Sentences with phrase «to stick to the topic»

Our interpretations of those facts may be different, however we need to stick to the topic at hand.
So avoid any sales copy and just stick to the topic in question.
So, further comments that do not stick to topic will not be approved.
That said, it is best to stick to topics which are linked to your own industry and experiences, as it is your social proof which will validate your ideas.
This may scare away your date hence stick to topics that encourage you to get to know each other better.
I will stick to the topic at hand since you are the audience of this piece of writing and I want to serve your needs.
Why can't some people just stick to the topic and be a little optimistic is beyond me.
she cant handle the fact that I AM educated and still disagree withhim... she ASSUMES I deal with kids with GLBT issues... I do NOT deal with those issues at all... so just ignore truthprevails and stick to our topic ok?
Arguing isn't bad, nor is disagreement... but it HAS to stick to the topic on hand and not to the person.
Bloomberg should have had its interviewer stick to the topic at hand.
[Response: People are more than welcome to discuss the effect of climate on crop yields in the new open thread as long as they actually stick to the topic, provide legitimate support for their statements that others can check, and steer clear of insults.
Anyway, lets stick to the topic and find out how to fix the issue, so that Windows can save the screenshots directly inside Pictures library.
When using LinkedIn, which is clearly a professional network, stick to topics related to - and enhancing - your professional image.
Do yourself a favor, stick to topics you understand.
I feel insecure about my theological training, so I stick to topics I've read a lot about.
Try to stick to the topic.
We have better debates when we stick to topic or statements we made.
Stick to the topic.
Why are so many folks concerned that we stick to the topic of racism in the US?
Dude, stick to your topic.
Eventually, the lingering local reporters were told by a Lee aide that we could have some face - time with the food star — but only if we agreed to stick to the topic of the day: health and heart issues.
«If we all have to not make speeches and stick to the topic, then Peter you need to stick to the topic,» said Councilwoman Helen Foster.
Typically, aerobic training is done to improve the cardiovascular system, but as the article is devoted to weight loss, it is necessary to stick to the topic.
Well since I started the week with spring cleaning, I figured I'd stick to the topic.
One of my blog - related goals for this year is to share more of myself here — I tend to stick to topics that are safe (like fashion & beauty) because, if I'm being honest, anything deeper feels a bit vulnerable and scary.
Why don't you stick to the topic??
The fundamentals of essay writing include such things as choice of topic, sticking to the topic, answering the question, knowing the structure or plan of an essay, being good at research and note taking, creating a timetable and sticking to it, reading widely and well, knowing how to proofread successfully and of course, keeping to the correct number of words and handing the essay in on time.
The writer has to stick to the topic's main point and present only relevant information about it so that the reader can fully enjoy the contents of the essay.
Not simply being controversial for the sake of being controversial, but at the very least trying to stick to topics that will garner some kind of emotional charge or reaction from the reader, regardless of whether it's positive or negative.
If you are a new author, stick to topics you are familiar with, this will make it easier for you to build momentum and write a compelling, knowledgeable book.
I also found the book difficult to follow and the author has the tendency to rant instead of sticking to the topic.
But after some of the books I have read lately, editing to condense the volume and stick to the topic at hand would be a help.
Stick to topic and don't waffle.
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