happy to be in the midst of people praising his Almighty Name so i am here to see if the dating online is interesting thats why i ll like to try if i ca...
There are many moments that people with like - minded senses of humor will quote from for years (I've already started myself by saying, «Welcome to Costco.
The UNESCO Constitution started by saying that «since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.»
The student starts by saying, «A big wind blows for anyone who...» and then says a characteristic that is true about himself or herself, such as «has a little sister.»
George, I'll start by saying great work and I appreciate all the effort you have put into researching the stock market.
Then later on when you need to stop them from doing something inappropriate start by saying their name in a firm voice followed by a command like No», You may have to say this a few times for it to sink in.
Dr. Ciribassi started by saying that people can not cause separation anxiety.
your article starts by saying larger breeds live longer, when 80 % of that first list has the smaller breeds living longer.
I have to start by saying when my colleague sent me The Witcher 3 I was both excited and apprehensive!
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