Sentences with phrase «to starve the baby»

The phrase "to starve the baby" means intentionally depriving or withholding something important or necessary from someone who is in a vulnerable or dependent position. Full definition
It's not my responsibility to feed starving babies.
Older relatives try to convince you that you're starving your baby because you don't give her steaks.
Meanwhile, media reports show starving babies and rarely question why they are not breastfed.
There are starving babies today, by the thousands who have a zero percent chance.
Unless some crazy mum is deliberately starving her baby - and in which case I hope to hell they got help right away for mental problems.
Do not try to starve the baby into taking a bottle if he refuses to accept one.
Not making enough breast milk, combined with some bad medical advice, meant I accidentally starved my baby.
How many women have been advised to starve their babies back onto the breast?
This is not hyperbole — babies in the third world are dying of dysentery from formula mixed with unclean water, and poor people who can not afford formula are not mixing enough powder (to make a can of formula stretch a little longer), starving babies slowly and causing growth problems.
She'd not had anything in three days and I, the first time mom who wanted everything to go so perfectly, had managed to starve her baby from the get go.
So we were rationing this milk out, thinking it was supposed to last a few days, not realizing we were essentially starving our baby.
Heartbroken, I realized I had inadvertently starved my baby and now I pump to measure every time I would be breastfeeding and add soy - based formula to give her the amount she needs.
The appeal for feeding starving babies won by a landslide.
AIDS, starving babies in Africa, constant wars, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hilter, hate everywhere - m - yeah, we've «evolved» right enough.
We asked, «Which would you be more likely to do: A. Give money to feed starving babies; or B. Give money to teach people how to grow drought - resistant crops that would end starvation in their community.»
When the grumpy nurse, who's name I can't recall because for the last 13 years I've referred to her as «grumpy nurse,» told me I was starving my baby because my breasts were empty and not meeting my baby's needs, I cried.
For your sake and the baby's do not try to «starve the baby into submission».
Relatives may accuse you of starving your baby if he seems fussy after eating.
VR intensifies that urgency exponentially because you, the viewer, are right there, in the middle of that melting ice, those starving babies, those enormous cattle feedlots, those California fires.
It's a shame about all the starving babies god hates in Africa because they're not rich old white men.
Whereas I once yelled, «F*ck you for all these hurt and starving babies, God.
My heart ached, I never meant to starve my baby and my fears were confirmed, I was already failing as a mother.
We took her to our new pediatrician, a sensible of not sympathetic man who told us «lactation consultants are religious fanatics; you are starving you baby
I will NOT spend an hour fighting a desperately screaming and starving baby to accept the breast when I have the power to actually FEED the hungry, with formula.
Even if it can be tempting to pick up your starving baby to feeding him on the highway, don't!
is akin to saying «Either starve your baby, or don't leave your house until your child weans.»
I don't think the point of this policy is to shame moms and starve babies, I think it's to try to turn the tables on existing policies that undermine breastfeeding efforts and make it MORE difficult for even the most motivated moms to begin a successful breastfeeding relationship.
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