Sentences with phrase «to stay present»

I tried to capture as much as I could, but also stay present in the moment so I could truly enjoy every experience.
It's when we learn to let go and listen to our body's needs that day and simply stay present with what is, oddly the more control we have.
Staying the present course is not an option for either leader.
Show your date they're your first priority by staying present and keeping any tech distractions out of your night.
So hard to stay present when this stuff is happening, but man - it sure sounds like you did.
Get a massage as a treat and make a point of staying present throughout.
This will help you begin learning about staying present.
We don't need to understand in an intellectual way just staying present and mindful eating will get us there.
Three, reminding the child to stay present minded.
I am stealing when I don't stay present.
Stay present through the good and bad times in your life, and never forget what makes you, you.
This is similar to the first suggestion in that if you can keep your mind busy and working hard, you can better stay present.
It also helps people stay present and in the moment, which leads to a greater sense of fulfillment.
A positive attitude and emotional wellbeing help students stay present and contribute to them truly enjoying learning.
The listener stays present, asking questions to understand more.
Starting a relationship requires staying present with yourself and the person you are building a connection with.
In an unexpected turn of events, he became a yoga teacher and now uses yoga to stay present in everyday life.
Through mindfulness techniques, I help clients relate differently to their depression and anxiety by helping them strengthen their capacity to stay present with difficult experiences rather than push them away.
I learned that by running I was giving my anxiety power, but by staying present I took back control even if only a little bit.
They will say something they wonder if they should have said, and then instead of staying present will be thinking about that one thing they said for the rest of the date.
All things will pass and you're so right about staying present and grateful for all the positives in life.
I want you to notice yourself in those moments and just stay present and stay awake.
Despite the fact that it's impossible to make the task bar always stay present on - screen like it is with macOS, I still found this feature extremely useful and surprisingly familiar when rapidly jumping between apps.
The shot is still, like Vanier, simply staying present for what feels like a painfully long time.
Reminding myself to stay present while eating every meal has given me the opportunity to realize when I'm hungry versus just wanting to escape an uncomfortable feeling.
I also helped Jeff and Laurie stay present during disagreements, rather than him either intellectualizing or shutting down, and her telling him what he was thinking and feeling.
Millennials tend to face excessive uncertainty in their career trajectory, question their life choices and have a difficult time staying present in the moment mainly because they don't have a lot of real - life experience to compare anything to, says Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist and the author of The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius.
Laura's therapeutic work is holistically focused with the goal of helping clients stay present and healthy in their bodies and in their relationships.
Owners may need to provide increased supervision in the yard or when the behavior is likely to occur — staying present long enough to scoop up any waste that is deposited before the dog has the chance to go for it.
She thinks staying present in the moment and respecting others» time is so important that she keeps the same rule at home.
I listened to my midwife and avoided foods that she mentioned but i found staying present and in touch with my body really difficult, so paying attention to the now made for a huge» knowledge upload required» when the little man appeared and we took him hope.
As much as we want to be in the moment and living fully, we also know that structure and plans are meant to help not hinder our ability to stay present because they actually help us stay on track by being less distracted by many other things.
A short, 10 - minute practice of meditation every day can help the mind stay present so that we aren't led astray by our aimless thoughts.
Unfortunately, the Zika virus stays present in semen longer than in blood.
For some, practicing in the heat brings an added dimension to the yoga practice, as well as offering an additional challenge to stay present despite the heat and the sweating.
Whether that is finally getting past your chronic pain, or simply cultivating the ability to stay present amidst adversity, I want my students to walk away from our sessions together knowing that they can change their relationship to suffering.
It is a much - needed tool to help those both experienced and new to caregiving stay present through the many steps of caregiving.
It also stays present when swiping between home screens
Growth in Mobile Usage for Hotel Stays Presents Opportunity, Challenge for Hoteliers, J.D. Power Finds
7 adults and 5 kids stayed a Present Moment for a week.
The injuring partner may have defensively withdrawn into a cycle of shame and self - blame so part of my goal is to help that partner stay present.
Some people are natural compartmentalizers, mentally segmenting their experiences into discrete and boundaried psychic events and, as a result, may be able to more effortlessly stay present in the moment.
Working closely with Quicken Loans» Mark Millar and the rest of the Market Manager Team, Baris has found that Millar and his team do an amazing job at staying present and organized.

Phrases with «to stay present»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z