Sentences with phrase «to stop reproducing»

Once deprived of Abl, the tumor cells stop reproducing and die.
In Germany, Google stopped reproducing snippets of text in Google News, and the publishers granted the firm a free (albeit temporary) licence once they saw how their traffic suffered.
When they cranked up levels of those RNAs in cells infected with herpes, the viruses almost stopped reproducing.
Males generally live about 30 years, whereas female killer whales stop reproducing in their 30s and 40s and live for many more decades.
Frankincense separates the «brain» of the cancerous cell — the nucleus — from the «body» — the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.
Both share a space with surrealism in the positioning of animals (artificial or deceased) in industrial spaces (London's Battersea Power Station is the iconic backdrop of the «Animals» cover) as mute commentary, perhaps, on man's destructive relationship with his environment — a read that jibes comfortably with the thrust of Children of Men, in which we're told that one day in the not - too - distant future, humans suddenly stop reproducing.
Once neutered, the cats stop reproducing and die off naturally.
The cats won't stop reproducing while you're trying to decide what to do!
One day, the cell division in one of the flasks seemed to be slowing down, and after about the 40th doubling, the cells stopped reproducing.
Anyone who believes the earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old and that dinosaurs strolled through the Garden with Adam and Eve, and oh yes, that Eve talked to a snake in a tree, need to stop reproducing.
And when will those people ever learn to stop reproducing!
Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction — one last midnight — brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.»
Instead, Labour needs to have the courage to take a stand and stop reproducing a false narrative that breeds hate and xenophobia.
We take a very long time to grow up, we are long - lived, and most of us stop reproducing halfway through our lifespan.
«That showed how they helped and why they lived so long after menopause, but it didn't explain why they stop reproducing,» he says, noting that in other species, such as elephants, older females also share wisdom and knowledge with their daughters, but continue to have calves.
Beginning in 2005, these oysters in the bay, known as natural sets, stopped reproducing.
Much like a typical family after Thanksgiving dinner, the yeast fall into a «food coma» and stop reproducing.
* In the cooler months, your kefir may slow down or stop reproducing.
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