Sentences with phrase «to stimulate blood flow»

It is a light - based skin care system that works by stimulating blood flow and circulation.
That extra energy isn't an illusion — singing your favorite song with enthusiasm not only improves your mood, it also stimulates blood flow much in the same way that exercise does.
Warming up is commonly performed with lightweight, higher reps, low intensity and performed quickly to stimulate blood flow through the muscles.
Regular infrared sauna use — especially in the mid infrared range — can significantly stimulate blood flow up to twice the normal rate.
Besides removing dead hair, routine brushing stimulates blood flow on the surface of the skin.
While laser therapy works for cellular regeneration using light, ultrasound therapy stimulates blood flow and enzyme activity using sound waves.
The air stimulates the blood flow and brings oxygen to your muscles which help them work better and get an efficient work - out.
Instead, the device stimulates blood flow to the area in contact, therefore promoting healing.
Regular brushing keeps skin healthy by stimulating blood flow and distributing natural oils.
Regular infrared sauna use in the mid infrared range has been shown to significantly stimulate blood flow, even after the sauna session is completed.
Health professionals know how important it is to alleviate the trigger points as well as stimulate blood flow in your muscles, and we bring to you the BEST tool for the job!
The massaging action also stimulates blood flow which is beneficial to the health of your skin.
Caffeine helps stimulate blood flow, and invigorate the scalp making it an ideal environment for new hair follicles.
By stimulating blood flow in the scalp, hair follicles become stronger, cutting down on hair breakage, hair loss, and thinning.
Exercise stimulates blood flow throughout your body and that's especially good for your brain because the increased circulation signals the release of a brain chemical called brain - derived neurotrophic factor — or BDNF for short.
And not only that, but you'll also enhance the production of anabolic hormones, increase the buildup of lactic acid and stimulate blood flow into the working muscles, all of which are precursors of growth.
The peppermint will give it an invigorating feel on top of stimulating blood flow, which also promotes hair growth.
You must be under the impression my purpose here is to impress and entertain you with doctorate - level commentary to stimulate blood flow within your cranium.
With between 20 - 30 mm Hg graduated compression put on the legs, these socks stimulate blood flow and help treat swelling and other conditions such as spider veins commonly associated with the job of teachers.
Gently massage it in for a minute or two, pushing and moving the skin around your head to stimulate blood flow around the hair cells.
Theobromine in the cacao stimulates blood flow to the skin for a natural glow and according to studies even protects from sun damage.
In fact, the very act of movement helps us assimilate the nutrients we receive via food... Movement stimulates blood flow to circulate and help us utilize the nutrients we consume, and the load that we put on our bones and joints helps us build and maintain bone density (again, allowing us to properly utilize the nutrients we ingest).
Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron, which helps regenerate skin and stimulate blood flow for that healthy glow.
I added these two essential oils not only because they contain powerful antioxidants which protect your lips from damage, cold sores and other yucky things, but because they also stimulate blood flow giving your lips a nice glow.
Stimulating blood flow improves neural firing and communication with the spine and the brain, thus relieving anxiety.
Other uses for catnip is in regulating menstruation because its properties stimulate blood flow in the pelvic region.
The invigorating spray stimulates blood flow with pure air - infused massaging action that keeps animals calm and relaxed throughout the bath.
Brushing dead hair out of the coat helps allow more air to the skin as well as stimulates blood flow, bringing more nutrients to the area while removing toxins.
By massaging the skin the brush stimulates blood flow which in turn activates oil and sweat glands moisturising the skin.
Blue Lotus helps stimulate blood flow and bring out the freshness on your face.
This anti-inflammatory potion reinvigorates limbs by stimulating blood flow.
These supplements work to restore hormonal balance, boost * energy levels, and stimulate blood flow throughout your organism, including the genital area.
This transmits high frequency sound waves into the tissues, which can help in the early stages with pain relief and swelling and in the later stages of rehabilitation, will have a micro massage effect and stimulate blood flow into the muscle.
Laser therapy — Cold laser therapy stimulates the blood flow, energy uptake and healing of wounds, incisions, scars, fractures, soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries, bumblefoot (pododermatitis), etc..
Regular infrared sauna use — especially in the mid-infrared range — has been shown to significantly stimulate blood flow, even after your health sauna session is completed.
Ketones also stimulate blood flow to the brain which improves circulation and delivery of oxygen to brain cells improving overall brain function.
Effective for relieving stress, tension, and chronic headaches, by stimulating blood flow in the scalp region
The goal here is to step away from your screen, put an end to that endless sitting posture, and stimulate blood flow to the muscles of your body.
15 - Minute Conference Breakout Sessions with Well & Being at Willow Stream Spa fitness experts who lead guests in breathing, stretching, laughing, relaxing, reviving and other movement designed to stimulate blood flow, relieve tension, relax muscles, re-focus minds and energize bodies.
The Ultra Femme 360 is a radio frequency treatment that disrupts collagen fibers and stimulates blood flow to tighten your birth canal after babies.
The herb is also theorized to stimulate blood flow to the mammary glands, thus enriching milk flow; however there are no studies documenting this.
It is common in recovery rooms and post surgery for physicians to prescribe these stockings for patients to prevent coagulation (thrombosis) and stimulate blood flow.
Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus): This plant increases milk production by stimulating blood flow to the breast tissue, and works well combined with red raspberry leaves.
This works by stimulating blood flow to the mammary glands thus helping to produce more milk.
Lactate levels were significantly lower in players kitted out in the compression garments, possibly because they stimulate blood flow that clears the substance.
For anyone unlucky enough to have his pudendal and perineal nerves traumatically stimulated, Leventhal recommends ice for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling, heat for the next 24 to stimulate blood flow and hasten healing, and perhaps giving up softball for a pastime like quoits, or perhaps some online Quidditch.
For one, they start to explain why Viagra doesn't work for women, even though it stimulates blood flow to the genitals: The relationship between physiological arousal and sexual function is complicated.
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