Sentences with phrase «to stick to the facts»

If you're asked this question, stick to the facts of what made your position lacking, not how you feel about the company personally.
Couples who have mastered positive expressing stick to the facts when they bring complaints to their partner.
As you write your business plan, stick to facts instead of feelings, projections instead of hopes, and realistic expectations of profit instead of unrealistic dreams of wealth.
In writing a resume, stick to facts in coming up with the best strategic planning resume.
Not sticking to facts - Providing an excess of information without proper documents can be a threat.
Regardless of the case, you should always stick to the facts and use clear, concise language to get your point across, as seen in our own promotion letter samples.
However, now you've shown you can not even stick to the facts about your own comments.
This strongly suggests a desire to make the case strongly rather than simply stick to the facts.
She explains why sticking to the facts and clarity in language are essential for keeping the child in the parts of their brain that we need them in.
Like any other lesson in life, you need to make sure that you use complete honesty and stick to the facts with your argument.
When you actually stick to the facts and let them speak for themselves, it can in turn be effective and powerful.
Just because you have to stick to facts doesn't mean those facts have to be presented in a boring manner.
Their book sticks to the facts, and isn't too scary — it's just realistic.
When you do, stick to the facts only and let your insurance company evaluate them, and never admit fault at this time.
No matter the situation, it's always a good idea to sincerely stick to the facts.
Avoid the fake news trap by creating content that's compelling and emotional — but also sticks to the facts your clients need.
Fact - checking resume information is easy with online search tools and phone calls, so just stick to the facts.
As much as possible, stick to the facts when writing your resume because recruiters can easily spot a paper that has copied content.
For now, stick to the facts of what happened in your accident.
To that end, you should always stick to the facts and use clear well - thought - out arguments to get your point across, as seen in our own appeal letter samples.
It's best to stick to the facts on the resume and in any interview — one is unemployed but are ready to contribute to the organization.
Historical fiction is very popular now, but that which I have read has stuck to the facts in the events.
So why don't you do us all a favor, and stick to the facts rather giving us Konstantin's Guide to the End of the World on the daily basis.
«It's often worthwhile to invest in media training so you can rehearse how to stick to the facts without providing too much detailed or complex information (a common reason for misquotes) to a reporter», D'Angelo says.
But the Kieman service had a reputation for sticking to the facts.

Stick to the facts: the IPCC does in fact give as its best estimate all of the warming since 1950 is caused by humans.

With all these wonderful graphic features, it will be a challenge for students to explain events succinctly while sticking to the facts.
«Despite the discomfort that many of the jurors and our members had with Cambridge Analytica, he continued, noting that many of the jurors may not have agreed with the presidential candidate, «jurors stuck to facts and awarded the recognition based upon our guidelines, and for that, they have my respect and admiration.
«They have, since 2008, tried without success, and one would have hoped that they would have learnt their lessons by sticking to the facts and telling the truth, rather than propagating falsehoods.»
If Republicans stick to fact based issues like this, they will win the Senate back.
But, he noted, «rather than using this somewhat disingenuous educational relationship argument, they should stick to the facts [that the opposition is] really a financial issue; it's really a cost issue.»
I'm hoping SHOCK AND AWE sticks to the facts and uses politics meagerly allowing us all to really soak in that time, so hopefully we never repeat the same mistakes.
Here, Stone sticks to the facts, and makes it quite clear where his loyalties lie, namely, with Chavez in Venezuela, with Castro in Cuba, with Morales in Bolivia and with other South American leaders of populist movements.
Opposing a current sedan design trend to make them mimic the silhouette of a coupe, the Accord sticks to the fact this is a four - door car meant to haul taller people in the back seat too.
In a University of North Carolina survey of MBA grads, the ones who stuck to the facts when discussing their strong points with prospective employers were more likely to land the gig and they were more satisfied with the job they got overall.
Sony went out and tried to find people from the gaming industry that could help guide them along the way (especially market specific for the Europe and United States, I think they were more internal in Japan), but Microsoft stuck to the fact that «we» re gonna learn this, at grass roots, we may make some mistakes but we're ultimately going to do it organically.
I would recommend the opposite proposal: that scientists stick to the facts, and only the facts, and leave interpretation of «society» and «economy» to specialists in those fields.
Because lawyers bill by the hour, simple strategies such as being organized, preparing in advance for the meeting, and generally sticking to the facts can go a long way to reducing the time spend with the lawyer.
And rather than falsely implying that Roberts condones violence, this one mostly sticks to the facts
Stick to the facts guys, that's tricky enough to deal with...
The resume that avoids vague «responsibilities» and sticks to facts detailing figures, growth, reduced costs, number of people managed, budget size, sales, and revenue earned gets the job interview.
Stick to the facts Recruitment staff are only interested in hardcore facts and not fluff.
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