Sentences with phrase «to stick by someone»

Like I said good job for sticking by what you said.
I still stick by what I said about being over the summer.
In our case, we were blessed by a lot of people who stuck by us through the moments when, frankly, we had lost our way a few years ago.
And there are n - number of people who got stuck by purchasing wrong policies.
If gender diversity becomes a measuring stick by which managers and the company are evaluated, it's more likely to become a top priority.
- I am still sticking by drinking water before soda... and I guess my bladder is finally cooperating, so I don't have to go to the bathroom every 30 min!
We do not stick by feeding the scholars with solutions which are only sufficient for scoring the passing marks.
It all started with one person posting a picture of his porch light on and his hockey stick by the door.
They are the measuring stick by which we judge all the other men we meet.
The best dating that lasts: sticking by with the right person through thick and thin.
I was stuck by how much it related to climate science.
But we made a decision as a team, and I plan on sticking by that.
Hopefully, this get - rich - quick scheme does not become another notch in the yard stick by which consumers measure self - publishing.
Nothing seems more daunting when switching to gluten free than dealing with feeling stuck by thinking about foods that can no longer be enjoyed.
Make it really stick by talking up your understanding of building something out of nothing.
I'm not so good at coming up with a great menu and then sticking by it for the week, let alone for company!
We're only stuck by the confines of our fears.
For all his failures the club stuck by him and increased his wages in the process!
His wife stuck by him, but now he's in his late 60s and back at his job as an attorney.
All manager's get it wrong with players from time to time, but when your manager sticks by rubbish players for years, then only one person can be criticised.
They also stick by each other side and make sure that no one ever goes without.
By leveraging emotions, learning and development leaders can help make learning stick by creating emotionally safe spaces and emotionally conducive states.
He got stuck by needles, oh, four dozen times.
You can either sew them or just stick them by using glue.
Let's make sure that winter doesn't get the short end of the home décor stick by trying some more winter decorating ideas.
Some of the changes I've stuck by long - term while others didn't make a dime of difference.
Who will your agents and clients stick by after you're gone?
«At this point, you're virtually owned by the corporations» that won't stick by musicians like the old days.
If you want to start putting these findings to work, you can improve your knowledge retention and make new ideas and concepts stick by introducing novelty into your learning process.
He meticulously stuck by them as often as he could.
But is it the right time for clubs to twist by chopping and changing, or stick by backing the manager with funds in the transfer market.
Even with an application stick by the time I was done it was everywhere!
In the final report, the committee stuck by their previous assessment.
Could this be a celebrity transfer or simply the proof that something people try and stick by generates results whether those people are celebrities or regular, every day folk?
He also shares some personal insights on how he got stuck by identification.
I feel like this year has flown by at a crazy rate but am so thankful to have had all of your amazing readers stick by my side during my first year of blogging.
You guys stuck by me and supported me along the way.
Smart women (and men, too) will set and stick by boundaries.
You can speed up some of the Quick - Time Events and prompts that require you to rotate the analog stick by rotating both analog sticks at once.
To keep them engaged during the walk they created a journey stick by tying leaves and flowers they found along the way to a stick they were given.
But the founders stuck by their original purpose and wanted end - user writers and editors to use it, not big corporations.
However, a realist can also get stuck by fear.
So yeah I'll proudly stick by that first paragraph.
Scientists doing similar research stuck by him, and consumers stopped using the sprays.
Some policies include towing and rental car coverage while yours is in the shop, so you are never stuck by the side of the road.
Still, through it all inspiring interns stuck by me sending me constant emails with job opportunities.
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