Sentences with phrase «to stick to one's goals»

Meal planning will save time, money, and mental energy in the long run and help stick to the goal.
Well done for sticking to your goals so far and being in the running club.
Good luck sticking to your goals and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
What can I do to stick to my goals without becoming a victim of this chaos?
Research shows that when we are implementing new habits, planning ahead keeps our brain happier and makes it easier to stick to our goals when something unexpected happens.
If you want to look that clearly then stick to that goal.
Meanwhile, despite the lack of evidence that higher education leads to greater entrepreneurship, the government is sticking to its goal of sending 50 % of young people to university.
If you can look forward to rewarding yourself for sticking to your goal, you're probably more likely to keep it going for the next month!
The better you feel, the easier it is to stick to your goals in the long run.
If you need particularly strict encouragement, you can force yourself to stick to your goals by locking yourself from shutting down Cold Turkey before the scheduled blocks expire.
Until then, follow the Baby Steps in order, resolve to pay cash for everything, and stick to your goals as best you can — no matter how hard it gets.
Instead, you can follow a high - protein diet plan or a Mediterranean meal plan to ensure that you consume the right macros while sticking to your goals.
This is why you may have a harder time sticking to your goals at the end of the day, after you've already been putting your willower to the test all day long.
And if Liberty Media sticks to its goal of having 25 races by 2019 it seems that organising a viable calendar could be about to become even more difficult.
I have no real feelings on the Pick Em line so will stick to the goal market for some value.
I don't just tell you what to do and abandon you, because I know what it feels like to wake up with every intention of making healthier choices and then go to sleep feeling disappointed and discouraged after failing to stick to your goals day after day.
While the notion that saying «I don't» can be an effective self - regulatory strategy and help dieters stick to their goals is an intriguing one, it isn't proven.
The first month I truly stuck to my goal of eating healthier & exercising at least 3x per week.
Mint not only allows you to set goals, it will also send bill reminders and mobile alerts so that you can actually stick to those goals.
After seeing LINCOLN film twice in this past week, I realize again how PASSIONATELY sticking to your goals, yet sometimes using «dirty politics» to achieve the purest noble goals can help you get through the swamps to TRUE NORTH eventually.
Fisker is still sticking to the goal of selling 10,000 Karmas this year, even though it can't legally deliver cars in California yet.
«One of the biggest myths is that good business leaders are great visionaries with dogged determination to stick to their goals no matter what.
What if the state school board in 2022 requires them to make sure those same students, mired in adolescence, are capable of ignoring distractions and sticking to goals as a condition of high school graduation?
Compassion should be given in very large quantities, while sticking to your goals and timelines.
But finally, it is his obsession with solving the murder of an infant that impels him to follow every lead, use every resource, and stick to the goal in order to find and bring the murderer to justice.
Dasilva has stuck to his goal of making transactions better for both customers and retailers — an important trait, Arsenault says, since a founder's vision can often get diluted as the board and investors exert more control.
After more than three years, Biz Chix has grown into a community that holds itself accountable for sticking to its goals and developing new, more sophisticated ones.
Apparently, he's sticking to the goal.
How he's sticking to this goal: «Running a fast - growing company, the demands on my time are immense both in and out of the office.
How he's sticking to this goal: «In 2018, I'm focusing on a concept I read about, having a deep year — building in constraints that help me focus on the most impactful things I can be doing.
How she's sticking to this goal: «A lot of people write down their goals, but then they file them away and rarely look at them.
How she's sticking to this goal: «I always start with setting strategic goals before setting tactical goals.
How he's sticking to this goal: «As a founder, it can be difficult to take a step back from managing the day - to - day in order to focus on our broader business strategy.
How she's sticking to this goal: «Like many startup founders, I've spent the first few years at WayUp working on things like user support (aka responding to every user's email), sales strategy, product road mapping and more.
How he's sticking to this goal: «While it is so important to multitask efficiently, it is equally important to know how to unplug and focus.
Pay attention, stick to your goals and follow those guidelines.
You know that feeling when you are just craving something sweet, but you are trying to stay paleo, avoid gluten, and stick to your goals?
The child will still be likely to cry when they want to nurse, as nursing is also a comforting tool, yet the weaning mother must stick to her goal of cutting down the feeding.
Every new beginning is scary and full of uncertainties, but as long as you stick to your goal and don't let early fails disappoint you, results will follow.
Others really like working out with somebody because it keeps them motivated and helps them stick to their goals.
If you feel all alone in your journey, you are much less likely to stick to your goals than if you are able to share your journey with someone else.
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