Sentences with phrase «to starve to death»

The phrase "to starve to death" means to die as a result of not having enough food or nourishment. Full definition
He pointed out that he had people starving to death that would be saved by development.
Basically, the prohibition is there to keep people from starving to death.
Why are some people who are literally starving to death losing their organs before they ever begin to lose fat.
You'd have a lot of kids too if it meant not slowly starving to death as soon as you could no longer perform manual labor.
Instead of relying on glucose for fuel we have the possibility to use our own body fat and thrive instead of starving to death.
Everybody is thinking how to efficiently save money these days without starving themselves to death.
They've probably been freezing and starving to death for years, and now people are finally doing something about it?
No one knows why some people — mostly young women — become obsessed with weight loss, sometimes starving themselves to death.
I'm sure we all have seen the horror news clips on babies accidentally starving to death waiting for breast milk.
I also tend to worry about starving to death whenever I leave the house.
This can have long term effects since, despite the fact that you are feeding them, they are essentially starving to death.
If their sources failed, groups of people would have to seize their food by force from other groups of human beings or else risk starving to death.
I already played some volleyball early this morning and felt like starving to death afterwards!
All of this in an attempt to stop you from ostensibly starving to death.
She is currently pursuing her dream of writing and quietly starving to death.
Well, starving to death sucks, so what choice do they have?
You'll need to find fruit trees and other sources of food too, or face starving to death.
I breastfed my daughter for only 10 weeks before she began literally starving to death and I switched to formula.
The time spent in the games arena does seem considerably shorter than in the book, but slowly starving to death or dwindling away from dehydration are not particularly interesting things to watch.
You'll get over losing your family, he reasons, but you can't bounce back from starving to death.
Luckily nobody is starving to death on 2500 calories per day (even though it may feel like it sometimes).
No I don't have cancer and I'm not starving to death.
But whatever the narrative of the feeding of the four thousand teaches about God, children do in fact starve to death in our world, even with its great surpluses of food and its technological and organizational wizardry.
They will let their people starve to death if that's what it takes to develop capabilities to deter an attack from the U.S. or its adjacent historical adversaries.
No child ever starved to death because he was playing softball and forgot to come home for dinner.
Rural Caswell County is prosecuting its first suspect under North Carolina's tougher animal cruelty statute, known as Susie's Law, but the case — in which three dogs starved to death while chained — is drawing little media attention.
In fact in the winter of 1932 up to 6 million Ukrainians were forcibly starved to death by the Judeo Bolsheviks; Hitler doesn't come to power until 1933.
Cats will literally starve themselves to death before eating something they don't want to eat.
I don't recall hearing about any children who starved to death back then, either.
People and dogs starved to death in great numbers, and some dogs were killed for meat.
Meanwhile, thousands of children all over the world starve to death before their 2nd birthday.
More on Animals India Says Wild Tiger Population Up by 15 %, But Some Doubt the Accuracy of that Number Fewer than 50 Wild Tigers Left in China, Says Wildlife Conservation Society Mass Grave Containing Rare Animals (Tigers, Lions, Leopards, etc) Discovered at Chinese Zoo Chinese Zoo Accused of Letting 11 Rare Siberian Tigers Starve to Death
If chritable giving in the private sector were enough to keep Americans from starving to death then the govt would not need to do anything.
Possibly involving someone found starved to death while hiding in a VR locker.
We would all starve to death and all critical thought in the world would stop, but it would end the violence issue.
I recently read a terrible story about a baby nearly starving to death because the mom was so focused on breastfeeding exclusively that she didn't even think about «is he gaining weight?».
Primewonk, I follow what you are saying about the animals starving to death.
According to Johnson, Landon starved to death after lactation consultants discouraged her from giving the baby formula.
Call it «nadirub,» which is sort of the opposite of Buridan and his problem, or, rather the fabled problem of Buridan's ass, who got stuck in the middle: positioned equidistant between two bales of hay, the poor beast couldn't decide which one to eat and so starved to death.
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