Sentences with phrase «to start doing something about something»

Then start doing something about it, since dreams need a little help besides a magic wand to come true!
It's hard to admit, but stop and take a hard look at what this big gorilla is doing to your organization and if the feeling is «trapped» then start doing something about it... now!
It is okay to admit if you feel envy and resentment at others» success but start doing something about it.
the priest went above & beyond his call of duty & did the job of the police & the Mayor who should have started doing something about it a long time ago but noooo!
The problem is the DEMAND is still there.We are a big Club.Its about time the Board recognised this and start doing something about it.
It was kind of discouraging to find out I was so out of shape, but it was also the kick in the pants I needed to start doing something about it.
Maybe we should all start doing something about it when we see those images instead of the AAP and WHO recommended way of feeding infants.
Sonya Clemmons, of SSC Enterprises, argues that it's time to stop talking about the challenges faced by underrepresented minorities in science and engineering and start doing something about them.
If we at least started to make pupils aware that learning to spell English is difficult because it was repeatedly changed for the worse by people who did not care a jot about enabling all children to learn as much as possible (as I have explained to the History page of my EnglishSpellingProblems blog) future generations might start doing something about it.
If you would like to feel this happiness, then you have to start doing something about it.
CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall said yesterday climate change had been well modelled and it was time to start doing something about it.
And we'd do a whole lot better to just admit that and start doing something about it.
, we should accept the fact that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and start doing something about it.
It's time we started doing something about it.
If yes, now is the time to start doing something about it.
If you dream of working for yourself, stop dreaming and start doing something about it.
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