Sentences with phrase «to state the policy»

The phrase "to state the policy" means to clearly and explicitly communicate the rules or principles that guide a particular organization or governing body in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. Full definition
The reports examine teacher supply and demand, preparation, recruitment, induction, professional development, and the impact of state policies on teacher quality and distribution.
That's the biggest real shift in state policy in the entire budget.
Next week, we'll talk about the implications for state policy makers of this clear view of what reading comprehension actually is.
However, local educators and leaders work within a broader system that is largely shaped by state policy, funding, systems, practice, and guidance.
Despite state policy changes, many districts still don't factor student growth into teacher evaluation ratings in a meaningful way.
Because current state policy requires that refused tests be given the lowest possible score, refused tests count towards the requirement that schools test 95 percent of their students.
To establish as state policy an appropriate standard of support for children, subject to the ability of parents to financially contribute to that support.
Fortunately, governors and other state policy leaders have embraced this reality and established ambitious goals for increasing the percentage of adults with postsecondary credentials over the next 10 years.
However, there may be limits on which states policies are available in.
Practice essential interactions about state policies or present matters traditional military dating.
Every single country that has had an official state policy of atheism has killed its citizens.
This provided us a broader perspective on how state policy and financing structures influence program financing, design, and orientation.
Some experts who have been critical of state policies didn't see much prospect of the new Common Core task force meaningfully improving them.
Alternative certification programs are growing at a time when there has been considerable attention at the federal and state policy level to the importance of quality teachers.
Some believe the former senator's reach into state policy goes too far.
Earlier state policy initiatives were greatly reduced or terminated during the last era of state budget cuts.
, a national initiative advancing state policies that create a high - quality learning environments, profiles 12 states that have introduced elements of such legislation so far.
Learn about our current state policy for charter schools and what kinds of improvements can be made to this policy.
We provide services to legislators and staff working to improve state policies affecting children and their families.
Resources include specific state policy guides, policy updates, and webinars.
This toolkit is intended to help state policy leaders and advocates assess the current status of services for infants, toddlers, and their families, and to set priorities for improvement.
How state policy limits a local school system's ability to adopt innovative governance strategies.
This requires an open, candid, and continuous process of collaboration between state policy makers and thoughtful people working in schools.
In many states, components of teacher evaluation fall under state policy.
Each page includes articles highlighting state policies and initiatives that support infants, toddlers, and their families.
It is important to examine state policy and evaluate whether it is accelerating or restricting next - generation approaches to education.
It sets a vision for work - based learning, describes the different types of work - based learning activities permitted in the state, and details state policies around implementation.
The 2010 report does not issue state report cards or state policy reports.
On the road to great charter schools: State policy analysis, 2016.
This claim was well within the coverage limits of $ 100,000 under many state policy minimum limits used by so many real estate professionals today.
Most state policies for assisting school districts in financial trouble are uneven and complex.
Support the development and preparation of materials and resources to educate health centers and partners on state policy issues and to be tailored for use in meetings with state policymakers.
He went on to promise more transparency in school performance — better school report cards — and more support for innovative state policies to attract and retain top teachers.
The program is part of the district's effort to implement state policies aimed at preventing harassment and bullying in schools.
Additionally, this report explores and reflects on the ideas that state policy needs to address in the long - term to support a transformation of K - 12 education systems.
These differences in state policy allow researchers to estimate the impact of the child's age at kindergarten entry.
We need to state policies encouraging greater investments in wind, solar and alternative energy production.
They now have a clearly stated policy on which to base their decision.
Teacher quality and student achievement: A review of state policy evidence.
The purpose of this initiative is to create a statewide comprehensive professional learning system by aligning state policies and practices to support standards - based professional learning.
Here is a summary of those district and state policy frameworks, as of 2011.
The governor and his aides have repeatedly said state policy actions and donations are not linked.
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