Sentences with phrase «to stick to one's plan»

A great way to stick to your plan of paying off each debt is to set up an automatic payment from your bank account.
Don't stick to a plan that's not working for you just because it's the plan.
I will help you set realistic goals, increase your self - understanding, and stick to your plan for change.
Having an easy way of communicating about these matters as they come up will help parents stick to the plan as well as reach solutions on their own when something comes up.
They would then stick to that plan, 3 - 5 days a week, for months and months.
This seems to have worked so far so stick to the plan.
But I've gotten the best results by sticking to this plan: direct investments in income - producing properties... either residential or commercial.
Since you're learning as you go, you don't need to worry about sticking to a plan.
I've spoken to a lot of friends over the past 3 months, and one of the common points they made was the difficulty in sticking to plans as markets go backwards.
Instead, the best investors stick to their plan no matter what is going on around them.
I think the fact he is back to even shows the power of sticking to a plan through good times and bad.
Allowing some of these «grey area» foods has allowed me to transition easier and stick to the plan without feeling like I am missing out on something.
It's hard enough to stick to a plan with soccer games, work, parties, and weekends.
You can insist on sticking to the plan / schedule as detailed in your illustrated daily planner, or you can just roll with it.
The easiest way to start doing that — without having to count your calories or weigh your food — is to simply stick to planned, structured meals.
Just stick to your plan and they WILL eventually get it.
The most important thing to do is to stick to a plan over the long run, which is exactly what both services encourage customers to do.
Yet, when the boss sticks to the plan, follows up with action, handles conflict, and jumps into problems on behalf of the team, it reveals character.
Remember that to be successful you need to be consistent in sticking to the plan day after day, week after week, month after month.
The approach also only makes sense for those who stick to the plan.
Does having a GPS in a car force you to stick to the planned route?
If you answer the latter, make the decision right now to begin sticking to your plan by using a «set it and forget it» approach to setting stops.
If you can stick to the plan at least a few months, the results will surprise you.
Try and find a balance between sticking to a plan and enjoying your food.
You can snag your free copy and discover the top five proven methods for sticking to your plan here.
The high carb days are your «cheat days» and they are there to prevent the need for this kind of binge so if you cant stick to this plan.
Still, I'm a bit a lazy butt and I'm somehow not able to stick to the plan regularly lol!
I agree with the dedication advice too, cuz no change is going to happen if you don't actually stick to the plans and goals you set out.
Playing catch - up with such a tight writing schedule is very difficult, so try your best to stick to your plan whenever possible.
The key is to stick to your plan despite the ups and downs along the way.
Most of what you need to learn is how to stick to your plan while under emotional pressure.
Get ready to put your excuses aside because any one of these budgeting apps will help you finally stick to a plan.
So, despite the skeptics, the couple stuck to their plan.
If people stick to their plans and pay off their balance before the interest - free period is over, then the credit company or bank doesn't make a profit.
The challenge in this stage is to successfully navigate varying circumstances to be able to stick to your planned withdrawals of retirement assets and live the desired golden years.
If you are satisfied with the plan, hire the lawyer and follow up regularly to make sure the lawyer sticks to this plan.
If you can withstand financially in the beginning of your own company, I say stick to your plans.
You should plan together how you will tell your children about your separation and divorce, and then stick to your plan.
The markets go up and down and no one knows for sure where they are headed but in the long term I try to stick to my plan for achieving my goals.
If they don't, be confident enough to stick to your plan as long as it is working for you.
To stick to her plan of building a growth - oriented portfolio, an allocation of 60 % equities and 40 % fixed income is a good place to start.
I've always said that it doesn't matter what you use to spend as long as you are diligent about sticking to your plan.
Here is where a financial advisor can help to take the emotion out of investment decision making, and help an investor stick to their plan.
The theory of index investing is simple: build a low - cost, well diversified portfolio and stick to the plan through all the ups and downs of the market.
One of, if not the biggest mistake individuals make is not sticking to a plan (whatever it may be) for a significant period of time.
By sticking to the plan, and sticking to the schedule for taking insulin, kids can keep blood sugar levels from getting too high or too low.
Although I believe in sticking to the plan, I do think its smart to go ahead and buy things farther down on your priority list if you happen to find them on sale.
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