Sentences with phrase «to step over something»

They can not be caught and must be crushed by stepping over them.
If it doesn't, you will be most tempted to step over it from time to time and risk your self falling down stairs as well.
They come as close to that line as possible, but they never entirely step over it.
You have to take the game to the white line but don't step over it.
Because the same people that have so much to say about who you love are the same people that are gonna step over you when you are down and alone.
This is fine for small breeds and allows you to step over it without needing to open a door.
As they are low, we can just step over them to get access to each room or open them if the bunnies are coming out for a run.
The best smartphone of 2017 has evolved into this device, so in some ways it's an incremental step over something that was already very good.
These are 2 of the most important aspects of a solid business class seat, since they mean you can rest well and remain undisturbed by people stepping over you.
If it could not do so, you might attempt to grab a shadow or gingerly step over it to avoid tripping, not realizing that it is not an object at all.
Pick up that overlooked, crumpled litter that was meant for the trash can, instead of stepping over it like everyone else.
Consequently, there is never an issue of being woken up by someone trying to get to the aisle by stepping over you as is the case for business class seating in most other airlines.
I very reverently approached it, and gently stepped over it
I also can not get past the number of people who have stood there watching while I try to hold a door and get my stroller through it, or made us walk outside of the cross walk because they won't move aside or literally stepped over us or pushed past as I try to get everyone organized and out a door.
Also, make sure it is easy to open (one hand operation) so that YOU won't be tempted to step over it possibly injuring yourself!
I'm sure Danny remembers how Christine Quinn stepped over him by endorsing Helen Sears during his run for council.
Of course the state has a clear role, to score a line between right and wrong, to punish those who step over it, and to do it in a way that gives people confidence.
Aladeen's casual sexism and racism make for some of the absolutely hugest laughs the movie gets and again, Cohen knows exactly how far to bring it to the line — and even sometimes step over it — while still landing on the right side of funny.
The first trailer for Infinity War showed what looked like Asgardians knocked unconscious on the floor, as Loki stepped over them to hand the Tesseract to someone off - screen.
-- Ware, guv, said Billi Brudi, catching Carl's eye as they reached the linchet bordering the next rip and together stepped over it.
Small children may easily injure these small dogs by clumsily stepping over them or accidentally dropping a puppy on the patio floor.
The extra width of the trip plate prevents cats from stepping over it on their way to the bait and eliminates the need for cardboard extenders to make a narrow plate wider.
Take a snapshot of what's behind you — sometimes it's easier to spot the scruffy posters or pile of dirty washing in a picture than it is after you've seen or stepped over it for the umpteenth time.
That way, he gets to keep his shelf, minus the pegs and you don't have to step over it in the new space?
At that same house party, Nathan Holtey would drink a fifth of Hood River Vodka and sit in a hallway where people stepped over him.
If it could not, you might try to grab a shadow or gingerly step over it to avoid tripping, not realizing that it is not an object at all.
«When we meet the ant on the sidewalk,» Schaeffer wrote, «we step over him
«We have copies of the letters that LeFevre sent to John Ziegler offering to step over us and go directly into [majority] ownership of the franchise,» the executive says.
If a toy or book or item of clothing is on the floor — unsurprisingly, the kids have started adopting his habits in my absence — he will step over it.
When she's ready, add the jump rope to the mix, having her step over it at first and eventually jumping.
This means they are more liable to leave it open or step over it.
Many parents are also injured using spring tension safety gates because as they try to step over them, they knock them out of place and can fall down steps.
It's important to remember what would happen were the Liberal Democrats - or perhaps another minority party - to step over them and refuse to move.
By consciously looking at objects on the floor, such as the lines from a zebra crossing («visual cues»), and stepping over them, they are able to overcome their blockages during walking.
You'd be surprised at how many people set up to stretch with all of their stuff in the middle of a thoroughfare and then get mad when you have to step over them.
She stepped over him and ran to the bars, squinting into the darkness of the cell.
It's even better to step over them and keep going.
This helped a lot, also to step over him, because he always smack in the middle of everything.
I ignore it and step over it.
Comfortable enough so that he can be touched, bumped into, have someone walk close by, or step over him, and have someone's hands right in the food bowl while he is eating out of it.
These are 2 of the most important aspects of a solid business class seat, since they mean you can rest well and remain undisturbed by people stepping over you.
Worse, flight crew and passengers used this row to pass through between the left and right aisles throughout the flight, asking to step over us.
As baddies — the Rampart Mechs are cunning and aggressive and when you kill them be careful not to step over them or else you'll get a little jolt to your shield.
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