Sentences with phrase «to stomach the volatility»

To stomach the volatility means to be able to tolerate or bear with the sudden and unpredictable changes or fluctuations in a certain situation or market without feeling uncomfortable or losing confidence. Full definition
I decided that I could not stomach the volatility of the precious metal price fluctuations anymore, so I decided to stick with my goal of slowly accumulating shares of high quality companies that pay dividends.
I decided that I could not stomach the volatility of the precious metal price fluctuations anymore, so I decided to stick with my goal of slowly accumulating shares of high quality companies that pay dividends.
I think the only path to semi-peace-of-mind besides total obliviousness for people who have trouble stomaching volatility (just about everyone) is sticking to your asset allocation.
If someone can stomach volatility then equity mutual funds + Term insurance would be even better.
Elon Musk told investors not to buy Tesla Inc. shares if they can't stomach volatility.
But investors willing to stomach some volatility will appreciate Chai's focus on the long term.
The conservative portfolio is best for someone who can't stomach volatility or who expects to need their money in the short term.
Learning how to stomach volatility (ironically as this edition of the roundup... Read More»
Some growth investors, like Schmehl, can stomach the volatility, so they'll pay little attention to valuations.
Those tech titans have been good to own and good for writing covered calls (as long as you can stomach the volatility — which, of course, is the source of their fat option premiums).
So, if I can stomach the volatility, buy the TSX index (for instance), and come out ahead of any «mix», by at least 0.5 %!
HAWK is a highly risky play in a sea (or Gulf) of question marks, but one for which the risk may be justified by margin of safety and possibly significant upside, if one can stomach the volatility.
High rates and potential tax advantages make master limited partnerships attractive to some, if investors can stomach the volatility.
And if they can stomach the volatility, investors in Bitcoin have done quite well, and a little bit better than if they had invested in the WinkDex.
The market as a whole is not for the faint of heart, but if you believe in cryptocurrencies and can stomach the volatility, then the Ripple price prediction 2018 is certainly looking positive.
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