Sentences with phrase «to stay in one's bed»

When your child stays in bed for a full night, reward them.
She wouldn't stay in bed until she was old enough to understand a reward system.
Unless it is a recommendation by the doctor, then do not stay in bed continuously for more than eight hours.
Rather in the morning reward your child for staying in bed with stickers or a star on his reward chart.
Can we all just stay in bed until spring gets here?
Don't mind staying in bed at sometimes reading a good novel, very loving.
How to help a toddler who wakes up way too early stay in bed longer and get some more sleep and enjoy the day.
Our experience shows that kids need a safe, simple introduction to the idea of staying in bed.
I should urge your patients to do as little as possible by staying in bed on a more regular basis.
For example, ten nights in a row where the child stays in bed might equate to a trip to the ice cream shop or a treat from the dollar store.
She will not stay in her bed without my husband or myself and will not fall asleep unless someone is laying beside her.
My ideal weekend looks like staying in bed until three and going around the corner to my favorite sushi spot so I can be back within the hour.
I honestly only shower at night after they are for sure in bed and staying in bed because otherwise, I would never get to shower.
I am so bad for staying in bed till the last minute!
Think of this number as the energy you'd burn by staying in bed for one day.
For some, I guess that's possible, but for most, let's just be honest and say we'd rather stay in bed for another hour.
Rest and basically stay in bed as much as you can with your baby.
Eventually your child will start staying in bed when it is bed time.
Rewards work well for behaviors like staying in bed after being tucked in or putting the dishes on the counter after dinner.
My weekends are way too busy and I have to be on the road too long to stay in bed too long.
A British study comparing mothers who walked during labor to mothers who stayed in bed demonstrated that walking not only shortened labor but also reduced pain and the need for medication.
Last week was the start of him having to stay in our bed once he woke up.
It is definitely a keeper — I love the thought about how when we stay up late and then stay in bed, we are resisting our life.
I never stay in bed late unless I really need the sleep but I do try to stretch a few more minutes in bed if I can.
In many traditional cultures, a mother stays in bed with her baby for the first bunch of weeks.
You can scare kids into staying in bed telling them there are monsters under the bed.
I couldn't enjoy the rest of the trip and had to stay in bed most of the time, luckily we had a kids - club.
If you're in bed with him, isn't the chances higher that he actually stays in bed and goes back to sleep?
That's a luxury reserved for a more relaxed day of the week, one where you wake up and stay in bed instead of heading to the office.
She remembers staying in bed for 2 days non-stop feeding me!
The first night, it took me about 45 minutes until she finally stayed in her bed.
They cooked for you, cleaned your house, and ordered you to stay in bed nursing and bonding with your baby.
And this can have an impact on your child's ability to get to sleep, stay asleep, and stay in bed during sleep periods.
My 2 - year - old needs a rail or some type of barrier to successfully stay in bed.
No problems they know night night means stay in bed.
Most three year olds can follow basic instructions and understand why staying in bed is important.
Tell your child that you think it's time for her to stay in her bed throughout the night without visiting your bed.
How to get toddlers to stay in bed seems confusing to many parents.
Some of the recommended practices and rituals include staying in bed the whole first week and then slowly starting to make your way around the house.
My dad suffers from mobility problem and as a result has very prolonged stay in bed (3 months now).
They'd have been better off staying in bed.
Whatever the source, I desperately wanted to stay in bed yesterday.
Makes you want to just stay in bed & watch movies all day.
At 11 pm he wakes up for his first feeding and stays in bed with us and then wakes up every hour or two for the rest of the night.
Former teacher turned entrepreneur is seeking a guy who likes to stay in bed on weekend mornings and doesn't mind watching a chick flick every now and then.
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